
Terrible! How much impact does having a "superhero" have on my life? Netizens share that it is distressing!

author:It's Tu Daogoa

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Terrible! How much impact does having a "superhero" have on my life? Netizens share that it is distressing!

Have you ever heard of the terms "hyperandrogenic" and "manic"? It's not a superhero ability, it's two headaches!

Supermale: It is a disorder with abnormal sex chromosomes. It is that the male chromosome has an extra Y, which becomes XYY. Such men may experience symptoms such as short temper and aggressiveness.

Mania: It is mainly manifested by high emotions or irritability, accompanied by symptoms such as high energy and increased activity.

So, if your father has superandrogy or your parents have mania, what kind of painting style will your family have?


Source: @毒舌扒姨太

On the sun-drenched earth, every corner should be sprinkled with love and warmth.

However, in some corners of the family, there are hidden shadows.

When the love of parents is distorted, when the innocence of children is trampled on, when the prejudice of "preference for sons over daughters" pierces the young hearts like a stinger, the warmth of the family is gone.

Terrible! How much impact does having a "superhero" have on my life? Netizens share that it is distressing!

Some parents, in the face of their children's naughty mischief, do not guide patiently, but raise the knife in their hands.

Terrible! How much impact does having a "superhero" have on my life? Netizens share that it is distressing!

One or two sentences that do not agree with each other have become the fuse for violent venting. These parents may be suffering from hyperandrogenic disorder or mania, and their mood swings are like a storm and they can't control themselves.

Terrible! How much impact does having a "superhero" have on my life? Netizens share that it is distressing!

However, perhaps the real disease is not the disease itself, but the heart that has been blinded by prejudice and stubbornness.

Terrible! How much impact does having a "superhero" have on my life? Netizens share that it is distressing!

What is even more distressing is that some parents occasionally show reluctance to their children while committing violence.

They fought and cried at the same time, as if their inner struggles and pains had exploded at this moment. They stop to hug the child, trying to "make up" for their past mistakes with a moment of tenderness, but then there is an endless cycle of violence. Such a scene, like a spiritual retreat, makes children oscillate between love and hate.

Terrible! How much impact does having a "superhero" have on my life? Netizens share that it is distressing!
Terrible! How much impact does having a "superhero" have on my life? Netizens share that it is distressing!

There is also the prejudice of "preference for sons over girls", in the eyes of these parents, boys are the hope of the family, and girls are insignificant. Boys can be mischievous and wreckless, while girls can be ruthlessly punished for the slightest mistake.

Terrible! How much impact does having a "superhero" have on my life? Netizens share that it is distressing!
Terrible! How much impact does having a "superhero" have on my life? Netizens share that it is distressing!

Such a family environment puts the girls' hearts under great pressure and trauma.

Every child is a unique individual who should be treated equally and loved unconditionally. Domestic violence is not a solution to the problem, but a "poison" that destroys the family.

Terrible! How much impact does having a "superhero" have on my life? Netizens share that it is distressing!

Netizens also expressed their personal experiences for this kind of incident, let's take a look.

Stop having illusions, you won't even have a chance to save yourself with a dead hand [petrified]

Terrible! How much impact does having a "superhero" have on my life? Netizens share that it is distressing!

No, how can you talk about your own children, what are you going to do?

Terrible! How much impact does having a "superhero" have on my life? Netizens share that it is distressing!

When I was a child, I often made mistakes, but my parents only spanked their palms and spanked their hands, and their faces were bruised, which was too ruthless!

Terrible! How much impact does having a "superhero" have on my life? Netizens share that it is distressing!

You can see that your dad is the most favored child in the family...

Terrible! How much impact does having a "superhero" have on my life? Netizens share that it is distressing!

The influence of parents on children when they are young often stays with them for the rest of their lives.

Terrible! How much impact does having a "superhero" have on my life? Netizens share that it is distressing!
Terrible! How much impact does having a "superhero" have on my life? Netizens share that it is distressing!
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Terrible! How much impact does having a "superhero" have on my life? Netizens share that it is distressing!
