
The daughter-in-law sent her mother-in-law to heaven, and the mother-in-law brought back the gold and silver treasures, and she went the next day

author:Brilliant Star Han, hehe

The beekeeper married the second room, and the road was blocked by an old man in a red robe

As soon as it was dawn, Li Sanlang got up. With the entrustment of the red-robed old man in his heart, he decided to go to the land temple in the east of the village to ask for a charm. He left the room lightly, for fear of waking up Cui'er, who was sleeping soundly.

The land temple in Qingshi Village is old, and the temple enshrines the statues of the land lord and the land woman. Li Sanlang knelt in front of the statue and prayed earnestly to the land lord to give him a spell to keep him safe. After he made a wish, he looked up and saw that the idol was holding a golden charm in his hand. He was overjoyed, and quickly took off the charm and carefully put it into his arms.

Back at home, Li Saburo told his mother and matchmaker about the charm. They all thought this was a good sign and discussed how to give the charm to Cui'er. However, at this moment, Cui'er suddenly fell ill. She lay on the bed, pale and weak, and kept shouting, "It's so cold...... It's so cold......"

Li Sanlang was shocked, and hurriedly invited Lang Zhong in the village to treat Cui'er. After Lang Zhong checked the pulse, he shook his head and said, "This girl has a cold breath in her body, I'm afraid that she has fallen into some evil magic." I'll make a recipe and try it first. ”

Li Sanlang took the prescription and hurriedly went to grab the medicine. However, after the medicine was decocted, Cui'er drank it to no avail. On the contrary, her condition became worse and worse, and her whole person became sluggish.

Looking at Cui'er's painful appearance, Li Sanlang's heart was like a knife. He remembered the words of the red-robed old man, and he couldn't help but beat a drum in his heart. Could it be that Cui'er really has an evil spirit? Do you really want to listen to the old man and let her live alone in a house?

The daughter-in-law sent her mother-in-law to heaven, and the mother-in-law brought back the gold and silver treasures, and she went the next day

However, at this moment, the red-robed old man appeared again. He stood outside the courtyard gate of Li Sanlang's house and shouted: "Li Sanlang! Do you remember what I said yesterday? ”

Li Sanlang hurriedly greeted him, and after seeing the red-robed old man, he asked eagerly: "Old man, tell me quickly, what happened to Cui'er?" What's going on with the chill in her body? ”

The red-robed old man sighed and said, "This girl was originally a cold bee spirit that had been cultivated for thousands of years. Because she coveted the prosperity of the world, she came to your house in human form. The chill on her body is the one that emanates from her body. If you have sex with her, her cold will invade your body and put your life in danger. ”

Li Sanlang was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly asked, "What should I do?" What can I do to save her? ”

The red-robed old man pondered for a moment and said, "I have a way to save her." You'll need a rooster, a hen and a bowl of honey. After the rooster and hen are slaughtered, their blood is taken and mixed with honey. Then let Cui'er drink the bowl of blood and honey mixture. The chill in her body will be neutralized. ”

After hearing this, Li Sanlang hurriedly thanked him, and then prepared the required things according to the instructions of the red-robed old man. He found a rooster and a hen, and a bowl of honey. He slaughtered the chickens and took out the chicken blood, mixed it with the hen's blood, and then stirred it well with honey.

He brought the bowl of the mixture to Cui'er's bed and carefully fed her to drink. Not long after Cui'er drank it, her face gradually returned to ruddy. She opened her eyes and looked at Li Sanlang, her eyes full of gratitude.

Li Sanlang was overjoyed when he saw that Cui'er had recovered. He shook Cui'er's hand and said, "Thank you for saving my life." I'll treat you well in the future. ”

The daughter-in-law sent her mother-in-law to heaven, and the mother-in-law brought back the gold and silver treasures, and she went the next day

However, at this moment, the red-robed old man suddenly disappeared. As if he had never appeared, only Li Sanlang and Cui'er looked at each other.

Li Sanlang's heart was full of doubts and gratitude. He didn't know who this red-robed old man was? Why did he save himself and Cui'er? What's going on here?

However, he knew he could no longer pursue these questions. Because the old man in the red robe has disappeared without a trace. He could only hide this gratitude in his heart and cherish the time he spent with Cui'er......

The daughter-in-law sends her mother-in-law to heaven

In a distant ancient village, there lived a family surnamed Li. The mother-in-law of the Li family is old, seriously ill, and has been in bed for a long time. Her daughter-in-law is a smart and kind-hearted woman named Xiuyun. Xiuyun took good care of her mother-in-law and took care of it, but her mother-in-law's condition did not improve, but became more and more serious.

One day, Xiuyun met a wandering Taoist priest under the old tree at the entrance of the village. The Taoist priest had a childish face, a fairy wind and bones, and when he saw Xiuyun's melancholy face, he took the initiative to talk to him. The Taoist priest told Xiuyun that there was a fairy grass called "Soul Returning Grass" on the mountain behind the village, and if she could find and decoction for her mother-in-law to take, she could bring her back to life and regain her youth. However, this fairy grass grows on the cliffs and is extremely difficult to pick.

After hearing this, Xiuyun's heart moved, and she decided to go up the mountain to pick this magical fairy grass for her mother-in-law. She said goodbye to the Taoist priest, picked up the bamboo basket on her back, and set out on the rugged mountain road. After a day of hard climbing, Xiuyun finally found the legendary "Soul Returning Grass" on the edge of the cliff. She carefully picked them, put them in a bamboo basket, and hurried down the mountain despite her exhaustion.

The daughter-in-law sent her mother-in-law to heaven, and the mother-in-law brought back the gold and silver treasures, and she went the next day

When she returned home, Xiuyun immediately decocted the "Soul Returning Grass" into a decoction and fed it to her mother-in-law. After the mother-in-law drank the decoction, her face gradually became rosy, and her breath became stable. In a few moments, she miraculously sat up, as if she were ten years younger. The mother-in-law excitedly held Xiuyun's hand and praised her for being her good daughter-in-law.

However, at this moment, the mother-in-law's expression suddenly changed, and she said to Xiuyun: "Xiuyun, I am actually a fairy in the sky, and I was relegated to the mortal world to suffer because I violated the rules of heaven. Now that I have taken this 'Soul Returning Grass', I have been able to recover my immortal power and am about to return to Heaven. Before I leave, I want to take you to the heavens to have a look, so that you can also enjoy the glory and wealth of the fairy world. ”

Xiuyun was both surprised and delighted when she heard this, and hurriedly packed up and followed her mother-in-law out of the house. They passed through the clouds and came to a golden palace. Here Qionglou Yuyu, Xianle fluttering, all kinds of strange flowers and plants, rare birds and beasts are everything. The mother-in-law took Xiuyun to visit all corners of the palace, and also let her taste the elixir and jade liquid and delicacies of the fairy world.

After staying overnight in the fairy world, the mother-in-law took out some gold and silver treasures from her treasury and gave them to Xiuyun as a souvenir. These gold and silver treasures are extremely rare treasures in the world, and they are invaluable. Xiuyun gratefully accepted her mother-in-law's gift, and her heart was full of gratitude and respect.

Early the next morning, the mother-in-law said to Xiuyun: "Xiuyun, you still have family and responsibilities to take care of in the world, and I can't let you stay in the fairy world for a long time." Now I will send you back to the world, and I hope you can cherish this opportunity and live well. After saying that, the mother-in-law used her magic to send Xiuyun back home.

When Xiuyun returned home, she found that everything was the same at home, as if she had just dreamed. However, when she opened the treasure chest given to her by her mother-in-law, she found it full of glittering gold and silver treasures. Only then did she believe that she had really gone to the fairy world yesterday and received a gift from her mother-in-law.

When the villagers heard the news that Xiuyun had gone to the fairy world and brought back gold and silver treasures, they all came to congratulate and ask for details. Xiuyun told everyone what she had seen and heard in the fairy world and her mother-in-law's entrustment, and decided to use part of the treasure for public welfare in the village and the relief of poor families.

However, the morning of the second day when Xiuyun was about to distribute the treasure to the villagers, she suddenly disappeared. The villagers searched everywhere but found nothing, and they speculated that Xiuyun might have followed her mother-in-law back to the fairy world and lived a carefree life as a fairy.

The daughter-in-law sent her mother-in-law to heaven, and the mother-in-law brought back the gold and silver treasures, and she went the next day

As for whether Xiuyun really went to the fairy world and why she suddenly disappeared, these questions have become an unsolved mystery and remain in the hearts of the villagers. However, Xiuyun's image of filial piety, kindness, and courage has forever remained in people's memories and has become a good story that has been praised through the ages. The daughter-in-law sent her mother-in-law to heaven

In a distant ancient village, there lived a family surnamed Li. The mother-in-law of the Li family is old, seriously ill, and has been in bed for a long time. Her daughter-in-law is a smart and kind-hearted woman named Xiuyun. Xiuyun took good care of her mother-in-law and took care of it, but her mother-in-law's condition did not improve, but became more and more serious.

One day, Xiuyun met a wandering Taoist priest under the old tree at the entrance of the village. The Taoist priest had a childish face, a fairy wind and bones, and when he saw Xiuyun's melancholy face, he took the initiative to talk to him. The Taoist priest told Xiuyun that there was a fairy grass called "Soul Returning Grass" on the mountain behind the village, and if she could find and decoction for her mother-in-law to take, she could bring her back to life and regain her youth. However, this fairy grass grows on the cliffs and is extremely difficult to pick.

After hearing this, Xiuyun's heart moved, and she decided to go up the mountain to pick this magical fairy grass for her mother-in-law. She said goodbye to the Taoist priest, picked up the bamboo basket on her back, and set out on the rugged mountain road. After a day of hard climbing, Xiuyun finally found the legendary "Soul Returning Grass" on the edge of the cliff. She carefully picked them, put them in a bamboo basket, and hurried down the mountain despite her exhaustion.

When she returned home, Xiuyun immediately decocted the "Soul Returning Grass" into a decoction and fed it to her mother-in-law. After the mother-in-law drank the decoction, her face gradually became rosy, and her breath became stable. In a few moments, she miraculously sat up, as if she were ten years younger. The mother-in-law excitedly held Xiuyun's hand and praised her for being her good daughter-in-law.

However, at this moment, the mother-in-law's expression suddenly changed, and she said to Xiuyun: "Xiuyun, I am actually a fairy in the sky, and I was relegated to the mortal world to suffer because I violated the rules of heaven. Now that I have taken this 'Soul Returning Grass', I have been able to recover my immortal power and am about to return to Heaven. Before I leave, I want to take you to the heavens to have a look, so that you can also enjoy the glory and wealth of the fairy world. ”

Xiuyun was both surprised and delighted when she heard this, and hurriedly packed up and followed her mother-in-law out of the house. They passed through the clouds and came to a golden palace. Here Qionglou Yuyu, Xianle fluttering, all kinds of strange flowers and plants, rare birds and beasts are everything. The mother-in-law took Xiuyun to visit all corners of the palace, and also let her taste the elixir and jade liquid and delicacies of the fairy world.

The daughter-in-law sent her mother-in-law to heaven, and the mother-in-law brought back the gold and silver treasures, and she went the next day

After staying overnight in the fairy world, the mother-in-law took out some gold and silver treasures from her treasury and gave them to Xiuyun as a souvenir. These gold and silver treasures are extremely rare treasures in the world, and they are invaluable. Xiuyun gratefully accepted her mother-in-law's gift, and her heart was full of gratitude and respect.

Early the next morning, the mother-in-law said to Xiuyun: "Xiuyun, you still have family and responsibilities to take care of in the world, and I can't let you stay in the fairy world for a long time." Now I will send you back to the world, and I hope you can cherish this opportunity and live well. After saying that, the mother-in-law used her magic to send Xiuyun back home.

When Xiuyun returned home, she found that everything was the same at home, as if she had just dreamed. However, when she opened the treasure chest given to her by her mother-in-law, she found it full of glittering gold and silver treasures. Only then did she believe that she had really gone to the fairy world yesterday and received a gift from her mother-in-law.

When the villagers heard the news that Xiuyun had gone to the fairy world and brought back gold and silver treasures, they all came to congratulate and ask for details. Xiuyun told everyone what she had seen and heard in the fairy world and her mother-in-law's entrustment, and decided to use part of the treasure for public welfare in the village and the relief of poor families.

However, the morning of the second day when Xiuyun was about to distribute the treasure to the villagers, she suddenly disappeared. The villagers searched everywhere but found nothing, and they speculated that Xiuyun might have followed her mother-in-law back to the fairy world and lived a carefree life as a fairy.

As for whether Xiuyun really went to the fairy world and why she suddenly disappeared, these questions have become an unsolved mystery and remain in the hearts of the villagers. However, Xiuyun's image of filial piety, kindness, and courage has forever remained in people's memories and has become a good story that has been praised through the ages. The daughter-in-law sent her mother-in-law to heaven

In the distant ancient village, there is a young woman named Xiuyun, who married Li Qiang, a young man from the village, and became the daughter-in-law of the Li family. Xiuyun is smart, hardworking and kind, and is deeply loved by the villagers. However, her mother-in-law, Wang, was a sick and weak person, and was bedridden all the year round, so a dull atmosphere hung in the home.

The daughter-in-law sent her mother-in-law to heaven, and the mother-in-law brought back the gold and silver treasures, and she went the next day

One day, Xiuyun met a wandering Taoist priest under an ancient tree at the entrance of the village. The Taoist priest told Xiuyun that he had learned a secret that would give Wang's mother-in-law a new lease of life—that if someone sincerely sent her to "heaven", she would be healed by the immortals and bring back endless wealth when she returned to the world. Xiuyun was thrilled after hearing this, and decided to take a risk.

Under the guidance of the Taoist priest, Xiuyun carried her mother-in-law Wang up the mountain and came to a hidden place shrouded in mist. There, she placed her mother-in-law on a soft grass as instructed by the Taoist priest, and then prayed devoutly. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and the figure of Wang's mother-in-law gradually became blurred, and finally disappeared into the clouds.

Xiuyun returned home alone, feeling uneasy. However, that same night, Wang's mother-in-law actually returned! She looked radiant, as if she was ten years younger. Even more amazing was that she was holding a large chest in her hand, which was filled with glittering gold and silver treasures.

Wang's mother-in-law told Xiuyun that she had been sent to a magical place called "Heaven", where she was healed and gifted by the immortals. These gold and silver treasures were gifts from the immortals, and they were also a reward for her and Xiuyun's filial piety. Wang's mother-in-law also said that she wants to use the wealth to improve the living conditions of her family so that the whole family can live a happy life.

Hearing the news, the villagers came to congratulate Wang's mother-in-law on her recovery and praised Xiuyun's filial piety. However, in addition to the festivities, Xiuyun felt a little uneasy. She always felt that the changes in her mother-in-law were too abrupt and mysterious, and the origin of the gold and silver treasures also confused and doubted her.

With the passage of time, Wang's mother-in-law's health has become better and better, and the living conditions of the family have also been greatly improved. However, the doubts in Xiuyun's heart became heavier and heavier. She began to notice some unusual behaviors of her mother-in-law: she was often alone in a daze, as if she was recalling something; She also cherished the treasures of gold and silver, and did not allow anyone to touch them; What's even stranger is that in the dead of night, she always goes out mysteriously.

Xiuyun decides to secretly investigate her mother-in-law's unusual behavior. One night, she quietly followed her mother-in-law out the door. I saw my mother-in-law come to the ancient tree at the entrance of the village and whisper something to the air. And then she disappeared out of thin air! Xiuyun was so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth, and then she realized that her mother-in-law might really have something to do with that mysterious "paradise".

The daughter-in-law sent her mother-in-law to heaven, and the mother-in-law brought back the gold and silver treasures, and she went the next day

In order to find out the truth, Xiuyun decided to go under the ancient tree again to look for clues. She waited there all night, and finally waited for her mother-in-law to appear again. The mother-in-law was not surprised when she saw Xiuyun, but sighed deeply and said, "Xiuyun, I knew that you would find out sooner or later." ”

Under Xiuyun's questioning, the mother-in-law finally told the truth. It turns out that she is not the real mother-in-law of the Wang family, but a messenger from "heaven". Because she felt Xiuyun's filial piety and kindness, she decided to go down to earth to help her and her family. Those treasures of gold and silver are in fact "heavenly" treasures that are used to help those with good intentions to improve their lives.

The mother-in-law tells Xiuyun that she is about to return to "heaven" because her mission has been completed. However, before she leaves, she decides to give Xiuyun a special gift - a token that can lead to "heaven". As long as Xiuyun uses this token in times of crisis, she can get the protection and help of "Heaven".

After the mother-in-law finished speaking, she turned into a golden light and disappeared into the night sky. Xiuyun looked at the direction where her mother-in-law disappeared, and her heart was full of gratitude and respect. She knew that she had received an incomparably precious gift that would accompany her through the years to come, bringing her endless warmth and hope.

The next morning, while the villagers were still asleep, Xiuyun also disappeared. The villagers speculated that she might have gone to find her own happiness or to pursue the mysterious "paradise". However, no matter where Xiuyun goes, she leaves behind the villagers an image of filial piety, kindness, bravery, and a legend of love and miracles. The daughter-in-law sent her mother-in-law to heaven

In the distant ancient village, there is a young woman named Xiuyun, who married Li Qiang, a young man from the village, and became the daughter-in-law of the Li family. Xiuyun is smart, hardworking and kind, and is deeply loved by the villagers. However, her mother-in-law, Wang, was a sick and weak person, and was bedridden all the year round, so a dull atmosphere hung in the home.

The daughter-in-law sent her mother-in-law to heaven, and the mother-in-law brought back the gold and silver treasures, and she went the next day

One day, Xiuyun met a wandering Taoist priest under an ancient tree at the entrance of the village. The Taoist priest told Xiuyun that he had learned a secret that would give Wang's mother-in-law a new lease of life—that if someone sincerely sent her to "heaven", she would be healed by the immortals and bring back endless wealth when she returned to the world. Xiuyun was thrilled after hearing this, and decided to take a risk.

Under the guidance of the Taoist priest, Xiuyun carried her mother-in-law Wang up the mountain and came to a hidden place shrouded in mist. There, she placed her mother-in-law on a soft grass as instructed by the Taoist priest, and then prayed devoutly. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and the figure of Wang's mother-in-law gradually became blurred, and finally disappeared into the clouds.

Xiuyun returned home alone, feeling uneasy. However, that same night, Wang's mother-in-law actually returned! She looked radiant, as if she was ten years younger. Even more amazing was that she was holding a large chest in her hand, which was filled with glittering gold and silver treasures.

Wang's mother-in-law told Xiuyun that she had been sent to a magical place called "Heaven", where she was healed and gifted by the immortals. These gold and silver treasures were gifts from the immortals, and they were also a reward for her and Xiuyun's filial piety. Wang's mother-in-law also said that she wants to use the wealth to improve the living conditions of her family so that the whole family can live a happy life.

Hearing the news, the villagers came to congratulate Wang's mother-in-law on her recovery and praised Xiuyun's filial piety. However, in addition to the festivities, Xiuyun felt a little uneasy. She always felt that the changes in her mother-in-law were too abrupt and mysterious, and the origin of the gold and silver treasures also confused and doubted her.

With the passage of time, Wang's mother-in-law's health has become better and better, and the living conditions of the family have also been greatly improved. However, the doubts in Xiuyun's heart became heavier and heavier. She began to notice some unusual behaviors of her mother-in-law: she was often alone in a daze, as if she was recalling something; She also cherished the treasures of gold and silver, and did not allow anyone to touch them; What's even stranger is that in the dead of night, she always goes out mysteriously.

Xiuyun decides to secretly investigate her mother-in-law's unusual behavior. One night, she quietly followed her mother-in-law out the door. I saw my mother-in-law come to the ancient tree at the entrance of the village and whisper something to the air. And then she disappeared out of thin air! Xiuyun was so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth, and then she realized that her mother-in-law might really have something to do with that mysterious "paradise".

The daughter-in-law sent her mother-in-law to heaven, and the mother-in-law brought back the gold and silver treasures, and she went the next day

In order to find out the truth, Xiuyun decided to go under the ancient tree again to look for clues. She waited there all night, and finally waited for her mother-in-law to appear again. The mother-in-law was not surprised when she saw Xiuyun, but sighed deeply and said, "Xiuyun, I knew that you would find out sooner or later." ”

Under Xiuyun's questioning, the mother-in-law finally told the truth. It turns out that she is not the real mother-in-law of the Wang family, but a messenger from "heaven". Because she felt Xiuyun's filial piety and kindness, she decided to go down to earth to help her and her family. Those treasures of gold and silver are in fact "heavenly" treasures that are used to help those with good intentions to improve their lives.

The mother-in-law tells Xiuyun that she is about to return to "heaven" because her mission has been completed. However, before she leaves, she decides to give Xiuyun a special gift - a token that can lead to "heaven". As long as Xiuyun uses this token in times of crisis, she can get the protection and help of "Heaven".

After the mother-in-law finished speaking, she turned into a golden light and disappeared into the night sky. Xiuyun looked at the direction where her mother-in-law disappeared, and her heart was full of gratitude and respect. She knew that she had received an incomparably precious gift that would accompany her through the years to come, bringing her endless warmth and hope.

The next morning, while the villagers were still asleep, Xiuyun also disappeared. The villagers speculated that she might have gone to find her own happiness or to pursue the mysterious "paradise". However, no matter where Xiuyun goes, she leaves behind the villagers an image of filial piety, kindness, bravery, and a legend of love and miracles.