
Why didn't the country support Vivo like Huawei and Tiktok, and saw it being acquired by India

author:Xiaolong talks

Recently, a news about Vivo's imminent acquisition by India's Tata Group exploded like a bombshell in the technology and financial circles.

Why didn't the country support Vivo like Huawei and Tiktok, and saw it being acquired by India

Vivo, a mobile phone brand that is influential in China and even in the world, is suddenly facing the fate of being acquired by foreign capital, which makes people sigh at the cruelty and ruthlessness of market competition.

What's even more puzzling is that, unlike Huawei, TikTok and other companies that have given firm support to the state when they are in trouble, this time the country does not seem to have taken positive action, what kind of logic is hidden behind this attitude?

Why didn't the country support Vivo like Huawei and Tiktok, and saw it being acquired by India

Vivo's technological position is dependent on the industrial chain

As a world-renowned mobile phone brand, Vivo's performance in the market has always attracted much attention.

However, behind the glamorous, Vivo's technical strength is not as strong as the outside world thinks.

In fact, the reason why Vivo has been able to occupy a place in the global market is largely due to the strong support of China's mobile phone industry chain.

Why didn't the country support Vivo like Huawei and Tiktok, and saw it being acquired by India

From parts production to assembly and processing, China's mobile phone industry chain has formed a complete closed loop, which not only ensures cost control, but also ensures product quality.

However, in terms of core technology, Vivo seems to be stretched.

This is one of the reasons why Vivo appears to be so passive in the face of India's Tata Group acquisition.

Why didn't the country support Vivo like Huawei and Tiktok, and saw it being acquired by India

Changing national attitudes and strategic considerations

Technological prowess in areas such as communications and chips poses a challenge to the Western world, so countries will not hesitate to stand up when they encounter difficulties.

TikTok, on the other hand, has broken the discourse power of the US and Western media, and its strategic significance to China is self-evident.

In contrast, although Vivo has a place in the global mobile phone market, its core technology is not in its own hands, so its strategic significance is relatively small.

Why didn't the country support Vivo like Huawei and Tiktok, and saw it being acquired by India

Second, from the perspective of industrial development, Vivo's acquisition will not pose a significant threat to China's overall technological strength.

Although Vivo occupies an important position in China's mobile phone industry chain, the shortcomings of its core technology make it difficult to make breakthroughs in the upstream of the industry chain.

Even if India's Tata Group successfully acquired Vivo, it would be difficult for them to make significant technological progress without the support of China's industrial chain.

Why didn't the country support Vivo like Huawei and Tiktok, and saw it being acquired by India

Therefore, from the perspective of industrial development, this acquisition will not have a material impact on China's technology industry.

The ambition and strength of India's Tata Group

As one of the largest multinational conglomerates in India, the Tata Group of India has a business scope covering a wide range of sectors.

In recent years, India's Tata Group has been increasing its investment in the technology industry in an attempt to gain a foothold in the global market.

Why didn't the country support Vivo like Huawei and Tiktok, and saw it being acquired by India

The acquisition of Vivo is undoubtedly an important step in achieving this goal.

Through the acquisition of Vivo, India's Tata Group will gain access to advanced production technology and rich market resources, further enhancing its competitiveness in the global mobile phone market.

However, this does not mean that India's Tata Group will be able to easily master Vivo's core technology.

After all, Vivo's technical strength is mainly dependent on China's mobile phone industry chain.

Why didn't the country support Vivo like Huawei and Tiktok, and saw it being acquired by India

Without the support of China's industrial chain, it would be difficult for India's Tata Group to make a major breakthrough in technology.

Vivo's future outlook and controversy

So, after Vivo was acquired by India's Tata Group, what does its future hold? This is undoubtedly the focus of attention of consumers and industry insiders.

On the one hand, Vivo can leverage the resources and advantages of the Indian market to further expand its share of the global market.

Why didn't the country support Vivo like Huawei and Tiktok, and saw it being acquired by India

On the other hand, Vivo also needs to face competitive pressure from local Indian brands and uncertainties in the policy environment.

In addition, Vivo also needs to make breakthroughs and innovations in core technologies to enhance its competitiveness in the industrial chain.

However, the process is also fraught with controversy.

Why didn't the country support Vivo like Huawei and Tiktok, and saw it being acquired by India

Some argue that Vivo's acquisition by India's Tata Group is a "failure" for China's tech industry, as it not only means that China will lose a mobile phone brand with global influence, but may also lead to technology loss and market share decline.

However, some people have a different view, believing that the acquisition is an important step for Vivo to go international, which will help it further expand overseas markets and enhance its brand influence.

Why didn't the country support Vivo like Huawei and Tiktok, and saw it being acquired by India

Reflections on the role of the state and the autonomy of enterprises

The Vivo acquisition also raises a deeper question: what role should the state play in the context of globalization? Should we actively intervene in corporate behavior to protect domestic industries, or should we respect corporate autonomy and market rules? This is undoubtedly a complex and thorny issue.

Why didn't the country support Vivo like Huawei and Tiktok, and saw it being acquired by India

From the perspective of the state, it is its bounden duty to protect the interests of domestic industries and enterprises.

However, in the context of globalization, excessive state intervention may undermine the fairness and efficiency of market competition, and even trigger international trade frictions and disputes.

Therefore, the state needs to find a balance between protecting domestic industries and respecting the laws of the market.

From the perspective of enterprises, autonomy and market competitiveness are the key to their survival and development.

Why didn't the country support Vivo like Huawei and Tiktok, and saw it being acquired by India

Enterprises need to develop their own strategies and plans according to market demand and competitive environment, and bear corresponding risks and responsibilities.

However, in the face of external pressure and difficulties, enterprises also need to get support and help from the state.

Therefore, enterprises need to actively communicate and cooperate with the state while maintaining their autonomy.

Why didn't the country support Vivo like Huawei and Tiktok, and saw it being acquired by India


Vivo's acquisition by India's Tata Group is not only a simple business merger and acquisition, but also involves many aspects such as national strategy, industrial chain security, and the future development of the company.

In this complex context, we need to look at this incident with a more rational and objective attitude.

Why didn't the country support Vivo like Huawei and Tiktok, and saw it being acquired by India

For the country, it is necessary to strengthen the protection of the security of the industrial chain and promote the independent research and development and innovation of core technologies; For enterprises, they need to strengthen their own technology research and development and market expansion capabilities to ensure that they are invincible in the future competition.

At the same time, we also need to recognize the importance of cooperation between the state and enterprises to promote economic development, and actively promote cooperation and exchanges between the two sides.

Why didn't the country support Vivo like Huawei and Tiktok, and saw it being acquired by India

Only in this way can we win more opportunities and challenges in the future development.

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