
Luo Jing's son's recent form: the name is taken from Tang Shi, who graduated from high school and went to the United States to study, and is more and more similar to his father

author:The little fish is dumbfounded

In the Chinese press industry, the name Luo Jing has been a benchmark in the hearts of countless viewers. He is the "national face" of "News Network", and his voice has accompanied generations through countless nights. Luo Jing's life came to an abrupt end prematurely, leaving behind endless regrets and feelings.

Luo Jing's son's recent form: the name is taken from Tang Shi, who graduated from high school and went to the United States to study, and is more and more similar to his father

After Luo Jing's death, what about his family life?

How does his son Luo Shutong adapt to all this now?

Luo Jing's son's recent form: the name is taken from Tang Shi, who graduated from high school and went to the United States to study, and is more and more similar to his father

Luo Jing's early life

On May 29, 1961, Luo Jing was born in Beijing into an ordinary working family.

His father was a railroad worker and his mother was a housewife. Like many children in Beijing, Luo Jing's childhood was ordinary and quiet. Parents are hardworking and simple, and have high hopes for their child, hoping that he will have a stable job. From an early age, Luo Jing showed a talent for language that was unlike any other. He likes to imitate the sound of the radio, tells stories to his neighbors at home, and even recites the news stories he hears to his family. Luo Jing's parents did not expect that this hobby would become their son's future career direction.

Luo Jing's son's recent form: the name is taken from Tang Shi, who graduated from high school and went to the United States to study, and is more and more similar to his father

In the mid-to-late 1970s, Luo Jing entered Beijing No. 5 Middle School, a school with a long history and excellent academic style.

At school, Luo Jing still had a soft spot for radio. He often worked as a volunteer announcer at the campus radio station, and gradually, his classmates at the school became familiar with this bright-voiced teenager. In 1978, Luo Jing, a junior in high school, accompanied the student to apply for the Beijing Broadcasting Institute (now Communication University of China). Originally, it was just a companion, but Luo Jing was noticed by the admissions teacher outside the examination room. They felt that Luo Jing's voice condition was very good, and encouraged him to take the exam as well. In the end, Luo Jing was exceptionally admitted and became a student in the Broadcasting Department of Beijing Broadcasting Institute. This unexpected choice changed the trajectory of his life.

Luo Jing's son's recent form: the name is taken from Tang Shi, who graduated from high school and went to the United States to study, and is more and more similar to his father

At the Beijing Broadcasting Institute, Luo Jing began systematic broadcasting learning.

Compared with other classmates, Luo Jing's foundation is weaker, but he is diligent and studious, and often practices late into the night in the recording studio. He has a very serious attitude towards learning, and he sits in the front row in almost every class, listens carefully, and takes good notes. In order to hone his broadcasting skills, Luo Jing often took the initiative to participate in campus radio programs, and even served as a host for various activities on campus. He also plays his recorded sound over and over again, identifying deficiencies and improving them. During his time at school, Luo Jing's performance was highly praised by teachers and classmates, and he gradually grew into an excellent announcer.

Luo Jing's son's recent form: the name is taken from Tang Shi, who graduated from high school and went to the United States to study, and is more and more similar to his father

Luo Jing's career

In 1983, after graduating from Beijing Broadcasting Institute, Luo Jing successfully entered CCTV.

This is not only the starting point of his dream, but also a great challenge. At the time, CCTV was China's most influential media platform, with hundreds of millions of viewers tuning in every day. On such a stage, Luo Jing was both excited and nervous.

Luo Jing's son's recent form: the name is taken from Tang Shi, who graduated from high school and went to the United States to study, and is more and more similar to his father

After entering CCTV, Luo Jing's efforts and talent were quickly recognized, and he became the "evening voice" of hundreds of millions of viewers in China.

His broadcasting style is rigorous and his voice is calm, and he is called "Luo Jing dialect" by the audience. Luo Jing believes that news broadcasting is not only about reading scripts, but also requires a sense of responsibility and professionalism. He arrives at work early every day, reads every press release carefully, and carefully prepares every program. His professionalism and work attitude enabled him to quickly gain a firm foothold in CCTV and gradually become a "news announcer" in the hearts of the audience.

Luo Jing's son's recent form: the name is taken from Tang Shi, who graduated from high school and went to the United States to study, and is more and more similar to his father

In 1996, Luo Jing and Li Ruiying began to partner to host "News Network".

The cooperation between the two is known as a golden partner. Their voices and images became symbols of that era and were deeply engraved in the memories of the audience. For more than 20 years, Luo Jing has become one of the most influential newscasters in China with a steady and trustworthy image. His voice, which has accompanied countless Chinese families through countless nights, has become an indispensable part of that era.

Luo Jing's son's recent form: the name is taken from Tang Shi, who graduated from high school and went to the United States to study, and is more and more similar to his father

Love & Family

Luo Jing's love story is also full of drama and romance.

In the early 1980s, Luo Jing met his younger sister Liu Jihong at the Beijing Broadcasting Institute. Liu Jihong is an elegant and intelligent girl, her smile is always so warm, and the two quickly fall in love. The path of love is not always smooth. Liu Jihong's parents were not optimistic about this relationship at first, they thought that Luo Jing's family background was ordinary and he might not have much success in the future. In the face of parental opposition, Luo Jing and Liu Jihong did not back down. Luo Jing used his sincerity and hard work to gradually win the recognition of Liu Jihong's parents.

Luo Jing's son's recent form: the name is taken from Tang Shi, who graduated from high school and went to the United States to study, and is more and more similar to his father

In 1988, Luo Jing and Liu Jihong finally entered the palace of marriage.

The couple lived a simple and happy life, and Luo Jing always put family at heart. Despite his busy schedule, he always finds as much time as possible to spend with his wife and children. In 1995, their son, Luo Shutong, was born, bringing endless laughter and joy to the family. Luo Jing attaches great importance to family education, and despite his heavy workload, he still tries to find time to spend with his son, tell him stories, and accompany him with his homework. Liu Jihong silently supported Luo Jing's career behind the scenes, took care of his family, and allowed him to devote himself to his work.

Luo Jing's son's recent form: the name is taken from Tang Shi, who graduated from high school and went to the United States to study, and is more and more similar to his father

The relationship between Luo Jing and his son Luo Shutong is very close.

Although Luo Jing is very busy with his work, he always finds as much time as possible to spend with his son. Luo Jing likes to take Luo Shutong to the park on weekends, teach him to ride a bike, and even give him a small "journalism lesson" at home. Every time Luo Jing came home from work, Luo Shutong would always run to the door and give his father a big hug. In his son's heart, Luo Jing is not only a "news announcer", but also a warm and reliable father.

Luo Jing's son's recent form: the name is taken from Tang Shi, who graduated from high school and went to the United States to study, and is more and more similar to his father

A sudden health crisis

In 2008, a routine medical check-up turned Luo Jing's life upside down.

The doctor told him that he had lymphoma, which is a very dangerous form of cancer. Luo Jing and his family had a hard time accepting this fact for a while, especially Liu Jihong, who almost collapsed. Luo Jing showed great strength, and he comforted his family, saying that he would definitely overcome the disease. Luo Jing knew that the treatment process would be very difficult, but he did not give up on his work.

Luo Jing's son's recent form: the name is taken from Tang Shi, who graduated from high school and went to the United States to study, and is more and more similar to his father

Even during chemotherapy, Luo Jing remained at his post.

He believes that as a newscaster, he has a responsibility to deliver the latest news to the audience. This kind of professionalism makes his colleagues feel extremely admired. Luo Jing's condition gradually deteriorated, and his physical condition deteriorated, but he never showed any pain or exhaustion at work. He still carefully prepares every show every day, and even in the hospital room, he will repeatedly practice broadcasting to ensure that his voice remains in the best condition.

Luo Jing's son's recent form: the name is taken from Tang Shi, who graduated from high school and went to the United States to study, and is more and more similar to his father

On June 12, 2009, Luo Jing died in Beijing at the age of 48.

His death plunged the entire press and countless viewers into deep grief. In his last days, Luo Jing still kept smiling and looking at his family gently. His voice and image are forever fixed in the memories of countless audiences. At Luo Jing's funeral, colleagues from CCTV came to say goodbye, and everyone felt sorry for the loss of such an excellent colleague and friend. Luo Jing's family, during this time, experienced great grief, especially his son Luo Shutong, who could not accept his father's departure for a while.

Luo Jing's son's recent form: the name is taken from Tang Shi, who graduated from high school and went to the United States to study, and is more and more similar to his father

The difficult rebirth of the family

Luo Jing's death was a huge blow to his family.

Especially Luo Shutong, a 14-year-old boy who lost his closest father. Luo Shutong fell into deep grief for a while, his academic performance declined, and he was depressed. Liu Jihong was also deeply affected, but she understood that as a mother, she had to be strong to support the family. She began to gradually adjust her mentality, trying to find hope in life in the midst of great grief. Liu Jihong insisted on accompanying Luo Shutong every day to help him get through the most difficult moments.

Luo Jing's son's recent form: the name is taken from Tang Shi, who graduated from high school and went to the United States to study, and is more and more similar to his father

In the days after Luo Jing's death, Liu Jihong and Luo Shutong received tremendous support from CCTV colleagues, relatives and friends.

They came to visit them and give them comfort and encouragement. The care and support of these friends made Liu Jihong and Luo Shutong gradually come out of their grief. Especially Luo Shutong, with the help of his teachers and classmates at school, he gradually regained his interest and motivation to study. He began to face life again, gradually coming out of the shadow caused by his father's death.

Luo Jing's son's recent form: the name is taken from Tang Shi, who graduated from high school and went to the United States to study, and is more and more similar to his father

As Luo Shutong grew older, he began to show qualities similar to those of his father, Luo Jing.

He has become stronger and more independent, no longer easily knocked down by difficulties. In school, Luo Shutong not only excelled in his studies, but also actively participated in various extracurricular activities, showing his all-round talent. In 2013, after graduating from high school, Luo Shutong decided to study in the United States. He hopes to broaden his horizons and pursue his dreams by studying abroad. Although he left his hometown, Luo Shutong never forgot his father's teachings and influence.

Luo Jing's son's recent form: the name is taken from Tang Shi, who graduated from high school and went to the United States to study, and is more and more similar to his father

A new chapter in life

Luo Shutong's study life in the United States is a new chapter in his life.

When he first arrived in the United States, he faced both linguistic and cultural challenges, but Luo Shutong was not intimidated by these difficulties. He actively integrated into the new environment, studied hard, and gradually adapted to the rhythm of life in the United States. In school, Luo Shutong not only focused on his studies, but also actively participated in various club activities and made many new friends. His tenacity and diligence allowed him to find his place in a foreign country and start a new life.

Luo Jing's son's recent form: the name is taken from Tang Shi, who graduated from high school and went to the United States to study, and is more and more similar to his father

In order to accompany his son, Liu Jihong also decided to move to the United States.

After she remarried, her life gradually got back on track. Despite living in a foreign country, Liu Jihong still keeps objects related to Luo Jing to commemorate the past. She believes that these precious memories can help them find strength in their future lives. Liu Jihong and Luo Shutong's new life in the United States is full of challenges and hopes. With mutual support, the mother and son face all kinds of difficulties in life together and move towards the future step by step.

Luo Jing's son's recent form: the name is taken from Tang Shi, who graduated from high school and went to the United States to study, and is more and more similar to his father

Although Luo Jing's departure brought great grief to the family, they did not give up hope for life.

Liu Jihong and Luo Shutong regained the meaning of life through their respective efforts. They keep memories related to Luo Jing, and these memories become a part of their lives, inspiring them to keep moving forward. In the days to come, Liu Jihong and Luo Shutong will continue to work together to meet new challenges and pursue new dreams. They believe that with love and perseverance, they can cut through the fog and reach the light.

Luo Jing's son's recent form: the name is taken from Tang Shi, who graduated from high school and went to the United States to study, and is more and more similar to his father


Although Luo Jing's life was short, he brought warmth and strength to countless people. His death was a huge blow to his family. Luo Jing's family was not defeated by this, and through perseverance and hard work, they regained hope in life. In the process of growing up, Luo Shutong showed similar qualities to his father Luo Jing, and his future is full of infinite possibilities. Luo Jing's story tells us that no matter what kind of difficulties we face, as long as we have love and faith in our hearts, we can find the path to the light. Luo Jing's voice and image will forever remain in our memories and inspire us to move forward bravely.

Luo Jing's son's recent form: the name is taken from Tang Shi, who graduated from high school and went to the United States to study, and is more and more similar to his father

After reading the story of Luo Jing's family, did you also feel a sense of tenacity and strength?

Have you experienced a similar challenge?

How did you deal with and overcome it?

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