
Does high uric acid cause gout? If you don't want to develop gout, do 3 things or the key

author:Dr. Wang of the Department of Nephrology

Uncle Li is 65 years old this year and is a warm-hearted old resident of the community. In normal times, his favorite thing is to drink tea and chat with old friends and enjoy the leisurely life after retirement. Some time ago, Uncle Li found that his uric acid value was high during a physical examination, which made him very worried. When he heard that high uric acid can easily cause gout, he immediately thought of the painful scene of his neighbor Lao Zhao's gout attack: severe toe pain, and even walking became a problem. Thinking of this, Uncle Li beat a drum in his heart, afraid that he would follow in the footsteps of Lao Zhao.

Does high uric acid cause gout? If you don't want to develop gout, do 3 things or the key

In order to figure out the relationship between high uric acid and gout, Uncle Li went to the hospital to consult an expert. The doctor explained to him in detail the relationship between high uric acid and gout and advised him to take some precautions. After a period of adjustment and hard work, Uncle Li found that although the uric acid level was still high, he did not have gout symptoms. This experience made him understand that high uric acid does not necessarily cause gout, and that it can be completely avoided with proper precautions.

The relationship between uric acid and gout

Uric acid is a metabolite in the human body, which is mainly produced by purine metabolism. Purines are found in many foods that we consume, especially animal offal, seafood, and certain legumes. When purines are metabolized, uric acid is produced, which is excreted by the body through the kidneys. However, when uric acid is produced too much or is not excreted well, it can accumulate in the blood, forming hyperuricemia.

The relationship between hyperuricemia and gout is not a simple causal relationship. Gout is caused by the deposition of urate crystals in joints, soft tissues, and other areas, triggering a violent inflammatory response. High uric acid is an important risk factor for gout, but not all patients with hyperuricemia will develop gout. According to statistics, only about 10%-20% of patients with hyperuricemia will eventually develop gout. This means that even if uric acid levels are high, there is a high chance that gout will not develop.

So why do some people with hyperuricemia develop gout and others don't? This is related to a variety of factors. First, urate solubility varies at different pH and temperatures. In cold and acidic environments, urate is more likely to precipitate into crystals, which is why gout attacks often occur at night or during the cold season. Secondly, the genetic factors of the individual also play an important role. Some people are naturally more sensitive to urate and are prone to crystallization. Thirdly, dietary habits, lifestyle, and other health conditions, such as obesity, high blood pressure, and abnormal glucose metabolism, can also affect the risk of developing gout.

After understanding the relationship between uric acid and gout, Uncle Li decided to start with diet, exercise and lifestyle habits to prevent the occurrence of gout. Doctors advised him to first control his diet, reduce his intake of high-purine foods, and eat more vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Secondly, increase moderate exercise to promote the metabolism and excretion of uric acid. Finally, maintain good lifestyle habits and avoid staying up late and being overtired.

In terms of diet, Uncle Li quit beer and animal offal, and increased the intake of vegetables and low-purine foods. Every morning, he goes for an hour walk in the park to get some exercise. At the same time, he also focuses on weight control and avoiding obesity, which is an important risk factor for hyperuricemia and gout. After a period of hard work, Uncle Li's uric acid level has decreased, and his body feels much better.

Does high uric acid cause gout? If you don't want to develop gout, do 3 things or the key

High uric acid does not necessarily trigger gout, but we need to take proactive precautions to reduce the risk of gout. Controlling your diet, exercising moderately, and maintaining good lifestyle habits are key to preventing gout. At the same time, regular physical examinations and monitoring of uric acid levels can also help us detect problems in time and take effective countermeasures. Through scientific management and an active lifestyle, we can completely control uric acid levels and avoid gout.

If you don't want to develop gout, do 3 things or the key

Regulate your diet to reduce your high-purine intake

One of the keys to controlling uric acid levels is to regulate your diet, especially reducing your intake of high-purine foods. High-purine foods include organ meats, certain seafood (such as shrimp, crab, shellfish), and red meat. When these foods are metabolized in the body, they produce large amounts of uric acid, increasing the level of uric acid in the blood. Therefore, reducing the intake of high-purine foods is an effective measure to prevent gout.

At the same time, it is also important to increase the intake of low-purine foods. Vegetables, fruits, and whole grains are not only low in purines, but they're also high in fiber and vitamins, which can help improve overall health. For example, fruits such as cherries, citrus fruits, and strawberries contain antioxidants that can help lower uric acid levels. In addition, adequate hydration can also help dilute uric acid and promote its excretion. It is recommended to drink no less than 8 glasses (about 2 liters) of water per day to maintain a good metabolic state.

Specific dietary recommendations include eating enough vegetables and fruits each day, choosing lean meat instead of red meat, and avoiding organ meats and high-purine seafood as much as possible. At the same time, you can eat more foods rich in dietary fiber, such as oats, whole wheat bread, and brown rice, which can help control blood sugar levels and further reduce uric acid production.

Does high uric acid cause gout? If you don't want to develop gout, do 3 things or the key

Moderate exercise to boost metabolism

Moderate exercise is another important way to regulate uric acid levels. Exercise can promote metabolism, accelerate the excretion of uric acid, and reduce the accumulation of uric acid in the body. Middle-aged and elderly people are suitable for choosing some low-intensity exercises, such as walking, swimming and tai chi. These exercises not only strengthen the physique, but also avoid excessive load on the joints.

Walking is a simple and easy way to exercise, and a 30-minute brisk walk every day can effectively promote blood circulation and help uric acid excretion. Swimming is also a great whole-body exercise that not only builds muscles but also relieves pressure on the joints, especially for arthritis sufferers. Tai Chi combines gentle movements and deep breathing to help relax the body and mind, improve cardiopulmonary fitness, and is especially suitable for middle-aged and elderly people.

150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week can effectively improve uric acid metabolism. When exercising, you need to pay attention to gradual and avoid sudden increases in the amount of exercise to prevent excessive fatigue or injury. Stretching and relaxation after exercise are also very important to help muscles recover and reduce soreness.

Maintain good lifestyle habits and balance your weight

Maintaining good lifestyle habits is essential to control uric acid levels and prevent gout. Proper weight is the foundation of health, and obesity is closely related to high uric acid, so weight control is an important measure to prevent gout. A healthy diet combined with moderate exercise can help middle-aged and older adults maintain their ideal weight and reduce uric acid production.

A regular routine is also an important factor in maintaining good health. A good night's sleep regulates the endocrine system and promotes uric acid metabolism. It is recommended to maintain 7-8 hours of high-quality sleep every night and try to avoid staying up late. Going to bed early and waking up early and keeping your biological clock regular can boost your immunity and improve your overall health.

Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol is equally important to control uric acid levels. Smoking affects blood circulation, reduces the body's ability to fight inflammation, and increases the risk of gout. Alcohol, especially beer and spirits, is high in purines, which can significantly increase uric acid levels. Therefore, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol is a necessary measure to prevent gout. For people with long-term drinking habits, it is advisable to gradually reduce alcohol intake and seek professional help to ensure that the abstinence process is safe and effective.

Does high uric acid cause gout? If you don't want to develop gout, do 3 things or the key

In addition, regular medical check-ups are an important part of gout prevention. Patients with hyperuricemia should have a comprehensive examination once a year to monitor uric acid levels and other relevant indicators to identify potential problems in a timely manner. Based on the results of the physical examination, develop a personalized health management plan, including diet, exercise, and medication interventions, to ensure that uric acid levels remain within a safe range.

Through dietary regulation, moderate exercise and maintaining good lifestyle habits, hyperuricemia can be effectively prevented from developing into gout. Middle-aged and elderly people should actively take these measures to improve their quality of life and enjoy a healthy old age.