
"Sister Embassy" violated the follow-up: the underwear was interpreted by the lawyer, and the big V spoke! The police account was compromised

author:A fisherman

Blogger angrily scolded the embassy car for violating the law: should there be diplomatic immunity?

Recently, a blogger in Beijing sparked a big discussion about illegal parking in an embassy car. The cause of the incident was the illegal parking of the embassy car, which caused a traffic jam, and the blogger stepped forward to theorize, but he didn't expect the lady in the car to claim that she had diplomatic immunity! As soon as this matter was exposed, it immediately exploded on the Internet, and netizens expressed their opinions one after another.

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Event Recap: Altercation over parking

It happened on a busy street in Beijing. An embassy car was parked on the side of the road at random, causing traffic jams on the entire road. Our blogger happened to be passing by, and when he saw this scene, he was so angry. Thinking: "You can't be so arrogant with an embassy car, right?" How can you endure blocking the road of so many people? So, the blogger stepped forward to theorize.

"Sister Embassy" violated the follow-up: the underwear was interpreted by the lawyer, and the big V spoke! The police account was compromised

The blogger took the video, and as you can see from the video, he very politely asked the owner to remove the car. However, the lady in the car responded calmly: "I have diplomatic immunity, and you can't control it." This sentence completely ignited the anger of the blogger and also angered the majority of netizens.

Netizens are hotly discussed: Where is the boundary of diplomatic immunity?

As soon as the matter was exposed, netizens expressed their opinions on the Internet. It was said: "Diplomatic immunity is for the protection of diplomats, not for parking violations." Some people complained directly: "This is too domineering, right?" Can you do whatever you want with diplomatic immunity? ”

"Sister Embassy" violated the follow-up: the underwear was interpreted by the lawyer, and the big V spoke! The police account was compromised

Netizen "Xiao Li Feidao" commented: "If every embassy car is parked like this, can we still go out?" Netizen "cat who loves French fries" said bluntly: "This kind of behavior is simply an abuse of power, and diplomatic immunity is not a talisman!" ”

There are also some netizens who rationally analyzed the reasons behind the incident. Netizen "Calm Lamb" said: "Maybe the lady in the car really thinks she has immunity, so she said so." In any case, a violation is a violation, and diplomatic immunity cannot be abused. ”

"Sister Embassy" violated the follow-up: the underwear was interpreted by the lawyer, and the big V spoke! The police account was compromised

Police involvement: results have not yet been announced

The matter got bigger, and the police also intervened in the investigation. According to the police, they are verifying what happened and the identity of the lady in the car. For the majority of netizens, everyone is looking forward to the results of the police investigation and hopes to give a fair opinion.

Police say that while vehicles and people with diplomatic immunity do enjoy special treatment in certain circumstances, that doesn't mean local traffic laws can be violated. At present, the specific situation is still under investigation, and the police will deal with it accordingly according to the results of the investigation.

"Sister Embassy" violated the follow-up: the underwear was interpreted by the lawyer, and the big V spoke! The police account was compromised

Everyone is equal before the rules

Through this incident, we can see that the rules are made to maintain public order, and both ordinary citizens and diplomats should abide by them. It is an international practice for embassy cars to enjoy diplomatic immunity, but it does not mean that local traffic rules can be broken at will.

"Sister Embassy" violated the follow-up: the underwear was interpreted by the lawyer, and the big V spoke! The police account was compromised

To those who abuse diplomatic immunity, we should say no. Only when everyone abides by the rules can our society be more harmonious and orderly. It is hoped that through this incident, more people can pay attention to it, let everyone realize the importance of rules, and at the same time, I hope that the relevant departments can more strictly enforce the laws and regulations to prevent similar incidents from happening.

The final outcome of this matter depends on the investigation and handling of the police. But in any case, this matter has sparked a wide discussion on the Internet and has become a topic of conversation after dinner. I hope that each of us can take inspiration from this, no matter what the situation, to follow the rules and be a quality citizen.

"Sister Embassy" violated the follow-up: the underwear was interpreted by the lawyer, and the big V spoke! The police account was compromised

The above is the detailed process of this incident and the heated discussions among netizens. For the majority of netizens, this is not only a news event, but also a reflection on rules and rights. I hope that each of us can get inspiration from this and work together to maintain our beautiful social order.

"Sister Embassy" violated the follow-up: the underwear was interpreted by the lawyer, and the big V spoke! The police account was compromised

Netizens commented

  • "Even if you have immunity, you can't use it as a privilege, right? What a drunk! ”
  • "Uncle policeman, come and take care of it, this kind of thing can't be tolerated!"
  • "We ordinary people's right of way must also be maintained, and these people can't be allowed to act recklessly!"
  • "This kind of person should be exposed, see if they still have a face!"
  • "I hope this incident will attract attention and formulate stricter rules to restrain it."
"Sister Embassy" violated the follow-up: the underwear was interpreted by the lawyer, and the big V spoke! The police account was compromised

Why does this behavior happen? -- Talk about diplomatic immunity

Let's start with this "diplomatic immunity". To put it simply, it is an international practice, mainly to ensure that diplomats of various countries can carry out their work smoothly in the host country without interference from local laws. After all, diplomats sometimes need some special protection when dealing with relations between the two countries. The problem is that when this right is abused by some people, it can lead to all kinds of problems.

"Sister Embassy" violated the follow-up: the underwear was interpreted by the lawyer, and the big V spoke! The police account was compromised

Abuse of Diplomatic Immunity: Privilege or Privilege Abuse?

We have to admit that diplomatic immunity is indeed necessary in certain circumstances, such as to protect the personal safety of diplomats and to prevent them from being treated unfairly for reasons of work. But the problem is that some people regard this as a privilege and feel that with this "gold medal for avoiding death", they can do whatever they want. No, this blogger in Beijing has encountered such a thing.

"Sister Embassy" violated the follow-up: the underwear was interpreted by the lawyer, and the big V spoke! The police account was compromised

The lady in the car said "I have diplomatic immunity", which simply means "what can you do with me". This attitude makes people feel a little angry when they hear it. Netizens also expressed their dissatisfaction. Netizen "Angry Birds" said: "This is too arrogant, right? Can I park indiscriminately if I have an immunity? The opinion of the netizen "rational" is slightly milder: "Diplomatic immunity exists, but it does not mean that you can violate the law at will, and there should be a limit." ”

"Sister Embassy" violated the follow-up: the underwear was interpreted by the lawyer, and the big V spoke! The police account was compromised

Why does this behavior happen?

  1. Myth: Some people may really think that if they have diplomatic immunity, they will be exempt from punishment under any circumstances. In fact, diplomatic immunity is mainly aimed at some of the more serious legal issues, rather than minor things like illegal parking. Many people misunderstand this concept and think that immunity is omnipotent.
  2. Lack of regulation: Sometimes, abuses that are not regulated and corrected in a timely manner can also make it feel acceptable. Netizen "Righteous Partner" complained: "If no one cares about every violation, this kind of thing will only increase." ”
  3. Privileged thinking: There is also the case of people who have privileged thinking and feel that they are superior to others and do not have to follow the rules of ordinary people. This mindset is more common in certain people with special status. Netizen "Angry Birds" bluntly said: "Isn't this just relying on immunity to bully us ordinary people?" ”
  4. Social Climate: In some societies, the phenomenon of privilege is more serious, resulting in a weak sense of compliance with the rules. Some people feel that as long as there are connections and power, they can be above the law. Once this kind of culture is formed, it will bring many similar problems.
"Sister Embassy" violated the follow-up: the underwear was interpreted by the lawyer, and the big V spoke! The police account was compromised

Through this incident, we have seen some problems in the practical operation of diplomatic immunity. Although diplomatic immunity is an international practice, there is a real need for more regulation and oversight in its implementation. It is hoped that through this discussion, more people will pay attention to it and let everyone work together to put an end to the abuse of rights.

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