
Eat inside and out, never return home? She led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, and now she is returning to China in old age

author:The little fish is dumbfounded

Peking Opera has always been known as the quintessence of China and represents the essence of Chinese culture. There is a Peking Opera performer who was once regarded as the rising star of Peking Opera in China, but chose to leave her homeland at the peak of her career and lead 30 actors to stay in the United States. She is Qi Shufang, a name that has been controversial for her bold choices.

Eat inside and out, never return home? She led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, and now she is returning to China in old age

Her story is full of dramatic twists, touching moments, and a sad twist of fate. Is her choice a betrayal or a pursuit of her dreams?

What kind of struggle and perseverance did she go through in the difficult years in a foreign country?

Eat inside and out, never return home? She led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, and now she is returning to China in old age

Family background and early experiences

Qi Shufang was born into a typical Peking Opera family.

Her father Qi Changlin is a famous actor in the Peking Opera industry, and her mother Wang Huifen is a ticket holder of Peking Opera. Such a family background has allowed Qi Shufang to be exposed to it since she was a child and immersed in the atmosphere of Peking Opera. The influence of her family and the guidance of her parents made her show a strong interest in Peking Opera at a young age.

Eat inside and out, never return home? She led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, and now she is returning to China in old age

Qi Shufang's artistic talent first began when she was six years old.

That year, she began to learn the basic skills of Peking Opera under the guidance of her father. At first, she just imitates her father's movements, but soon she shows an extraordinary understanding and memory, not only imitating vividly, but also adding her own understanding to give the character a new life. At the age of twelve, she made her debut on stage, and that performance catapulted her to fame and become a well-known child star.

Eat inside and out, never return home? She led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, and now she is returning to China in old age

At the age of thirteen, Qi Shufang applied for the Shanghai Theater Academy.

She didn't pass the first exam. Instead of being discouraged in the face of failure, she practiced and studied harder. The next year, she applied for the exam again, and this time she successfully passed with her outstanding performance and became a member of the Shanghai Theater Academy. Here, she met Zhang Meijuan, a famous Peking Opera singer who had a profound influence on her. Under the careful guidance of Zhang Meijuan, Qi Shufang continued to make progress in art and gradually became a leader in the academy.

Eat inside and out, never return home? She led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, and now she is returning to China in old age

During her four years at the Shanghai Theatre Academy, Qi Shufang quickly rose to prominence with her outstanding acting talent and diligent learning attitude.

Not only did she rank among the top academics, but she also played the leading role in many college performances. When she was 16 years old, she starred in "Three Wars Zhang Yue" and won high praise from Peking Opera master Mei Lanfang. This performance not only made her famous in the academy, but also made her first appearance in the Peking Opera industry.

Eat inside and out, never return home? She led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, and now she is returning to China in old age

As Qi Shufang's fame grew, she began to emerge in the domestic Peking Opera scene.

Her acting skills are superb and her singing voice is unique, which has gradually attracted a large number of fans. Whether it is a traditional repertoire or a new repertoire, she can perform it vividly and vividly, and is deeply loved by the audience. Under her leadership, the influence of Peking Opera has gradually expanded, and more and more young people have begun to pay attention to and learn Peking Opera.

Eat inside and out, never return home? She led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, and now she is returning to China in old age

Went to the United States to perform and decided to stay in the United States

When Qi Shufang's Peking Opera career was booming in China, she received an invitation from Chen Jianhua, a Chinese-American entrepreneur in New York, to perform in the United States.

This invitation was both an opportunity and a challenge for her. Qi Shufang had just gotten married at the time, and her husband Gong Guotai did not hesitate to support her after learning the news, and decided to give up his job and accompany Qi Shufang to the United States.

Eat inside and out, never return home? She led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, and now she is returning to China in old age

The Peking Opera Troupe led by Qi Shufang toured the United States for three months, performing in more than 10 cities including New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Despite the fact that they already have a great reputation at home, in the United States, their performances did not receive the expected response. American audiences are unfamiliar with Peking Opera as an art form, and performances are often cold, much to the frustration of Qi Shufang and her team.

Eat inside and out, never return home? She led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, and now she is returning to China in old age

Just as they were about to return to China at the end of their tour, Chen Jianhua sent them an invitation to stay in the United States.

He promised to help them gain a foothold in the United States and promote the art of Peking Opera. After much deliberation, Qi Shufang and her team finally decided to accept the invitation and stay in the United States. They hope to continue their Peking Opera career and spread the traditional Chinese art in this strange country.

Eat inside and out, never return home? She led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, and now she is returning to China in old age

Life and career after studying in the United States

Staying in the U.S. didn't go as smoothly as expected.

The early performances were repeatedly frustrated, with few audiences and meager income. In order to make ends meet, Qi Shufang and her team had to perform on the streets. They perform in the cold wind and sing in the streets, hoping to earn a little money and make ends meet.

Eat inside and out, never return home? She led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, and now she is returning to China in old age

Just when they were about to give up, Qi Shufang met pianist Yin Chengzong.

The artist in the United States was deeply sympathetic to Qi Shufang's plight and decided to sponsor them. With the help of Yin Chengzong, Qi Shufang's team finally got a green card in the United States, which made their lives and careers begin to improve.

Eat inside and out, never return home? She led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, and now she is returning to China in old age

After receiving her green card, Qi's team began performing in Chinese communities across the United States. Although the income is not high, their performances have gradually won the recognition of the audience. Qi Shufang also began to teach Peking Opera at many universities in the United States, and trained many students who were interested in Peking Opera.

Eat inside and out, never return home? She led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, and now she is returning to China in old age

As her popularity grew, Qi Shufang founded her own Peking Opera troupe in the United States.

She recruited many foreign disciples to teach the traditional art of Peking Opera to more people. She also organized a number of Peking Opera performances, expanding the influence of Peking Opera in the United States. Qi Shufang's efforts and persistence have made Peking Opera take root in the United States.

Eat inside and out, never return home? She led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, and now she is returning to China in old age

Returning home to visit relatives and public opinion reactions

When Qi Shufang was 70 years old, she decided to return to China to visit relatives.

The relatives and homeland she hadn't seen for many years made her feel very close. Her return trip also sparked heated discussions among netizens. Some people expressed understanding and support for her choice, believing that she had spread Peking Opera in the United States and contributed to Chinese culture; But there were also those who criticized her actions, believing that she had betrayed the country.

Eat inside and out, never return home? She led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, and now she is returning to China in old age

In the face of the doubts of public opinion, Qi Shufang did not flinch.

She said in an interview that her original intention in the United States was to promote Peking Opera and let more people understand and love this art. She emphasized that although she is abroad, she is concerned about the motherland and has always hoped to contribute to the spread of Chinese culture.

Eat inside and out, never return home? She led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, and now she is returning to China in old age

Qi Shufang's response sparked a larger discussion.

Some people believe that her choice is understandable, and everyone has the right to pursue their dreams. Others saw her actions as a betrayal that could not change the fact that she had left her homeland, regardless of her intentions. This polarized public opinion makes Qi Shufang's story more complex and intriguing.

Eat inside and out, never return home? She led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, and now she is returning to China in old age


Qi Shufang's life was full of drama and controversy. Her choices and actions, no matter how she is evaluated, cannot deny her love and contribution to the art of Peking Opera. During the difficult years in the United States, she persevered in spreading Peking Opera, giving this traditional art a new lease of life in a foreign land.

Eat inside and out, never return home? She led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, and now she is returning to China in old age

Everyone has the right to pursue their dreams. Although Qi Shufang's choice is controversial, her efforts and contributions to Peking Opera are worthy of recognition. She proved with her actions that no matter where she is, as long as she has a dream in her heart, she can overcome all difficulties and achieve success.

Eat inside and out, never return home? She led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, and now she is returning to China in old age

Qi Shufang's story also allows us to see the charm and potential of Peking Opera as a traditional art. It is hoped that in the new era, Peking Opera will shine with greater brilliance, attract more young people's attention and love, and let this art continue to innovate and develop in the inheritance.

Eat inside and out, never return home? She led 30 actors to choose to stay in the United States, and now she is returning to China in old age