
Bi Yanjun: My ex-wife is actor Chen Xiaoxu, who has been filming diligently for 36 years, and just wants to live a dull life

author:Moe Mobunsha
Bi Yanjun: My ex-wife is actor Chen Xiaoxu, who has been filming diligently for 36 years, and just wants to live a dull life
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Bi Yanjun: My ex-wife is actor Chen Xiaoxu, who has been filming diligently for 36 years, and just wants to live a dull life

On an ordinary night in 2007, Bi Yanjun was alone at home for dinner. Suddenly, the silence was pierced by the ringing of the phone, and he picked up the microphone, and a familiar but unfamiliar voice came from the receiver.

It was his ex-wife Chen Xiaoxu who had been away for 17 years.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment, and the conversation between the two lasted for a full three hours. The past came flooding back, awakening the purest memories in each other's hearts. Bi Yanjun promised to visit her soon, but fate made it their last conversation.

A few days later, the bad news came, and Chen Xiaoxu passed away forever. Bi Yanjun fell into great grief, unable to believe that the once fresh and beautiful woman left quietly.

Bi Yanjun: My ex-wife is actor Chen Xiaoxu, who has been filming diligently for 36 years, and just wants to live a dull life

This phone call has become the key to uncovering the dusty past, and it has also become the final chapter of their emotions.

In the 1970s, 17-year-old Bi Yanjun first joined the Anshan Repertory Theatre. Although he is just an unknown young actor, his handsome appearance has attracted the attention of many people.

But Bi Yanjun didn't care about this, he was so focused on his career that he never thought about emotional matters.

The twist of fate happened on the day 14-year-old Chen Xiaoxu joined the troupe. Although the young newspaper clerk had a menial job and a meager salary, he always enjoyed it.

Bi Yanjun: My ex-wife is actor Chen Xiaoxu, who has been filming diligently for 36 years, and just wants to live a dull life

Chen Xiaoxu has a special hobby, she often hides alone in the corner, immersed in the world of "Dream of Red Mansions", and her obsession with this masterpiece is staggering.

A chance encounter changes everything. Chen Xiaoxu was concentrating on reading when a staff member accidentally dropped the book in her hand. Bi Yanjun, who happened to be passing by, immediately stepped forward to help.

When Chen Xiaoxu raised her head to thank her, her beautiful smile instantly hit Bi Yanjun's heart. At that moment, it was as if he heard the call of fate.

Since then, the relationship between the two has flowed slowly like a spring stream. Chen Xiaoxu's thoughtful gesture made Bi Yanjun feel warm, and she made a small purse full of herbs for him to repel mosquitoes.

Bi Yanjun: My ex-wife is actor Chen Xiaoxu, who has been filming diligently for 36 years, and just wants to live a dull life

Although this small purse does not match Bi Yanjun's dress, he regards it as a treasure and wears it with him every day.

As time passed, the affection between the two gradually sublimated. Their love is as pure as water, unadulterated. Chen Xiaoxu's ideal partner is a person as gentle, polite and courteous as Bi Yanjun.

And Bi Yanjun finally found someone to spend his life with.

However, life is always full of uncertainties. In 1983, on an ordinary day, Chen Xiaoxu quietly read "Dream of Red Mansions" at home as usual. Bi Yanjun ran home excitedly, a newspaper in his hand.

Bi Yanjun: My ex-wife is actor Chen Xiaoxu, who has been filming diligently for 36 years, and just wants to live a dull life

A piece of news in this newspaper will completely change the course of their lives.

The crew of "Dream of Red Mansions" is recruiting actors. At first, Chen Xiaoxu had no interest in it, but with Bi Yanjun's encouragement and encouragement, she finally decided to try. Chen Xiaoxu wrote "I am Lin Daiyu" on the back of a costume photo, while Bi Yanjun attached a poem to the photo.

This seemingly simple decision turned out to be a turning point in their fate.

No one expected that this audition not only made Chen Xiaoxu famous in one fell swoop, but also buried unknown variables in their relationship. The sweet love affair of childhood sweethearts is about to face a major test in life.

Bi Yanjun: My ex-wife is actor Chen Xiaoxu, who has been filming diligently for 36 years, and just wants to live a dull life

In 1983, the casting announcement of the crew of "Dream of Red Mansions" swept the entire entertainment industry like a whirlwind. Chen Xiaoxu, with Bi Yanjun's encouragement, participated in the audition with apprehension.

She sent photos of herself in costume to the crew along with the poems written by Bi Yanjun. This decision, like a butterfly flapping its wings, triggered a great change in their lives.

When director Wang Fulin received Chen Xiaoxu's photos, he was deeply attracted by her beautiful and refined temperament. The photograph seems to have a light of its own, exuding a faint melancholy beauty.

What surprised Wang Fulin even more was the poems attached to the photos, and the talent revealed between the lines made him decide to invite Chen Xiaoxu to audition without hesitation. In the end, Chen Xiaoxu got his wish and successfully won the important role of Lin Daiyu.

Bi Yanjun: My ex-wife is actor Chen Xiaoxu, who has been filming diligently for 36 years, and just wants to live a dull life

In 1987, "Dream of Red Mansions" officially met the audience. Lin Daiyu played by Chen Xiaoxu is like a character who has walked out of a book, her every look and every action is just right.

"Delicate", "sentimental" and "talented", these characteristics of Lin Daiyu are vividly brought to life under Chen Xiaoxu's interpretation. Her performance not only won the love of the audience, but also received unanimous praise from industry insiders.

Watching the person he loves achieve such brilliant achievements in his acting career, Bi Yanjun's heart is full of pride and joy. Although there is a huge gap in the social status of the two - one is a hot star, the other is still an unknown drama actor, Chen Xiaoxu's feelings for Bi Yanjun have not changed at all.

In 1988, they finally entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

Bi Yanjun: My ex-wife is actor Chen Xiaoxu, who has been filming diligently for 36 years, and just wants to live a dull life

However, the joy of fame was soon replaced by the dilemma of reality. The image of Lin Daiyu played by Chen Xiaoxu is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so that she repeatedly hits a wall when trying other roles.

The directors asked her to change her image, fearing that the audience would confuse her with Lin Daiyu. This predicament made Chen Xiaoxu feel painful, and she felt as if she was trapped in Lin Daiyu's role and could not break through.

At the same time, Bi Yanjun's career development also encountered a bottleneck. He was transferred to work in the art troupe, while Chen Xiaoxu chose to become a literary soldier. The difference in the nature and pace of their work makes them spend less and less time together.

Whenever Chen Xiaoxu needs to be relied on, Bi Yanjun often can't appear by her side in time because of his busy work.

Bi Yanjun: My ex-wife is actor Chen Xiaoxu, who has been filming diligently for 36 years, and just wants to live a dull life

Fame brings not only career troubles, but also a severe test of their married life. Chen Xiaoxu's inner world became more and more sensitive and delicate, and she began to doubt Bi Yanjun's every move.

Bi Yanjun, on the other hand, was confused because he couldn't understand his wife's emotional changes.

In 1990, Bi Yanjun and Chen Xiaoxu's marriage came to its third year. On the surface, they never seem to quarrel, but the undercurrent of crisis is quietly spreading.

The once sweet world of two people is now full of silence and alienation.

Bi Yanjun: My ex-wife is actor Chen Xiaoxu, who has been filming diligently for 36 years, and just wants to live a dull life

Chen Xiaoxu began to fall into long periods of silence frequently. She would sit by the window all day long, her eyes empty, and all her emotions buried deep in her heart. Sometimes, she would cry silently, but she was unwilling to confide in Bi Yanjun.

This silent protest tormented Bi Yanjun, who could not understand why his wife had suddenly become so unapproachable.

As time passed, Chen Xiaoxu's inner world became more and more sensitive. She began to doubt everything that had changed in Bi Yanjun. A hint of an unfamiliar perfume, an unusual phone call, or even a slight change in working hours can trigger a wave in her heart.

At first, they would still have disputes over these trivial matters, but gradually, Chen Xiaoxu chose to suppress all his dissatisfaction and anger in the bottom of his heart.

Bi Yanjun: My ex-wife is actor Chen Xiaoxu, who has been filming diligently for 36 years, and just wants to live a dull life

Chen Xiaoxu's personality is very similar to the Lin Daiyu she plays. She is accustomed to burying all her emotions deep and is reluctant to confide in others. In her cognition, if Bi Yanjun really loves her, she should be able to feel her emotional changes and understand her thoughts.

For Bi Yanjun, however, these subtle changes are often imperceptible. He didn't understand why his wife was angry over something that seemed inconsequential to him.

This gap between expectations and reality has gradually built an invisible wall between them. Once, Bi Yanjun specially took half a month's vacation to accompany Chen Xiaoxu.

He was full of hope that the relationship between the two could be repaired, however, to his surprise, Chen Xiaoxu remained silent for several days and refused to communicate with him.

Bi Yanjun: My ex-wife is actor Chen Xiaoxu, who has been filming diligently for 36 years, and just wants to live a dull life

She sat alone in front of the window, her gaze wandering, as if she were in another world.

Bi Yanjun tried to break this silence, but every time he spoke, he only got Chen Xiaoxu's deeper silence. He felt helpless and confused, and didn't know how to get into his wife's inner world.

This wordless cold war lasted for a long time, eventually draining their eight-year-long relationship.

In 1990, when they got the divorce certificate, Bi Yanjun's eyes were full of tears. He said softly: "Chen Xiaoxu, I hope you can find someone who really understands you and loves you."

Bi Yanjun: My ex-wife is actor Chen Xiaoxu, who has been filming diligently for 36 years, and just wants to live a dull life

With that, he turned and left, not daring to look back again. Who would have thought that this parting would become an eternal secret.

The breakdown of this marriage was not only due to personality differences, but also due to their lack of effective communication in the face of difficult situations. Chen Xiaoxu expects Bi Yanjun to be able to read her mind, while Bi Yanjun hopes that his wife can express her thoughts directly.

This gap between expectations and reality eventually led to the exhaustion of their feelings.

Their love, like a beautiful dream, fades under the weight of reality. Those once sweet memories, those shared visions of the future, all disappeared with the issuance of the divorce certificate.

Bi Yanjun: My ex-wife is actor Chen Xiaoxu, who has been filming diligently for 36 years, and just wants to live a dull life

This pair of beautiful people, who were once known as the golden boy and girl, finally failed to withstand the test of life and went their separate ways.

After the divorce, Bi Yanjun and Chen Xiaoxu's lives went in completely different directions, like two parallel lines, and it was difficult to intersect.

Chen Xiaoxu showed a surprising determination. Only a year after the divorce, she and Hao Tong entered the palace of marriage. Perhaps in order to get rid of Lin Daiyu's shadow, she resolutely decided to quit the showbiz and switch to the advertising industry.

The decision came as a surprise to many, but Chen Xiaoxu showed remarkable adaptability and tenacity. Over the years, she gradually rose to prominence in the advertising industry and eventually became an influential local elite.

Bi Yanjun: My ex-wife is actor Chen Xiaoxu, who has been filming diligently for 36 years, and just wants to live a dull life

At the same time, Bi Yanjun chose to devote all his energy to artistic creation. He moved into a large compound in Beijing and began a simple and fulfilling life.

Here he found inner peace. In his spare time, Bi Yanjun would always sit around with his neighbors, chatting over tea and listening to the birds. The neighbors took special care of the mild-mannered actor and often prepared delicious home-cooked meals for him, making him feel at home after his busy work.

During this period, Bi Yanjun's acting career began to flourish. He has successfully created a series of vivid characters in Beijing Hutongs in many well-known TV series such as "Xiaojing Hutong" and "Mixed in Beijing", which has won the applause of the audience and the praise of the industry.

His deep understanding of the characters and delicate performances make these ordinary little characters come to life and penetrate into the hearts of the people.

Bi Yanjun: My ex-wife is actor Chen Xiaoxu, who has been filming diligently for 36 years, and just wants to live a dull life

Opportunity always favors those who are prepared. Not long after, the famous director Guo Baochang came to the door and invited Bi Yanjun to join the filming of "Mansion Gate". This series caused a sensation in the casting stage, attracting a number of top stars including Jiang Wen, Jiang Shan, Siqin Gaowa, Liu Bei and so on to audition.

However, with his deep understanding of old Beijing life and superb acting skills, Bi Yanjun finally stood out and successfully won the important role of "Bai Yingxuan".

The success of "Mansion Gate" has taken Bi Yanjun's acting career to a higher level, and he has gradually become an indispensable and powerful actor in the eyes of the audience. However, just when Bi Yanjun's career was booming, fate once again played a cruel joke on them.

Chen Xiaoxu's life trajectory began to take a sharp turn and came to a tragic ending that no one wanted to see.

Bi Yanjun: My ex-wife is actor Chen Xiaoxu, who has been filming diligently for 36 years, and just wants to live a dull life

In 2005, the haze of fate shrouded Chen Xiaoxu's life. Her physical condition began to deteriorate dramatically, but she still insisted on working. Until one day after the Spring Festival in 2006, on the way to the company, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her chest and almost fainted.

After diagnosis, Chen Xiaoxu unfortunately suffered from breast cancer. Faced with this harsh reality, she chose an unexpected path - to go to Buddhism alone to seek inner peace.

In 2007, at the last moment of his life, Chen Xiaoxu's thoughts kept returning to the good old days when he met Bi Yanjun. She finally realized how proud and stubborn she had been, and deeply regretted that she had not been able to cherish the time she spent with Bi Yanjun.

Although she has remarried, Bi Yanjun has always occupied an irreplaceable place in her heart.

Bi Yanjun: My ex-wife is actor Chen Xiaoxu, who has been filming diligently for 36 years, and just wants to live a dull life

After Chen Xiaoxu passed away, Bi Yanjun re-established a family under the introduction of a friend. Today, at the age of 66, he lives an ordinary and happy life. He still maintains his love for acting, devotes most of his time to crew work, and hands over all his income to his wife.

Bi Yanjun has always maintained a low-key attitude towards life. He often said: "I'm just an ordinary actor who focuses on performing arts and pursues an ordinary life." Although life is as calm as water, whenever he recalls Chen Xiaoxu, he still has a faint sadness in his heart, which is the most precious emotion after years of precipitation.

This emotion, like an old wine, becomes more mellow, but with a touch of bitterness.

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