
The nuclear weapons promise to be torn up, the 32 countries united the front against China, Russia and North Korea are waiting for a signal, and Putin went to Pyongyang overnight

author:Gentle grape vCA

Recently, the United States suddenly reneged on its nuclear weapons pledge and planned to deploy more nuclear weapons in the Indo-Pacific region.

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At the same time, NATO's side has not stopped, treating China as a potential adversary, and clamoring to upgrade its nuclear arsenal, which has made China and Russia confused. At this time, Putin quietly went to North Korea, and Russia and North Korea said that they were going to sign a multi-field cooperation agreement, which felt like they were going to engage in some kind of strategic alliance.

The nuclear weapons promise to be torn up, the 32 countries united the front against China, Russia and North Korea are waiting for a signal, and Putin went to Pyongyang overnight

As for China, we have always been the big brother of peace and neutrality, but now in the face of this situation, we also have to re-examine our relationship with the United States. After all, we don't want to get too stiff with the Western bloc. Having said that, there is still room for negotiation between China and the United States, and they will not easily side with Russia and North Korea because of these things.

The nuclear weapons promise to be torn up, the 32 countries united the front against China, Russia and North Korea are waiting for a signal, and Putin went to Pyongyang overnight

You see, the U.S. moves in the Indo-Pacific are really head-heading. It was said that there would be no more proliferation of nuclear weapons, but now they say that they will deploy more nuclear weapons. Wouldn't the situation in the Indo-Pacific region become more tense if this continues? We in China have to think carefully about how to deal with this new situation. After all, security isn't a joke.

Let's talk about NATO, these countries are really good at doing things. The 32 countries have joined forces to upgrade their nuclear arsenals, making it clear that they want to confront China and Russia. As soon as NATO tosses like this, the pressure on China and Russia will be great. China, in particular, has always emphasized peaceful development, but in this case, it cannot completely ignore this threat. We need to be prepared to continue to advance our diplomacy for peace and improve our own defense capabilities at the same time.

The nuclear weapons promise to be torn up, the 32 countries united the front against China, Russia and North Korea are waiting for a signal, and Putin went to Pyongyang overnight

As for Putin, it is really intriguing to visit North Korea. It is big news that Russia and the DPRK are going to sign a multi-field cooperation agreement. If the two countries really become a strategic alliance, it will have a considerable impact on the entire international situation. China must keep a clear head in this regard and not be led by the nose. Maintaining friendly relations with Russia and North Korea is necessary, but it should not lead to a complete fall out with the United States.

The nuclear weapons promise to be torn up, the 32 countries united the front against China, Russia and North Korea are waiting for a signal, and Putin went to Pyongyang overnight

In fact, China and the United States still have a lot of common interests, and the two sides can solve the problem through negotiations. At this time, we need to be calmer and more sensible. Don't let emotions sway, find opportunities to resolve differences through dialogue. To put it bluntly, China's position is clear: it does not want to go head-to-head with the West, nor does it want to completely tilt towards Russia and North Korea. We just have to go our own way and not be led by others.

The nuclear weapons promise to be torn up, the 32 countries united the front against China, Russia and North Korea are waiting for a signal, and Putin went to Pyongyang overnight

Wonderful comments from netizens

Didn't the United States say that it would not engage in nuclear weapons in the Indo-Pacific region? Now we have to deploy more, which makes us confused. really responded to that sentence, "It is better to believe in the United States than to believe in Brother Chun"!

NATO's small partners are also fighting hard, and the 32 countries have joined forces to upgrade their nuclear weapons, making it clear that they want to compete with us and Russia. It feels like they are like a group of people eating melons, and it's not a big deal to watch the excitement. But to be honest, we have to be careful about what they do, after all, we can't be careless about security.

The nuclear weapons promise to be torn up, the 32 countries united the front against China, Russia and North Korea are waiting for a signal, and Putin went to Pyongyang overnight

Putin's visit to North Korea this time is quite mysterious, what kind of multi-field cooperation agreement will the two sides sign, it won't be some mysterious grand alliance, right? The style of painting has changed, and it feels like watching a spy movie. Maybe one day the headlines will become "Russia and North Korea brothers join hands and join hands to resist US imperialism."

In fact, we in China have always wanted peaceful development, who wants to quarrel and fight with others every day? However, some people have to stir up trouble, and we can't always suffer, right? However, having said that, we can still talk with the United States, after all, we are all adults, so we have something to say. As long as there is no surprise attack, there is still room for negotiation.

The nuclear weapons promise to be torn up, the 32 countries united the front against China, Russia and North Korea are waiting for a signal, and Putin went to Pyongyang overnight

Some netizens said well: "China's diplomacy is good-tempered, but it does not mean that it is easy to bully." "We don't make alliances with anyone easily, but we don't let anyone bully us. After all, we are not the little transparent we were back then, and our strength is here.

Actually, there are still a lot of overlapping interests with the United States, so you can sit down and talk about it. Wouldn't it be nice for everyone to be mutually beneficial? Do you have to make it tense, are you tired? Of course, the premise is that the other party has to show sincerity, otherwise we are not vegetarians.

The nuclear weapons promise to be torn up, the 32 countries united the front against China, Russia and North Korea are waiting for a signal, and Putin went to Pyongyang overnight

Having said that, the international situation is unpredictable, we have to be calm, and we can't be led by the nose. Those who like to muddy the waters, let them stir it up, our own Ruth has to go by itself, and we can't be led to a rhythm.

The nuclear weapons promise to be torn up, the 32 countries united the front against China, Russia and North Korea are waiting for a signal, and Putin went to Pyongyang overnight

The actions of the United States and NATO have forced people to be more vigilant, but China still adheres to the path of peaceful development. In this complex environment, we need to remain calm and rational, and safeguard our own interests and security through dialogue and cooperation. In the final analysis, the relationship between countries is the same as that between people, and communication is the key to solving problems. China will continue to focus on peace, but it will also be ready to respond to various challenges.

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