
A different kind of marriage: Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi

author:Born to the light after the 70s

#曝陈晓去年底提出离婚 Wanting to get out of the house#

A different kind of marriage: Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi

In the past two days, there have been many articles about Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi's marriage change, but there is no messy evidence to be found. Feel, they are very clean!

A different kind of marriage: Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi

However, they may have really gotten married. Because, it is reported that they have deleted each other's contact information since last year, and the contact between them is through a third party.

A different kind of marriage: Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi

And some people say that Chen Xiao has decided to leave the house, which is a decision that ordinary men can't make, and it also proves his determination to divorce.

It's easy to fall in love - ten years ago, a "The Condor Heroes" came together. The two became famous and became a family, as if they were themselves in the story.

A different kind of marriage: Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi

And they also have their own children, named Little Star! How romantic and beautiful it is to look at the stars together every night.

Now, however, the clouds have obscured the stars!

No one knows why, but it is an ending that will be broken.

A different kind of marriage: Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi

Or, just because I feel a little tired, it's not suitable!

Marriage is the same as life, how can it be so easy, take a break when you are tired, and then help each other to walk again......

Don't give up, or maybe you can go back to the old days in one night!

A different kind of marriage: Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi

Come on, love!

(The picture comes from the Internet, such as invasion and deletion) #陈晓陈妍希 Marriage breakdown#

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