
rose by 3%, retirees' pensions rose for 20 consecutive years, when will farmers' pensions rise? 2 pieces of good news

author:Huinong Circle - Sister Azhen

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rose by 3%, retirees' pensions rose for 20 consecutive years, when will farmers' pensions rise? 2 pieces of good news

Recently, the news of retirees' pension "20 consecutive rises" rushed to the hot search, this time the increase was 3%, a pension of 4,000 yuan for a person, roughly estimated to rise 120 yuan, higher than the pension of farmers in some provinces.

rose by 3%, retirees' pensions rose for 20 consecutive years, when will farmers' pensions rise? 2 pieces of good news

Many netizens have complained, when can farmers' pensions rise? 2 pieces of good news have arrived!

01. Retirees' pensions have risen for 20 consecutive years

Social security is the basic welfare and security of a country and society, as long as you have been insured for more than 15 years, you can receive a considerable pension after retirement.

Recently, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security announced the pension adjustment plan for 2024, with an increase of 3%, which is the 20th consecutive year that the pension of employees' social security has risen.

As early as 2005, the pension increase reached 8.5%, and the following year it was as high as 14.9%, and from 2008 to 2015, the annual increase in pensions was 10%.

Since 2016, the increase in pensions has decreased, with an increase of 5% from 2017 to 2020, 4% in 2022, 3.8% last year and 3% this year.

rose by 3%, retirees' pensions rose for 20 consecutive years, when will farmers' pensions rise? 2 pieces of good news

According to statistics, the pension of the elderly in 2004 was 800 yuan, and after 20 years of pension increases, the pension will rise to 3,445 yuan in 2023, which is enviable.

Before the pension increase in 2024 comes out, many people predict that this year's increase will be around 4%, after all, the GDP growth rate in 2023 will exceed 5%, while the value in 2022 will be 3%.

I never thought that the pension increase was only 3%, what is going on? In fact, this is mainly related to prices and wages, after all, the rise in pensions is to ease the pressure brought by rising prices.

Prices rose by 2% in 2022 compared to 0.2% in 2023, and combined with rising wages in 2023, a 3% increase in pensions is reasonable.

It is also necessary to consider that after 20 years of rise, the national average pension has reached 3,372 yuan, which is already a high level, much higher than the minimum wage threshold of each province, so it is natural that the pension increase will slow down.

rose by 3%, retirees' pensions rose for 20 consecutive years, when will farmers' pensions rise? 2 pieces of good news

Although the pension increase plan was only announced in June, as long as those who retire before the end of 2023 can enjoy the increase in pensions, and the rise time is calculated from January 1, 2024, and it is expected that the pension raised in the first half of the year will be repaid in July.

02. The pension of 5 categories of people has the highest increase

It is worth mentioning that although the pension will be raised by 3% in 2024, not all retirees will rise by 3%, which is an average increase.

And the pension rise is mainly the "three-step" principle, one is the fixed adjustment, that is, the same amount adjustment of retirees in different provinces in the region, not limited by the number of years of insurance and length of service.

The second is the linkage adjustment, including the number of years of personal insurance and the level of pension, mainly reflecting the advantages of long-term payment and overpayment, the longer the insurance period, the higher the insurance grade, the higher the pension will naturally be obtained.

The third is the tilt adjustment, which is mainly beneficial to retirees and the elderly in difficult and remote areas.

rose by 3%, retirees' pensions rose for 20 consecutive years, when will farmers' pensions rise? 2 pieces of good news

So, who has their pensions increased by more than 3%?

1. People with high pension levels.

Last year's peg was adjusted to 1-2%, and this year it is expected to be 0.8-1.5%, for those with high pension levels, such as a pension of 10,000 yuan, even if it is an increase of 1%, the pension can also be increased by 100 yuan. And the reason why these people have such a high pension is mainly because of the high participation base.

2. Those who have been insured for a long time.

Policies in most regions are favorable to people with long insurance years, such as Beijing and Shanghai. For example, in Beijing, the insurance period is 3 yuan for every 1 year of payment, and if you participate in the insurance for 30 years, the pension is 75 yuan higher than that for 15 years.

In Jiangsu, Shandong and other places, the longer the insurance period, the higher the increase standard. For example, if the insurance period in Jiangsu is less than 15 years, the basic pension increase is 1.3 yuan/year; The insurance period is 16-25 years, with an increase of 2.1 yuan/year; The insurance period is more than 25 years, and the increase is 3.7 yuan / year, which is nearly 3 times that of 1.3 yuan.

rose by 3%, retirees' pensions rose for 20 consecutive years, when will farmers' pensions rise? 2 pieces of good news

3. The elderly

For the elderly over 70 years old, they have basically lost their ability to work and can only rely on pensions to support themselves. In order to give them a better life, society will naturally care more about them. Therefore, the elderly will also have additional subsidies, and the pension increase of these people will naturally be higher.

4. People with low pension levels

In recent years, there has been a problem of too large a gap in pensions in the mainland, and the personnel of public institutions can often get a pension of about 10,000 yuan, but the retired personnel of enterprises are only about 2,000-3,000 yuan or even lower.

In order to shorten the gap, there will be a "fixed adjustment" to the pension, no matter who increases it. However, due to the low base of people with low pension levels, the same increase of 30 yuan is also greater.

5. People in difficult and remote areas

For this kind of people, the state has always been a key support, and is divided into 1-6 levels, the higher the level, the more difficult it is, and the corresponding pension increase will be higher.

rose by 3%, retirees' pensions rose for 20 consecutive years, when will farmers' pensions rise? 2 pieces of good news

03. Netizen: When will farmers rise?

For the rise in the level of pensions, it can be said that some people are happy and some are worried. For those with higher pensions, they can easily get higher pensions in this increase. For example, a retired teacher surnamed Wang said that his pension is 10,000 yuan, and this increase is expected to increase by 300 yuan, so he can eat more.

But for people with lower pensions, their increases are much less. For example, Aunt Liu is a retired employee and can receive 2,000 yuan per month, but this increase can only be about 60 yuan.

Many people don't understand, why do pensions still engage in "class"? Why are the public institutions rising higher? They pay less, but they can receive pensions several times higher than ordinary people. In addition, no matter what the ability to contribute at work, after retirement, they should always retire at home, and they should not engage in "privileges".

However, the most heart-wrenching is the farmers, many netizens questioned, why the pensions of retirees rise every year, but the pensions of farmers only rise once in a few years? It's only going up 5-20 yuan at a time?

rose by 3%, retirees' pensions rose for 20 consecutive years, when will farmers' pensions rise? 2 pieces of good news

There are 120 million elderly people in rural areas on the mainland, and the average pension of these people is only 204 yuan, and the pension in six provinces is less than 120 yuan per month, and only a few areas such as Bei, Shangjin and Tianjin have more than 300 yuan.

For example, the basic pension in Jiangxi is 123 yuan/month, Hubei is 115 yuan per month, Henan is 128 yuan per month, Gansu is 113 yuan/month, Anhui is 110 yuan/month, and Shanxi is 123 yuan per month.

Most of these retirees are post-50s and post-65s, who not only shuttle in the farmland, but also actively come to the big cities to build houses, bridges, railways, etc., and are the main labor force of China's reform and opening up, and have made a lot of contributions to the development of the country.

Now that they are old, they are exhausted from running around all the year round, and they can only take medicine all year round, and the state should raise their pensions for them.

The increase in pensions for farmers can narrow the gap between urban and rural areas, so that the lives of the elderly in rural areas can be guaranteed, so that they can enjoy more fruits of reform and opening up, and increase their sense of happiness.

rose by 3%, retirees' pensions rose for 20 consecutive years, when will farmers' pensions rise? 2 pieces of good news

In fact, the country has also seen the voice of farmers, but also knows that rural pensions are generally low, recently the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security issued the "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Rural Pension Services", which brought two good news.

1. Encourage participation in personal pensions

In fact, as early as a few years ago, the official drew up a third-party commercial pension, and everyone can pay personal pensions on the basis of participating in social security, so as to avoid the problem of low pensions after retirement.

Although personal pension is financial and social security, it is the third pillar of the officially endorsed pension system. On the basis of participating in social security, you can participate in the personal pension, up to 12,000 yuan per year, and you can receive the corresponding pension according to the amount of insurance after retirement.

Of course, at present, this policy is only piloted in 36 regions and has not yet been popularized throughout the country, but the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has made it clear that it will be carried out nationwide in a few years, so that farmers can also pay their personal pensions as soon as possible.

2. Improve the adjustment mechanism for urban social security benefits

When urban and rural residents pay social security, in addition to individual insurance, the state, government, collectives and society will also provide subsidies for them. However, at present, only the state and government subsidies are really implemented, which makes it difficult to increase the pension significantly.

rose by 3%, retirees' pensions rose for 20 consecutive years, when will farmers' pensions rise? 2 pieces of good news

But next, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security will promote those powerful village collectives to provide financial subsidies for farmers to participate in insurance, so that they can receive more pensions.

The above two good news is a great benefit to rural people, but it should be noted that farmers want to receive more pensions, it is best to increase the number of years and time of insurance, in line with the principle of paying more and getting more, and improve the level of insurance under the conditions of economic allowability, so as to ensure that they can enjoy higher treatment after retirement.

Of course, the author suggests that farmers can also participate in flexible employment insurance if they have the conditions, so that even if they do not work in enterprises, they can also participate in the social security of urban workers, and the pension they receive after retirement can reach more than 1,000 yuan.


rose by 3%, retirees' pensions rose for 20 consecutive years, when will farmers' pensions rise? 2 pieces of good news