
The daughter-in-law ate the snake at once, and the mother-in-law poured salt on her dress, and screams came from the room that night

author:Brilliant Star Han, hehe

The daughter-in-law ate the snake at once, and the mother-in-law sprinkled salt on her dress

In the distant ancient village, there is an ancient mansion that has been eroded by time, and it stands quietly on the edge of the village, as if guarding an unknown secret. The owner of the house, surnamed Li, was a taciturn old man, and his daughter-in-law's name was Xiu'e, a beautiful woman with a withdrawn personality.

Since Xiu'e married into the Li family, she has had a puzzling habit - she must eat snake meat at every meal. The villagers have a lot of talk about it, some say that she is born from a snake demon, others say that she has a strange art, but the truth is always like a deep mountain shrouded in thick fog, which makes it difficult for people to snoop.

Granny Li is an old man in the village, she has experienced countless ups and downs when she was young, and she always has an indescribable uneasiness in her heart about Xiu'e's strange behavior. She asked Xiu'e several times, but she always responded with a smile and silence.

One evening, the sky was overcast and dark clouds, as if to herald an impending storm. Xiu'e, as usual, sat alone at the table with a bowl of steaming snake soup. Granny Li stood outside the door, looking at her daughter-in-law with complicated eyes, and an inexplicable fear surged in her heart.

She remembered that the old man in the village had said that snakes were spiritual creatures that could not be harnessed by ordinary people. Xiu'e loves snake meat so much, could it be that she really has an affair with a snake demon? Thinking of this, Granny Li couldn't help but shudder, and she decided to find out the truth.

That night, Granny Li quietly slipped into Xiu'e's room while she was asleep. She saw Xiu'e dressed in red, lying quietly on the bed with a peaceful face. Granny Li took a deep breath, bravely walked to the bed, took out a handful of salt from her arms, and gently sprinkled it on Xiu'e's dress.

She remembered that the old people in the village had said that salt was a thing to ward off evil spirits, and it had a special restraint effect on evil things. She hopes to use this way to force out the secret of Xiu'e.

The daughter-in-law ate the snake at once, and the mother-in-law poured salt on her dress, and screams came from the room that night

However, the moment the salt touched Xiu'e's dress, the originally peaceful room suddenly became extremely strange. A cold wind came from all directions, making the doors and windows thump. Xiu'e's body also began to change, her face was distorted and hideous, and her eyes flashed with green light.

Granny Li was so frightened that she wanted to run away, but her legs were as heavy as lead. She could only watch as Xiu'e sat up from the bed, her body gradually became distorted and deformed, and finally turned into a huge python!

The python opened its bloody mouth and pounced on Granny Li. Granny Li was so frightened that she closed her eyes and waited for death to come. However, just as the python was about to touch her, a golden light fell from the sky, enveloping the python in it.

After the golden light dissipated, the python reverted to Xiu'e's appearance, her face was pale and sweating profusely, as if she had just experienced a life-and-death catastrophe. Seeing this, Granny Li immediately understood everything. It turned out that Xiu'e was not a snake demon, but possessed by a snake demon.

Xiu'e looked at Granny Li, her eyes full of guilt and gratitude. She told Granny Li that she had saved an injured snake when she was young, but she didn't expect this snake to be a snake demon. In order to repay the favor, the snake demon possessed her and provided her with a steady stream of snake meat. But as time passed, the snake demon's demonic aura became heavier and heavier, and it had begun to affect her sanity.

Xiu'e begged Granny Li to forgive her for concealing it, and said that she was willing to find a way to exorcise the snake demon. Granny Li looked at her daughter-in-law's haggard face, and her heart was mixed. She felt sympathy for her daughter-in-law's plight, but also regretted her impulsiveness. She held Xiu'e's hand tightly and told her that she would fully support her.

In this way, on a dark and windy night, Granny Li and Xiu'e joined forces to set up a magic circle on the mountain behind the house, and successfully forced the snake demon out of Xiu'e's body. The snake demon struggled in agony in the circle, and finally turned into a wisp of green smoke and dissipated into the night sky.

The daughter-in-law ate the snake at once, and the mother-in-law poured salt on her dress, and screams came from the room that night

Since then, Xiu'e has returned to her normal life, and she no longer has to eat snakes all at once. And Granny Li also deeply realized the importance of trust and understanding between family members. Their relationship became more intimate and became the envy of the village.

However, this experience also became an eternal secret in their hearts. Whenever there is a dead of night, Granny Li always thinks of that strange night and that thrilling exorcism process. She couldn't help but sigh with emotion, lamenting the impermanence of life and the mystery of fate.

And Xiu'e has become more cherished in her current life, and she knows how difficult it is for her to regain her freedom and peace. She decided to spend the rest of her life helping those in need, so that more people could feel love and warmth.

After successfully exorcising the snake demon, Xiu'e seems to have been reborn, her personality has become more cheerful, and she has more communication with the villagers. She used her experience to warn the villagers not to rescue unknown creatures at will, let alone be used by evil forces.

However, although the snake demon has been removed, Xiu'e's body has been left with deep wounds. She often feels weak and even hallucinates at times. Granny Li saw it in her eyes and felt pain in her heart, and she decided to find a way to help her daughter-in-law recover her health.

One day, Granny Li heard that there was a master in the mountain, who was good at driving away demons and treating various incurable diseases. So, despite her old age, she resolutely decided to go up the mountain to seek medical treatment. After several days of trekking, she finally found the master.

After hearing about Xiu'e's experience, the master pondered for a moment, then took out a prescription and told Granny Li that she only needed to follow the instructions on the prescription, collect the corresponding herbs, and cooperate with specific rituals to help Xiu'e recover her health.

If Granny Li found the treasure, she immediately went down the mountain and began to collect herbs according to the instructions of the master. After several days of hard work, she finally gathered all the herbs she needed. Then, on the night of the full moon, she set up a circle in the backyard of the house according to the instructions of the master and began the healing ceremony.

The ritual went exceptionally smoothly, and the moonlight sprinkled on the circle like water, shimmering with a mysterious light. Granny Li held the herbs in her hand, chanted words in her mouth, and sprinkled the herbs on Xiu'e's body one by one. As the ritual progressed, Xiu'e's face gradually became rosy, and her breathing became steady and powerful.

When the last herb spilled, Xiu'e suddenly let out a crisp laugh. She opened her eyes and looked at Granny Li in front of her, her eyes full of gratitude and joy. She told Granny Li that she felt that her body had returned to normal and that she no longer had any discomfort.

Granny Li was overjoyed when she heard this, she hugged her daughter-in-law tightly, and tears came out of her eyes. She knew that she had finally found a way for her daughter-in-law to recover, and she also felt guilty for her impulsiveness and misunderstanding.

Since then, the relationship between Xiu'e and Granny Li has become more intimate. Together, they take care of the family, cultivate the fields, and help the villagers. Xiu'e also used her own experience and insight to solve many incurable diseases for the villagers and became a highly respected figure in the village.

And the strange incident that once plagued their family was gradually forgotten by the villagers. Whenever this past story is mentioned, everyone will be full of emotion, sympathize with Xiu'e's experience, and feel relieved for her happy life now.

After Xiu'e recovered, she not only regained her former vitality, but also began to participate more actively in various activities in the village. She uses her knowledge and experience to help villagers improve their farming techniques and increase crop yields. At the same time, she often visits the homes of the villagers, cares about their lives and health, and has become an indispensable presence in the hearts of the villagers.

The daughter-in-law ate the snake at once, and the mother-in-law poured salt on her dress, and screams came from the room that night

When Granny Li saw the changes in her daughter-in-law, she was both relieved and proud. She knows very well that all this is what Xiu'e has bought with her tenacity and courage. As a result, she cherishes the time she spends with her daughter-in-law even more, and the two often sit together to chat and share the bits and pieces of life.

However, the good times were short-lived. One day, a ferocious beast appeared in the mountains and forests near the village, frequently attacking the villagers' livestock, and even began to threaten the lives of the villagers. The villagers were helpless to do anything about it, and could only watch as the fruits of their labor were destroyed by wild beasts.

When Xiu'e heard about this, she decided to stand up and protect the peace of the village. Using her knowledge of the mountains and forests, she devised a well-thought-out plan to capture the beast. Although Granny Li was worried about her daughter-in-law's safety, seeing Xiu'e's firm eyes, she finally chose to support.

On a dark and windy night, Xiu'e walked into the mountains and forests alone. With her keen observation and extraordinary courage, she fought fiercely against the beast. After a thrilling battle, Xiu'e finally succeeded in subduing the beast and bringing it back to the village.

When the villagers saw the beast that Xiu'e had brought back, they cheered and applauded her bravery and wisdom. And Xiu'e just smiled faintly, indicating that this was just what she should do. She told the villagers that only by working together as one can we protect our homeland.

After the beast was subdued, the village returned to its former tranquility. And Xiu'e also became a hero of the village because of this heroic act. Her story is widely circulated among the villagers, inspiring them to work hard for the peace and happiness of their homeland.

And Granny Li cherishes the time she spends with her daughter-in-law even more. She knew that it was Xiu'e who used her courage and wisdom to bring peace and happiness to the village. She also understands that as a member of a family, we should support each other, understand each other, and face the difficulties and challenges in life together.

The daughter-in-law ate the snake at once, and the mother-in-law poured salt on her dress, and screams came from the room that night

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Xiu'e and Granny Li have spent countless springs, summers, autumns and winters. Their relationship is still close, and together they have witnessed the change and development of the village. And the strange incident that once plagued their family has long become a good memory in their hearts.

Nowadays, whenever the daughter-in-law eats a snake and her mother-in-law sprinkles salt on her dress, the two will look at each other and smile with emotion. They know that it was that experience that made them cherish each other more and the life they are living now. And their stories will continue to be passed down in the village and become an inspiration for future generations. The daughter-in-law eats a snake at once, and the mother-in-law sprinkles salt on her dress (final paragraph)

With the passage of time, Xiu'e not only established a high prestige in the village, but also worked with Granny Li to keep her farmland in order and became a wealthy family in the village. Their stories have also spread throughout the surrounding villages, and have become a beautiful conversation after tea and dinner.

However, a peaceful life is always short-lived. This year, the village was hit by a once-in-a-century drought, crops withered yellow, rivers dried up, and the villagers' lives were in dire straits. In the face of such a natural disaster, Xiu'e once again stood up.

She recalls her encounter with the snake demon when she was younger, and knows that the power of nature cannot be underestimated, but she also believes that man will conquer heaven. So, she decided to lead the villagers to find water to solve the drought.

At Xiu'e's call, the villagers united and followed her into the mountains and forests to explore possible water sources. After several days of arduous searching, they finally found a hidden mountain spring behind a dense bamboo forest.

The mountain spring is clear and sweet, and the water is abundant, which is enough to solve the problem of water shortage in the village. The villagers cheered and thanked Xiu'e for her leadership and guidance. And Xiu'e just modestly said that this is the result of everyone's joint efforts.

After solving the water source problem, Xiu'e and Granny Li led the villagers to reclaim wasteland and plant drought-tolerant crops to help them survive the drought. Their wisdom and courage once again won the respect and gratitude of the villagers.

The daughter-in-law ate the snake at once, and the mother-in-law poured salt on her dress, and screams came from the room that night

As time passed, Xiu'e and Granny Li grew old, but their spirit remained in the hearts of the villagers forever. Their stories have also become part of the history and culture of the village, passed down from generation to generation.

And the legendary story about the daughter-in-law eating a snake and the mother-in-law sprinkling salt on her dress has become an iconic legend of the village. Every time a new generation grows up, they will hear this story full of mystery and heroism, so that they can learn the spirit of courage and solidarity in the face of difficulties.

After the death of Xiu'e and Granny Li, the villagers built a monument in the center of the village to commemorate them, engraved with their deeds and contributions. Every year, on a certain day, the villagers gather here for a grand celebration to pay their respects and remember these two great women.

And the story of the weird daughter-in-law eating a snake has also become a traditional program that must be told at the celebration. The villagers applauded and cheered enthusiastically as the narrator described the thrilling night and how Xiu'e and Granny Li overcame difficulties to protect their homeland.

This story not only makes people feel the mysterious and eerie atmosphere, but also conveys a kind of perseverance and courage to move forward. And this power will inspire every generation in the village to move forward and create a better future.