
How to protect children during flu season? Experts give advice on how to keep your child healthy

author:Physician Han

When the chill penetrates the air, the leaves begin to turn yellow, and the changing seasons of the year make one sigh at the passage of time. During this season, especially when the flu is high, parents are starting to pay more attention to their children's health. On the street corner of a small town, a few children gathered together and ran happily, leaving behind a string of laughter. Among them, little Lily is a lively and active girl, and her parents always do their best to protect her from seasonal diseases. However, this winter has not been easy for little Lily's family, as the onset of flu season has made them even more nervous, hoping that through expert advice, the child can grow up in a healthy environment.

How to protect children during flu season? Experts give advice on how to keep your child healthy

What is Flu?

The basics of the flu

Influenza, also known as seasonal influenza, is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. Influenza viruses are divided into three types: A, B, and C, with viruses A and B being the most common to infect humans. The spread of influenza is mainly through droplets, and the virus particles are released when people cough and sneeze, which tend to spread rapidly among people.

Symptoms and effects of the flu

Typical symptoms of the flu include sudden fever, headache, muscle pain, cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, and runny nose. For people with poor health, such as the elderly, children, pregnant women, and people with chronic medical conditions, influenza can cause serious complications and even be life-threatening.

Effective measures to prevent influenza

Influenza vaccination

The flu vaccine is one of the most effective measures to prevent seasonal influenza. The vaccine is updated annually based on the results of epidemiological surveys and covers the circulating subtypes of the virus. For children, getting a flu vaccine not only reduces the risk of infection, but also reduces the incidence of severe disease and complications.

Safety and side effects of the vaccine

The flu vaccine is generally safe, and most people experience only mild local reactions, such as pain at the injection site or a slight fever, after vaccination. Allergic reactions can occur in a very small number of people, but this is very rare. For individuals with specific contraindications, such as those with egg allergies, the decision to vaccinate should be made under the guidance of a doctor.

Practice good personal hygiene

Good personal hygiene is one of the key measures to prevent the spread of influenza. Teach children to wash their hands frequently, especially before and after touching their mouth, nose, and after eating, and after using the toilet to reduce the chance of spreading the virus. At the same time, avoid being too close to someone who has the flu, especially if symptoms appear, and try to maintain social distancing.

How to protect children during flu season? Experts give advice on how to keep your child healthy

The right way to wash your hands

Proper handwashing involves using warm water and soap, rubbing the palms, backs, between fingers, and fingertips thoroughly for at least 20 seconds, then rinsing under running water and drying with a tissue.

Avoid potential places of flu transmission

During the flu season, avoid taking your child to crowded places, especially public places with no good ventilation or environments where the virus can easily spread. Reducing your child's exposure to the virus can effectively reduce the risk of infection.

How to deal with your child's flu symptoms

Early recognition of flu symptoms

Knowing the typical symptoms of the flu is essential to find out if your child has the flu in time. Usually, the symptoms of the flu come on suddenly, and the child may experience symptoms such as high fever, cough, nasal congestion, and feeling unwell.

Difference Between Influenza and Common Cold

The main difference between the flu and the common cold is that the symptoms of the flu are usually more severe and the onset is sudden. The common cold is milder and the symptoms get worse.

Home care measures

When your child has flu symptoms, here are some steps you can take to help your child recover faster:

How to protect children during flu season? Experts give advice on how to keep your child healthy

Stay well rested and hydrated

During the flu, your child needs enough rest to help the immune system fight the virus and drink enough water to prevent dehydration.

Control your temperature

Control your child's temperature with appropriate fever medications, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, to help relieve fever and malaise.

Provide a comfortable environment

Keeping the room well ventilated and maintaining a warm and comfortable environment can help your child comfort and heal.

Be mindful of what you eat

Provide easy-to-digest, nutritious foods to help your child regain strength and boost their immunity.

Protecting children from the flu is an important responsibility of every parent during flu season. Vaccinations, good personal hygiene, and timely identification and treatment can effectively reduce your child's risk of contracting the flu and help them grow up healthy. Parental attention and careful care are the most solid backing for children in the face of illness and the most important support for them on the road to growth.

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