
What's going on? China's food exports have been seized, and common domestic food additives have been banned overseas

author:A little black man who loves to daydream

To be honest, although it is now the era of science and technology, it has brought many drawbacks, especially in food safety, you must know that China's exports of food in the international market have suffered setbacks one after another recently, and once became the focus of attention of Internet public opinion.

What's going on? China's food exports have been seized, and common domestic food additives have been banned overseas

Domestic food exports have suffered a series of waterloos

Singapore, for example, recalled roasted walnuts exported from China on June 6 because they contained cyclamate. Then, on June 11, Japan also discovered that two Chinese companies were exporting food containing cyclamate, and quickly blacklisted the two companies.

What's going on? China's food exports have been seized, and common domestic food additives have been banned overseas

There are many similar things, and the vomitoxin beer incident that caused a stir some time ago is also one of this series of similar incidents. These phenomena not only make domestic consumers wonderful, but also make the issue of international food safety standards a hot topic again.

What's going on? China's food exports have been seized, and common domestic food additives have been banned overseas

So what is this cyclamate? Why are food additives legally used in China frequently banned overseas? Could it be that we are on the wrong track? You must be curious about this.

What's going on? China's food exports have been seized, and common domestic food additives have been banned overseas

In fact, this cyclamate, whose chemical name is sodium cyclohexyl sulfamate, is a synthetic low-calorie sugar substitute that is 30-80 times sweeter than white sugar. Its sweetness is pure, similar to white sugar, and because it is almost not absorbed by the body, it is often used in foods that require low calories or for diabetics.

What's going on? China's food exports have been seized, and common domestic food additives have been banned overseas

For consumers who are looking for a healthy diet but don't want to give up sweetness, cyclamate is undoubtedly a popular choice. However, cyclamate is fundamentally different at home and abroad, and cyclamate is a taboo abroad, but why does China allow the use of cyclamate?

What's going on? China's food exports have been seized, and common domestic food additives have been banned overseas

In fact, it is not arbitrary in China, and the use of cyclamate as a food additive is subject to strict regulations. According to national standards, the amount and scope of cyclamate are clearly defined to ensure food safety.

What's going on? China's food exports have been seized, and common domestic food additives have been banned overseas

Many low-calorie or sugar-free foods in China have added cyclamate to meet the market demand for healthy food. China's food safety management policy aims to meet the needs of the food industry while protecting the health of consumers.

What's going on? China's food exports have been seized, and common domestic food additives have been banned overseas

Attitudes and understanding towards cyclamate at home and abroad

Although cyclamate is legally used in China, some countries, including Japan and Singapore, are cautious about the safety of cyclamate.

What's going on? China's food exports have been seized, and common domestic food additives have been banned overseas

These countries may have stricter food safety standards or choose to ban its use in food based on scientific research that the safety of cyclamate has not been fully proven.

This difference reflects the differences in the development of food safety standards in different countries, as well as the different requirements for the degree of protection of public health.

What's going on? China's food exports have been seized, and common domestic food additives have been banned overseas

In this case, what are the international differences in food safety standards? And how to develop the relevant use standards? The formulation of food safety standards is influenced by various factors such as culture, eating habits, scientific and technological development level, laws and regulations, and international trade.

What's going on? China's food exports have been seized, and common domestic food additives have been banned overseas

Food additives that are allowed in one country may be banned in another country due to a lack of risk assessment data or the availability of better alternatives. This disparity has led to frictions and challenges in international food trade, as well as different regulations that exporters must comply with in different markets.

What's going on? China's food exports have been seized, and common domestic food additives have been banned overseas

In the face of the seizure of China's exported food due to cyclamate, we should rationally look at the differences in international food safety standards. As a consumer, it is necessary to understand food ingredients and safety standards. At the same time, we should also support national efforts to ensure food safety.

What's going on? China's food exports have been seized, and common domestic food additives have been banned overseas

For enterprises, when expanding into international markets, it is not only necessary to ensure product quality, but also to fully understand and respect the food safety regulations of the target market to ensure compliant exports.

Only through continuous communication, cooperation and learning can we find a balance in the context of global food safety and achieve a win-win situation in food trade.


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