
If the body examination reveals fatty liver, don't panic, if you want to "drive away" the fat, it is recommended to insist on doing 2 things

author:Dr. Wang of the Department of Nephrology

A few months ago, Uncle Li underwent a routine physical examination at a community hospital. When the medical report came out, he found out that he had been diagnosed with fatty liver. Faced with this result, Uncle Li was very worried, and his heart was full of questions and uneasiness. Uncle Li is a retired worker who likes to play mahjong with friends on weekdays and occasionally have dinner with old colleagues. Life seemed peaceful, but the diagnosis of fatty liver made him suddenly realize his health problems.

If the body examination reveals fatty liver, don't panic, if you want to "drive away" the fat, it is recommended to insist on doing 2 things

The doctor told Uncle Li that fatty liver is caused by excessive fat accumulation in liver cells, and if left uncontrolled, it may develop into more serious liver disease. However, doctors also point out that fatty liver can be reversed through lifestyle changes. Uncle Li listened to the doctor's advice and decided to change his lifestyle and start a "battle" against fatty liver.

Uncle Li's story is not unique. With the improvement of living standards and changes in dietary habits, fatty liver has become a common metabolic disease. Data show that the incidence of fatty liver disease in mainland China is increasing year by year, and it has become an important problem affecting public health. Although fatty liver has no obvious symptoms in the early stage, if left untreated, it can lead to a series of serious health problems, including liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. Therefore, the prevention and treatment of fatty liver disease is particularly important.

Eat a reasonable diet and control your diet

The importance of dietary modification

The formation of fatty liver is closely related to diet. The liver is an important metabolic organ of the human body, and excessive intake of fat, sugar, and high-calorie foods can lead to the accumulation of fat in the liver, resulting in the formation of fatty liver. In modern society, the prevalence of high-fat, high-sugar diets has led to an increasing incidence of fatty liver. In order to effectively "drive away" fatty liver, we must first start with diet and make scientific and reasonable adjustments.

A low-fat, high-fiber diet

A low-fat and high-fiber diet is one of the important strategies to control fatty liver. Fiber increases satiety and reduces the intake of high-calorie foods, while also promoting bowel movements and helping to eliminate toxins from the body. It is recommended to choose more fiber-rich foods in your daily diet, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, etc. For example, you can choose oatmeal with fruit for breakfast, and eat more leafy greens and whole grains for lunch and dinner.

In addition, reducing fat intake is key. High-fat foods can easily lead to fat accumulation in the liver, so avoid excessive intake of fried foods, fatty meats, and high-fat dairy products. Choose low-fat ingredients such as chicken breast, fish, and soy products. These ingredients not only provide sufficient protein, but also do not increase the burden on the liver.

Control sugars and refined carbohydrates

In addition to fat, excessive intake of sugars and refined carbohydrates is also one of the causes of fatty liver disease. High-sugar foods and refined carbohydrates are quickly converted into glucose in the body, and excess glucose is converted into fat and stored in the liver. Therefore, it is important to minimize the intake of sugars and refined carbohydrates in your daily diet.

It is recommended to eat less high-sugar foods such as desserts and sugary drinks, and instead choose low-sugar fruits such as apples and pears. In addition, refined grains can be substituted with whole grains, such as brown rice, whole wheat bread instead of white rice, and white bread. Not only do these whole grains provide more fiber, but they can also help control blood sugar levels and reduce the burden on the liver.

If the body examination reveals fatty liver, don't panic, if you want to "drive away" the fat, it is recommended to insist on doing 2 things

Healthy fat intake

Although it is necessary to reduce fat intake, it is not completely fat-free. Healthy fats are still essential for the body. Choosing unsaturated fatty acids, such as nuts, fish, and olive oil, can help improve fat metabolism and reduce fat accumulation in the liver. Fish such as salmon, sardines, etc., can be eaten several times a week, and they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are very beneficial for liver health.

Diet recording and self-monitoring

In order to better control your diet, it is advisable to make it a habit to keep track of what you eat. By keeping track of what you eat every day, you can get a clear picture of your calories and nutrients, so you can make timely adjustments. You can use some mobile apps or a simple notebook to record your diet, review and analyze it regularly, find out the existing problems and improve them.

Practice dietary modification strategies

To help you better practice your diet modification strategy, here's a simple example of a healthy recipe for the week:

Breakfast: oatmeal with fruit, low-fat yogurt

Lunch: Whole wheat sandwich with plenty of lettuce, tomato and chicken breast

Dinner: Brown rice, steamed fish and leafy greens

Interspersed food: apples, nuts

If the body examination reveals fatty liver, don't panic, if you want to "drive away" the fat, it is recommended to insist on doing 2 things

Through scientific and reasonable dietary adjustment, we can effectively control weight, reduce the burden on the liver, and help reverse fatty liver. In the months after Uncle Li changed his eating habits, he gradually lost weight, his liver fat also decreased, and the results of the physical examination improved significantly. This not only made him feel relieved, but also boosted his confidence to stick to a healthy lifestyle.

Moderate exercise to get rid of fatty liver

How exercise affects fatty liver

Fatty liver disease is a common metabolic disease that occurs in people with unhealthy lifestyle habits. Exercise is considered to be one of the important means of managing and treating fatty liver. Exercise improves insulin sensitivity and reduces visceral fat, which in turn reduces fat accumulation in the liver. Studies have shown that regular exercise can significantly improve liver health in people with fatty liver disease.

Aerobic exercise: a powerful tool for burning fat

Aerobic exercise is the most recommended form of exercise for patients with fatty liver disease. Not only does it promote fat burning throughout the body, but it also boosts heart and lung function. Aerobic exercises suitable for middle-aged and elderly people include brisk walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, etc.

Brisk walking is the easiest aerobic exercise to take, and 30 minutes of brisk walking a day can significantly increase metabolism and help burn excess fat. Jogging is another effective option, but you need to gradually increase the amount of exercise according to your physical fitness. Swimming is the exercise with the least pressure on the joints, especially suitable for middle-aged and elderly people with knee problems. Cycling not only exercises the leg muscles, but also strengthens the cardiovascular system.

Strength training: Boosts basal metabolism

Strength training also plays an important role in fatty liver management. Not only does it increase muscle mass, but it also increases basal metabolic rate, which allows you to burn more calories at rest. Strength training for middle-aged and older adults includes dumbbell exercises, elastic band training, and bodyweight training.

If the body examination reveals fatty liver, don't panic, if you want to "drive away" the fat, it is recommended to insist on doing 2 things

Dumbbell exercises can be performed with different weights of dumbbells according to individual ability, and strength training is performed on the arms, shoulders and chest. Elastic band training is a low-impact form of strength training that is perfect for beginners. Bodyweight training, such as push-ups and squats, does not require any equipment and can be performed anytime, anywhere.

Exercise frequency: Find a rhythm that works for you

In order for exercise to effectively improve fatty liver, it is essential to maintain an appropriate frequency and intensity. It is recommended to do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, such as brisk walking, swimming, etc. If you're short on time, you can spread your exercise time into different days of the week for 30 minutes at a time. For those who are used to low-intensity exercise, you can gradually increase the intensity and duration of exercise to find a rhythm that suits you.

Create a personal exercise plan

It's important to have a personalized exercise plan for your situation. First, set a clear goal, such as exercising for 30 minutes five times a week. Second, choose an exercise that suits you and gradually increase the intensity of your exercise. Finally, keep track of the time and type of each exercise and review and adjust the plan regularly to stay motivated and motivated.

Integrate exercise into your daily routine

In addition to dedicated exercise time, integrating physical activity into your daily routine is also an effective strategy. For example, choose to walk or bike to commute to work, climb stairs instead of elevators, engage in regular outdoor activities, etc. These small changes can significantly increase the amount of daily activity and play an important role in the improvement of fatty liver disease.

Avoid exercise mistakes

It's also important to avoid some common misconceptions during exercise. First of all, don't rush things, especially for sedentary people, sudden high-intensity exercise can bring physical discomfort or even injury. Secondly, pay attention to the combination of diet and exercise, and avoid excessive eating after exercise. In addition, maintaining a regular routine and avoiding staying up late is also crucial for the management of fatty liver.

Successful case sharing

A middle-aged man, through a reasonable diet and regular exercise, successfully lost 10 kg in six months, and the fatty liver was significantly improved. His successful experiences include walking briskly for an hour a day, doing strength training twice a week, reducing the intake of high-sugar and high-fat foods in his diet, and eating more fruits and vegetables. These practical practices provide a useful reference for many patients with fatty liver disease.

If the body examination reveals fatty liver, don't panic, if you want to "drive away" the fat, it is recommended to insist on doing 2 things

Moderate exercise can not only effectively improve fatty liver, but also improve overall health. A combination of aerobic exercise and strength training, a personalized exercise plan, and physical activity into your daily routine can help you gradually get rid of fatty liver and restore your health. Stay positive, consistent, and live a healthy lifestyle that will bring you lasting health gains.