
Follow-up to the Yuku incident: consumers refuse to negotiate, the government has intervened, and merchants must be punished!

author:A fisherman

Shanxi Taiyuan takeaway restaurant "second-hand" grilled fish incident: is it the rider's pot or the store's pot?

Recently, a takeaway restaurant in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province has a big event! The incident happened on June 18, and this takeaway restaurant was exposed to a "second-hand" grilled fish incident, which sparked heated discussions among netizens for a while. In other words, this matter has to start with the complaint of the customer Ms. Yan.

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Ms. Yan's experience: The grilled fish she received was like "second-hand" goods

Ms. Yan is an ordinary consumer, usually busy with work, and often orders takeout to solve three meals a day. On June 18, she wanted to eat grilled fish on a whim, so she ordered one on a takeaway platform. However, when the takeaway arrived, she found that the grilled fish was simply unsightly – the grilled fish was scattered and crumbled, as if it had been eaten, and all that was left was a few pieces of meat and bones.

Follow-up to the Yuku incident: consumers refuse to negotiate, the government has intervened, and merchants must be punished!

Ms. Yan's first reaction was shock and anger, she quickly picked up her mobile phone to take a video, and complained to the food delivery platform. In the video, it can be clearly seen that the grilled fish in the takeaway box is a mess and does not look like it is freshly baked at all. This made Ms. Yan very suspicious that this grilled fish had been eaten by someone else, and then repackaged and sent to her.

Follow-up to the Yuku incident: consumers refuse to negotiate, the government has intervened, and merchants must be punished!

The store's response: The responsibility is all on the rider?

In the face of Ms. Yan's complaint, the store quickly responded. The store said that the takeaway broke up and may have been caused by the rider's carelessness during the delivery process, and the problem had been reported to the headquarters for handling. However, such a response obviously could not satisfy Ms. Yan and the majority of netizens.

"Rider careless? Are you stupid when we are? A netizen said indignantly in the comments. Some netizens said, "This grilled fish doesn't look like it was scattered during the delivery process, it's obviously leftovers that have been eaten!" ”

Follow-up to the Yuku incident: consumers refuse to negotiate, the government has intervened, and merchants must be punished!

Netizens' questioning: The integrity of the store was tortured

After the incident was exposed, Ms. Yan said that she would report it to the relevant government departments and that evidence had been collected. Netizens also expressed their support and called on the relevant departments to thoroughly investigate the matter and severely punish unscrupulous businesses.

"This kind of thing must be strictly investigated, and unscrupulous businesses cannot be emboldened!" A netizen commented angrily. Someone else joked, "This shop is simply a 'second-hand grilled fish' specialty store!" ”

Follow-up to the Yuku incident: consumers refuse to negotiate, the government has intervened, and merchants must be punished!

Many netizens questioned the integrity of the store, believing that it was likely to be the store's problem. "Even if the rider breaks up during the delivery process, can it be made as if it has been eaten? And the store's attitude of pushing 625 is really suspicious. Another netizen said.

Behind the incident: the integrity crisis of the food delivery industry

In fact, Ms. Yan's experience is not unique. In recent years, the food delivery industry has developed rapidly, but food safety problems have also emerged one after another. From black-hearted merchants using expired ingredients to takeaway brothers stealing customers' food during the delivery process, all kinds of chaos make consumers miserable.

Follow-up to the Yuku incident: consumers refuse to negotiate, the government has intervened, and merchants must be punished!

"The food delivery industry urgently needs to be regulated and rectified, and it cannot only pursue speed and convenience, while ignoring food safety and consumer rights." An industry insider noted.

Ms. Yan's decision: report to the government department

In the face of the shopkeeper's blame, Ms. Yan did not choose to compromise. She said that she has taken relevant videos and photos, and will report the matter to the relevant government departments, hoping to protect her rights and interests through legal channels.

Follow-up to the Yuku incident: consumers refuse to negotiate, the government has intervened, and merchants must be punished!

"I'm not asking the store to pay compensation or anything, I just hope that this doesn't happen to anyone else." Ms. Yan said.

Netizens' appeal: Strengthen supervision and severely punish bad businesses

The exposure of the incident has sparked extensive discussions on the Internet, and netizens have called on relevant departments to strengthen the supervision of the takeaway industry, severely punish those unscrupulous businesses, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

Follow-up to the Yuku incident: consumers refuse to negotiate, the government has intervened, and merchants must be punished!

"You can't make consumers worry every time they order takeout, not knowing if there will be a problem with the next meal." A netizen said.

Some netizens suggested, "The takeaway platform should also strengthen the review and supervision of the settled merchants, and it can't collect any store in order to make money." ”

How to avoid the occurrence of "second-hand grilled fish" incidents: the importance of ensuring food and beverage safety

Food and beverage are the most important thing for people! Eating is not only related to our health, but also directly affects our sense of well-being. But the recent "second-hand" grilled fish incident in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, has made everyone's hearts flutter. To prevent this from happening again, we have to take a multi-pronged approach to ensure food and beverage safety. Next, I will talk to you about how to avoid this kind of bad thing.

Follow-up to the Yuku incident: consumers refuse to negotiate, the government has intervened, and merchants must be punished!

Self-discipline and integrity of the store

Let's talk about the store. As a food service provider, you must have a minimum of professional ethics and integrity. You think, customers are coming for your reputation and quality, if you give people to eat "second-hand" grilled fish, how can there be repeat customers?

Some netizens said, "Boss, conscience is a good thing, don't lose it!" "Therefore, the store must strictly control the quality of the food, from the procurement of raw materials to the production and packaging, every step must be taken seriously, and there can be no sloppiness. No matter how busy and tired you are, you can't cut corners, let alone sell leftovers as fresh food.

Follow-up to the Yuku incident: consumers refuse to negotiate, the government has intervened, and merchants must be punished!

Strengthen the supervision of food delivery platforms

In addition to stores, food delivery platforms also have to take responsibility. Now everyone loves to order takeout, and the merchants on the platform are also diverse, good and bad. The platform should strengthen the review of the settled merchants to ensure that they have legal business qualifications and good reputation.

Some netizens said, "The platform is like a big supermarket, you have to make sure that everything on the shelves is good!" "The takeaway platform should regularly check the hygiene status and food quality of the merchants, deal with problems in a timely manner, and even ban the illegal merchants. In this way, consumers can be assured that they are eating safe and secure food.

Follow-up to the Yuku incident: consumers refuse to negotiate, the government has intervened, and merchants must be punished!

Strict supervision by government departments

Of course, the supervision of relevant government departments is also indispensable. Food safety is related to the health of thousands of households, and government departments should strengthen the supervision of the catering industry, especially for those small restaurants and vendors, and increase the frequency of inspections and sampling.

Netizens also appealed, "Government departments run more errands and drink less tea, and food safety depends on you!" "The government should establish and improve food safety laws and regulations, and severely punish non-compliant businesses and never tolerate them. Only in this way can a strong deterrent be formed, so that those merchants who try to shoddy will not dare to take a step beyond the thunder pool.

Follow-up to the Yuku incident: consumers refuse to negotiate, the government has intervened, and merchants must be punished!

Consumers' awareness of self-protection

We consumers can't just count on others, we also have to be a little vigilant. When ordering takeout, try to choose those stores with good reputation and high reviews, and don't be greedy for cheap to choose those small stores with low ratings and unknown reputations. After receiving the takeaway, carefully check the packaging and appearance of the food, and if you find a problem, take photos in time for evidence, and complain to the platform.

A netizen shared his experience: "I never look at the price when I order takeout, I always look at the evaluation and sales, after all, the most important thing is to eat with confidence!" "We can also share our dining experience on social platforms to let more people know which stores are reliable and which ones need lightning protection. Everyone reminds each other to work together to maintain a safe environment for catering.

Follow-up to the Yuku incident: consumers refuse to negotiate, the government has intervened, and merchants must be punished!

Strengthen the training of riders

Riders are a key part of food delivery, and the quality of their service directly affects the final experience of food delivery. Food delivery platforms should strengthen the training of riders, so that they can master the correct delivery skills to ensure that the food is not scattered and contaminated during the delivery process.

Netizens complained, "Some riders deliver takeaways like drag racing, and when they get to their hands, they become a 'big mess'!" "The platform has to set strict delivery specifications that require riders to keep food intact and hygienic during the delivery process. At the same time, it is also necessary to give the rider reasonable time and remuneration to avoid them from degrading the quality of service due to their hurry.

Follow-up to the Yuku incident: consumers refuse to negotiate, the government has intervened, and merchants must be punished!

Media and social surveillance

The supervision of the media and society is also an important force to ensure the safety of catering. The media should actively expose those food safety problems, and urge relevant departments and enterprises to rectify through the power of public opinion. All sectors of society should also pay attention to food safety issues and form a strong supervision force.

Follow-up to the Yuku incident: consumers refuse to negotiate, the government has intervened, and merchants must be punished!

Netizens suggested, "More supervision, less shady, food safety can be guaranteed!" "Each of us can be a supervisor of food safety, report problems in a timely manner, and work together to maintain the safety of our tables.

The "second-hand" grilled fish incident in Shanxi Taiyuan takeaway restaurant once again shows us many problems in the takeaway industry. It is hoped that the relevant departments and takeaway platforms can take effective measures to rectify the chaos in the industry, so that consumers can order takeout and eat food with peace of mind.