
Timely feedback: the golden rule on the road to education

author:Little Red loves code words

The "Ace Training Method" mentioned in Chapter 5 of "Deliberate Practice" is not simply a repetition of practice, but emphasizes the need to imitate the most outstanding people, and constantly challenge one's comfort zone through deliberate practice with feedback, so as to achieve a leap in skill.

Again, the importance of feedback is highlighted, and in the same way, the teaching of backlash is also important.

Teaching feedback is an important condition for the implementation of teaching control, and through the implementation of effective teaching feedback: timely, accurate and targeted, teaching and learning can interact effectively in a balanced way.

Timely feedback includes: timely handling of emergencies in the classroom; Respond to students' questions in a timely manner; Timely approval of assignments submitted by students; Respond promptly and effectively to students' daily sharing, etc.

Timely feedback: the golden rule on the road to education

Feedback is key, and timeliness is the premise.

Some people say that there is an expiration date for parenthood.

This is not the case with teachers, whose validity is determined by whether they have captured the golden 60 seconds after students ask questions.

Timely feedback and active learning

Timely feedback makes students feel valued and more motivated in their learning.

We adults want to be responsive to everything,

What's more, the young children want to get feedback from their teachers as soon as possible.

For example, if a student shows the teacher the mind map he has summarized, if the teacher immediately makes an objective and encouraging evaluation of it, the student will be very excited, looking at his work stupidly, and his heart will be full of pride.

Conversely, if the teacher behaves unhurriedly and says, "Okay, wait a minute!" I'll show you later. ”

And when the teacher finished her busy work and went to see it again, she had long since lost the look of expectation and excitement.

Therefore, the teaching effect of the two different types of teaching feedback is also very different.

It can be seen that annotation is one of the effective tools for timely feedback.

For example, when I can't make face-to-face corrections, I try to make sure that everyone has comments, and everyone has comments, and I encourage the children in time with personalized comments, and write down the names of outstanding students in time, and publicly praise them in the class, so that these children will be more and more active and high-quality to complete their homework.

Timely feedback and timely error correction

Timely feedback allows students to identify their problems more quickly and correct their mistakes in a timely manner.

Timely feedback: the golden rule on the road to education

In the course of classroom teaching, especially when teaching new lessons, teachers must give timely feedback on students' practice. This is because once a student's memory is deviated at the beginning of the practice, it is difficult to correct it later.

Timely feedback and teaching method

Timely feedback also allows teachers to work more efficiently and adjust their teaching methods in a timely manner.

If the teacher only teaches one-sidedly, the teacher can only see what he is teaching, but he is completely unaware of what the students are learning. Teaching and learning complement each other.

The role of timely feedback is that teachers not only promote students' re-learning, but also promote teachers' re-teaching by quickly giving feedback to students on the strengths and weaknesses of students' learning.

In other words, timely feedback is actually a bridge between teaching and learning, a kind of conciliator.

If teachers identify problems in students' learning, but fail to inform students in time, they will not be able to understand the reasons for students' mistakes, so they will not be able to adjust their teaching models and improve their teaching methods.

For example, when I lecture to students and mark test papers, I consciously summarize their error-prone question types. By giving them timely feedback on the problems that arise in the process of doing the questions, let them build their own problem books.

Therefore, the wrong question book is a favorable tool for students to improve their learning efficiency and teachers to improve the quality of teaching.


Timely feedback: the golden rule on the road to education

Every assignment correction is a heart-to-heart exchange;

Every classroom interaction is a collision of ideas.

Let every student feel our attention and expectation.

Let students understand that their efforts are seen, their progress is recognized, and their dreams are cherished.

Let's use timely feedback to ignite students' enthusiasm for learning and stimulate their intrinsic motivation.

Let's work with our students to light the way forward with the power of knowledge.

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