
Song Xiaofeng: Because of his apprenticeship with Zhao Benshan, he became famous, and he pampered his wife in distress into a treasure, and now he is a winner in life

author:Kotsuki Finding Office
Song Xiaofeng: Because of his apprenticeship with Zhao Benshan, he became famous, and he pampered his wife in distress into a treasure, and now he is a winner in life
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Song Xiaofeng: Because of his apprenticeship with Zhao Benshan, he became famous, and he pampered his wife in distress into a treasure, and now he is a winner in life

In 1978, a remote rural village in Changchun was shrouded in a cold winter, and a poor farmer family ushered in a new life. Song Xiaofeng's cry opened the prelude to his life. His birth was destined for him to work hard to survive in a difficult environment.

The Song family's small courtyard sits behind a dilapidated tiled house, with only a few bare branches in the courtyard, and it has long been lifeless. Song's father is over half a hundred years old, and his old body runs around the fields every day; Song's mother was frail and sickly, and could hardly share the burden of the family.

The family only has more than one acre of land, and it is difficult to maintain the annual harvest.

In Song Xiaofeng's childhood life, the environment was extremely poor, and he did not enjoy delicious food, and being able to eat enough became his only expectation. It wasn't until he was 8 years old that he tasted oranges for the first time, but alas, it belonged to the rotten oranges thrown away by the neighbors.

Song Xiaofeng: Because of his apprenticeship with Zhao Benshan, he became famous, and he pampered his wife in distress into a treasure, and now he is a winner in life

Despite living in poverty, Song Xiaofeng is still full of hope for the future. Inside, he is like a burning flame, full of enthusiasm and motivation. As a child, he had a love for acting.

Every time the Yangge team in the village recruits, he is always the first to sign up.

His parents were very relieved to see his artistic talent.

Despite the poverty of the family, Song's father and mother are still determined to give their son a future and avoid him from going back to his old path. In order to let Song Xiaofeng have a good income, they would rather starve themselves, and did not hesitate to sell everything in their family, including all the fields and houses, just to pay for his tuition fees in the county seat to learn Huanglong opera.

Song Xiaofeng: Because of his apprenticeship with Zhao Benshan, he became famous, and he pampered his wife in distress into a treasure, and now he is a winner in life

In order to take care of their son, the two old men rented a dilapidated house in the county town and lived a simple and poor life.

Song Xiaofeng knew that his parents' determination was not easy to come by, and he was determined to study hard and never disappoint his parents' expectations. During the day, he studied opera, and at night, he worked as a coolie on the street and pedaled a rickshaw to share the expenses of his family.

Looking at his son's sweaty face but still firm, Song's father was full of pride.

Originally, Song Xiaofeng was full of high hopes from his parents and went to learn Huanglong Opera. However, fate always seems to play tricks on him, and there is an unexpected turn in his path to study.

Song Xiaofeng: Because of his apprenticeship with Zhao Benshan, he became famous, and he pampered his wife in distress into a treasure, and now he is a winner in life

When Song Xiaofeng was 18 years old, he was in the prime of his youth. He has been studying Huanglong Opera for a while, and he has developed a strong interest in this traditional opera, and gradually has a certain level of attainment.

However, at this moment, a seemingly fortuitous chance changed the course of his life.

When Song Xiaofeng passed by a small theater one day, he heard a lively and interesting two-person performance being staged inside, and the audience was attentive, and from time to time bursts of cheers and laughter.

Song Xiaofeng was fascinated by this novel and interesting form of performance and decided to pursue it as his own artistic pursuit.

Song Xiaofeng: Because of his apprenticeship with Zhao Benshan, he became famous, and he pampered his wife in distress into a treasure, and now he is a winner in life

He stood outside the theater, watching the scenes on the stage, and he didn't take his eyes off it. The actors performed vividly, especially the actor who played the scholar, and his funny words and deeds and exaggerated actions made the audience laugh and applaud continuously.

And the actress who plays the woman uses soft and charming dancing and witty and humorous dialogues to make the plot more fascinating.

Song Xiaofeng was deeply attracted by this kind of comedy art, as if opening the door to a new world. He decided deep down in his heart that the stage of the two-person rotation would become the direction he pursued in the future.

From that day on, he began to put down the study of Huanglong Opera and devoted himself to the study of the two-person turn.

Song Xiaofeng: Because of his apprenticeship with Zhao Benshan, he became famous, and he pampered his wife in distress into a treasure, and now he is a winner in life

Song Xiaofeng has indomitable willpower, and he will come to this small theater every day to observe and learn with an open mind. Not only did he watch attentively from the audience, but he also took the initiative to do chores and help the theater in his spare time, just to be able to feel and appreciate the essence of the two-person turn.

After a long period of practice and observation, he gradually mastered the unique charm of the two-person turn.

With solid basic skills and extraordinary talent, Song Xiaofeng quickly emerged on the stage of the two-person turn. His simple, honest, joyful image and vivid and interesting language expressions made the audience laugh out loud easily.

Humorous and funny, Song Xiaofeng's comedy talent is much loved.

Song Xiaofeng: Because of his apprenticeship with Zhao Benshan, he became famous, and he pampered his wife in distress into a treasure, and now he is a winner in life

From a little person that no one knows, to slowly emerging in the circle of the two, it took Song Xiaofeng a few years to finally open a new chapter in his life with his own efforts.

With his outstanding talent and unremitting efforts, Song Xiaofeng has emerged on the stage of the duo. However, he is just one of many unknown actors who are still a long way from true success and glory.

What people didn't expect was that just when he was most difficult, the god of fate actually set his eyes on him.

In 2008, Song Xiaofeng's acting career was at a low point. As a well-known but unpopular duo-turned-actor, his life is very poor and embarrassing. Every day, I run around in the small theater, just to maintain basic food and clothing.

Song Xiaofeng: Because of his apprenticeship with Zhao Benshan, he became famous, and he pampered his wife in distress into a treasure, and now he is a winner in life

Song Xiaofeng sometimes thinks of the sacrifices his parents made to provide him with education, and he can't help but feel a pain in his heart.

Song Xiaofeng's life was at a crossroads in a daze, and just when he was at a loss, a chance made his life change dramatically. On that day, a distinguished guest unexpectedly visited his resident small theater, and Song Xiaofeng was looking forward to performing as usual.

Zhao Benshan praised Song Xiaofeng's performance, thinking that his performance was natural and smooth, and praised him repeatedly. The scholar played by Song Xiaofeng is honest and honest, full of joy, vivid and interesting language expressions, and wonderful interpretation of witty words, which deeply attracted Mr. Zhao.

Zhao Benshan happened to be looking for a new actor Zuo Li this time, preparing to shoot a TV series that reflects the current rural life.

Song Xiaofeng: Because of his apprenticeship with Zhao Benshan, he became famous, and he pampered his wife in distress into a treasure, and now he is a winner in life

In this way, Zhao Benshan noticed Song Xiaofeng for the first time and opened the door to fame for him. Immediately afterwards, in the drama "Mr. Kanto", Song Xiaofeng starred as a barbecue restaurant guy for the first time.

Although Song Xiaofeng is only a small supporting role, this is also an important turning point in his life.

When he was young, Song Xiaofeng experienced the cruelty and ruthlessness of fate, but now he is favored by the god of fate. In 2009, Zhao Benshan valued his talent and officially accepted him as the No. 38 disciple.

Since then, Song Xiaofeng's career has been thriving and has reached a very remarkable stage.

Song Xiaofeng: Because of his apprenticeship with Zhao Benshan, he became famous, and he pampered his wife in distress into a treasure, and now he is a winner in life

Although Song Xiaofeng has become a disciple of Zhao Benshan, he is not complacent because of this, but works harder. In his daily life, he always kept in mind the teachings of his master and participated in every rehearsal steadily.

Song Xiaofeng knew that he was just a newcomer, and real success was still out of reach. He waited patiently for the opportunity to come, accumulating valuable experience in his obscure efforts.

Sure enough, an opportunity appeared in front of director Zhao Benshan in 2011. This opportunity was to shoot "Symphony of Country Love", a light comedy that reflects contemporary rural life.

In 2011, Zhao Benshan brought Song Xiaofeng a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Song Xiaofeng: Because of his apprenticeship with Zhao Benshan, he became famous, and he pampered his wife in distress into a treasure, and now he is a winner in life

Song Xiaofeng in the play didn't have many scenes at first, just a supporting role. However, he is the favorite apprentice of Old Man Zhao, who defeated the invincible opponents all over the world, and no one dares to ignore his position in the crew.

Song Xiaofeng decided to wash away his previous shame in front of his master, and he was determined to show his profound acting skills on this stage.

During the rehearsal process, Song Xiaofeng was like a clever puppy, watching every movement of the director closely, whether it was the use of expressions or the ups and downs of language, he meticulously remembered it in his heart.

Song Xiaofeng is very serious in everything he does, and even a small eye contact is never sloppy.

Song Xiaofeng: Because of his apprenticeship with Zhao Benshan, he became famous, and he pampered his wife in distress into a treasure, and now he is a winner in life

The day of booting is finally here. As soon as the camera opened, Song Xiaofeng devoted himself to the role of a simple and honest security captain full of joy. He portrayed this character very vividly and vividly: he spoke the authentic dialect, his behavior exuded a simple atmosphere, his movements were exaggerated and funny, and his words were humorous.

The whole person is like a real person from the countryside.

Mr. Zhao admired Song Xiaofeng's performance style very much and praised and supported his performance. With the deepening of the filming of the crew, Song Xiaofeng gradually showed his unique charm, and the director also began to pay attention to his role and increase his role.

What do the audience see? They see a little man coming of age. At first, the man was just a small supporting character, but gradually developed into a prominent comedy star.

Song Xiaofeng: Because of his apprenticeship with Zhao Benshan, he became famous, and he pampered his wife in distress into a treasure, and now he is a winner in life

Song Xiaofeng's honest and simple image, vivid language of local pronunciation and rhyme, and funny behavior all made the audience laugh and give heartfelt applause.

The crew's filming actions are also becoming more and more active, and the expectations for Song Xiaofeng's role are also rising. And Mr. Zhao also went against the norm, personally guided Song Xiaofeng's performance skills, threaded the needle for him, and gave him great support and encouragement.

In this way, the magical moment when Song Xiaofeng became an instant hit finally came! As soon as this high-profile light comedy was broadcast, his role as a security captain immediately attracted the attention of countless viewers and received rave reviews.

This comedy star was originally an obscure small character, but later because of his outstanding performance and hard work, he was gradually pushed to the peak of popularity and became famous.

Song Xiaofeng: Because of his apprenticeship with Zhao Benshan, he became famous, and he pampered his wife in distress into a treasure, and now he is a winner in life

33-year-old Song Xiaofeng's life counterattack took off! It was because he starred in a comedy TV series that he became a star in the mouths of countless people overnight.

In Song Xiaofeng's life, there was always a woman who was firmly with him in the same boat, regardless of his poverty or glory. She is Song Xiaofeng's wife Yang Xiaoru.

Yang Xiaoru and Song Xiaofeng have a long relationship, and the two have known each other since they were studying the troupe of two-person turns. At that time, Song Xiaofeng was not noticeable, his family was poor, and his future was bleak.

Yang Xiaoru was attracted by Song Xiaofeng's down-to-earth, diligent, and positive qualities, and fell in love with him at first sight. However, she didn't care too much about other people's eyes and evaluations.

Song Xiaofeng: Because of his apprenticeship with Zhao Benshan, he became famous, and he pampered his wife in distress into a treasure, and now he is a winner in life

Song Xiaofeng and Yang Xiaoru went from acquaintance to love and stay together, and experienced a shabby and simple love history. They live on the meager income they earn from studying for two, and their lives are struggling to survive.

Even so, the relationship between the two of them is still passionate, and they are full of infinite longing for the future.

Since then, Song Xiaofeng's career has risen like a rocket and gone to glory. No matter where Song Xiaofeng is, Yang Xiaoru is always by his side, going all out to support and care for him.

Yang Xiaoru has transformed into a quiet, virtuous, and enthusiastic good mother and wife. She rarely shows herself outside, and always puts all her energy and enthusiasm into the role of accompanying her husband and raising children.

Song Xiaofeng: Because of his apprenticeship with Zhao Benshan, he became famous, and he pampered his wife in distress into a treasure, and now he is a winner in life

For everything in the family, whether it is big or small, Yang Xiaoru will make proper arrangements, so that her husband Song Xiaofeng can work wholeheartedly without worrying about family trivialities.

Yang Xiaoru's deep support and dedication is an important reason why Song Xiaofeng can continue to move forward on the road of acting. He often expresses his gratitude to his wife and turns this gratitude into motivation to move forward.

Song Xiaofeng and his wife also have a smart and lovely daughter, this warm and happy little family is the destination of Song Xiaofeng's soul.

In addition to his busy work, Song Xiaofeng's favorite thing to do is to enjoy family fun at home with his wife and daughter. Whenever he sees his daughter's immature and lovely appearance, he will think of the hardships of his childhood life.

Song Xiaofeng: Because of his apprenticeship with Zhao Benshan, he became famous, and he pampered his wife in distress into a treasure, and now he is a winner in life

Yang Xiaoru's considerate care is the greatest comfort for him after a long journey.

No matter when Song Xiaofeng was at his most depressed or when he was brilliant and successful, Yang Xiaoru was always his strong support, giving him selfless love and support.

This marriage of a good couple and sharing hardships is the most critical reason why Song Xiaofeng can become a winner in life.

Song Xiaofeng is an ill-fated and difficult artist. He was born in a poor rural area, and his parents later provided him with education and art. In order to continue to innovate and master the art of two-person transformation, he has experienced various opportunities in his life and devoted himself to learning and further his studies.

Song Xiaofeng: Because of his apprenticeship with Zhao Benshan, he became famous, and he pampered his wife in distress into a treasure, and now he is a winner in life

Poverty did not dampen his passion for art, but it fueled his thirst for knowledge and his determination to defy difficulties. Even in the most difficult days, Song 017 never gave up his dream, but worked hard to shine and be active on the stage of the two-person turn.

It was this dedication and tenacity to art that made the god of fate finally favor this hard-working young man. In 2008, Zhao Benshan devoted himself to the director's TV shooting, and stumbled upon Song Xiaofeng's talent, which opened a brilliant new chapter in his life.

Since that day, Song Xiaofeng has been diligently studying the art of biography, and his acting skills have become more and more sophisticated. Under the patient teaching of Zhao Benshan and other precious teachers, he gradually absorbed countless lessons, and finally became famous overnight in the 2011 "Country Love Symphony" and achieved great success.

Since then, Song Xiaofeng has begun to walk on the pinnacle of his life. He has worked hard from an ordinary young man to become a famous comedy star for nearly 20 years.

Song Xiaofeng: Because of his apprenticeship with Zhao Benshan, he became famous, and he pampered his wife in distress into a treasure, and now he is a winner in life

His persistence and perseverance have made him a well-known and successful artist.

Now he can make countless audiences laugh with his natural stage charm and easily turn on the switch of happiness in everyone's heart.

Song Xiaofeng's life journey can be regarded as an epic, whether it is the hard years when he was poor or the glamorous after becoming famous, it can reflect his outstanding outlook on life of unwavering and diligent efforts.

This road of counterattack full of pride and ambition is undoubtedly the most wonderful and elegant footnote in life. From obscurity to household name, from being snubbed to being highly respected, to having a successful career and a happy family, Song Xiaofeng can be said to have lived a real winner in life.

Song Xiaofeng: Because of his apprenticeship with Zhao Benshan, he became famous, and he pampered his wife in distress into a treasure, and now he is a winner in life

Undoubtedly, Song Xiao?807's persistent pursuit of art and perseverance in life are the source of all his achievements. His counterattack in life deserves our applause and admiration for him.

With the spirit of hard work, he has interpreted the most wonderful footnotes in life and has become an inspirational model in the hearts of countless aspiring young people.

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