
2024 Gannan Travel Best Time + Route Planning + Scenic Spot Recommendation

author:Rabbit walking around the global village

Beyond this hustle and bustle of the world, there is a pure land, far from the hustle and bustle, which retains the most primitive breath of nature and the pulse of ancient civilization, that is, Gannan - the treasure of Tibetan culture, a fairyland where nature and faith are intertwined. When is the best month to visit Gannan? The editor has sorted out the Gannan travel strategy, hurry up and collect it, and find a time to go!

Source: Shengyang International Travel Service

Gannan, the pearl of Tibet, has its own seasons in four seasons, and when it comes to the best time to travel, it must be from June to August. During these three months, the land of Gannan is dressed in the most brilliant green, and the temperature is pleasant, with an average of 10-20°C, which is the perfect time to escape the heat and embrace nature. The grasslands are like grasses, wildflowers are everywhere, under the clear blue sky, the snow-capped mountains are set against the backdrop, and the blue water is surrounding, and the moving pictures are slowly unfolding.

2024 Gannan Travel Best Time + Route Planning + Scenic Spot Recommendation

Don't miss out on must-sees:

Labrang Monastery – the academic temple of Tibetan Buddhism, has the world's longest prayer corridor, where you can listen to the chanting and feel the power of faith.

Langmu Temple, a town that blends Tibetan, Han and Hui cultures, is not only a spiritual mecca, but also a place of natural beauty.

Zagana - known as the "Garden of Eden of God", surrounded by mountains, clouds and mist, Zagana in the morning light is picturesque and picturesque, as if in a world away.

2024 Gannan Travel Best Time + Route Planning + Scenic Spot Recommendation

The Ganjia Secret Land - cliffs, grasslands, plateau lakes, stone forests, canyons, prehistoric caves and rivers bring together the diverse scenery of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The ancient city of Bajiao, Zuohai Temple and other thousand-year-old Tibetan Buddhist temples show the historical heritage.

Flower Lake – Located in the Zoige grassland, the wildflowers bloom on the lakeside in the summer, reflecting in the clear water, which is breathtakingly beautiful.

Guomang Wetland is an ecological treasure trove where flocks of migratory birds inhabit it, making it a paradise for bird-watching enthusiasts and a great place to get close to nature.

2024 Gannan Travel Best Time + Route Planning + Scenic Spot Recommendation

Recommended classic routes to start your journey of exploration in Gannan:

First Sight of Gannan 4 Days 3 Nights - Suitable for travelers on a tight schedule, starting from Lanzhou, covering Labrang Monastery, Sanke Grassland, Zagana, Huahu and Langmu Temple, the best attractions are all in one place.

Roaming Gannan 6 Days 5 Nights - A more in-depth experience, in addition to the above attractions, also includes Shanjue Tribe Herdsman Experience, Ami Gonghong, etc., to make your trip more colorful.

Sanctuary Gannan 5 Days 4 Nights – Incorporate more natural and cultural experiences, such as the intimate encounter with marmots at the sacred lake of Dazong, and the thrill of the celestial burial ceremony, all at the same affordable cost per person.

Explore Gannan 5 Days 4 Nights - Explore the Rock Road, take a trip to Xiaoduku, and experience more primitive natural scenery and cultural customs.

2024 Gannan Travel Best Time + Route Planning + Scenic Spot Recommendation

From June to August, when everything grows and flowers are everywhere, it is the best time for you and me to go to Gannan together to unveil her mystery. Set off on a dream of Gannan, meet Shambhala in your heart, and start a soul journey that you can just go!

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