
The daughter-in-law returned the 160-square-meter dowry house to her mother's family, and the four members of the in-law's family could only wander the streets

author:I love noodle fish

The daughter-in-law returned the 160 square meters of the dowry room to her mother's family

In an ancient and prosperous city, there is a family surnamed Li, the old man Li is a shrewd and capable businessman, who runs the family heirloom cloth village with one hand, and the business is booming. His son Li Xiang is a scholar, smart and studious since he was a child, and he only wants to gain fame.

Li Xiang's wife, named Wan'er, is a gentle and virtuous woman, born in a scholarly family, and the family has some savings. When the two got married, Wan'er's parents felt sorry for their daughter, so they gave a 160-square-meter house as a dowry, hoping that their daughter could live more comfortably in her in-law's house.

At the beginning, the Li family was very good to Wan'er, and Mr. Li regarded her as his own and loved her very much. Wan'er also does her best to take care of the housework, filial piety to her in-laws, take care of her husband, and the family is happy.

However, the good times were short-lived. As time passed, Li Xiang failed in several consecutive imperial examinations, became more and more depressed, and began to use alcohol to kill his sorrows. When Old Man Li saw that his son was so decadent, he was anxious, so he often blamed him. Li Xiang couldn't bear to be disturbed, so he vented all his grievances on Wan'er.

Although Wan'er was aggrieved in her heart, she always endured it silently when she thought of the relationship between husband and wife. She thought that as long as she was virtuous enough, she would one day be able to influence her husband. However, Li Xiang's temper became more and more irritable, and he punched and kicked Wan'er when he didn't like it.

Seeing this, the rest of the Li family also began to speak coldly to Wan'er. They felt that Wan'er was a broom star, Kefukezi, which caused the Li family to cut off the incense. Wan'er's status in the Li family has plummeted, and she has changed from a young grandmother to a maid who can be bullied by everyone.

Wan'er struggled in despair, and she repeatedly asked her parents' family for help, but her parents were old and frail, and her younger brother was studying in a foreign country, so she could not give her substantial help. She can only send people under the fence and live in the Li family.

The daughter-in-law returned the 160-square-meter dowry house to her mother's family, and the four members of the in-law's family could only wander the streets

Until one day, Wan'er found out that she was pregnant. She thought that the arrival of the child could bring a touch of warmth to this home, but she didn't expect it to become the beginning of her nightmare.

After Li Xiang learned that Wan'er was pregnant, not only did he not have a trace of joy, but he became even more irritable. He decided that the child in Wan'er's womb was a burden that would hinder his pursuit of fame and fortune. So, he forced Wan'er to kill the child.

Wan'er firmly disagrees, believing that the child is innocent and cannot be deprived of his right to live because of the wishes of others. Li Xiang was furious when he saw this and threatened to kick her out of the house. Wan'er had no choice but to return to her parents' house to avoid the limelight temporarily.

After living in her mother's house for a while, Wan'er gave birth to a son. She thought that after the birth of the child, her husband would change his mind and take her home. However, it backfired, and the Li family not only did not come to pick her mother and son back, but also made things difficult for her mother's family everywhere.

Wan'er was disheartened and made a bold decision - she wanted to return the 160-square-meter dowry room to her parents! This decision took everyone by surprise. In that era, after a woman got married, the dowry belonged to her husband's family, and Wan'er undoubtedly put herself to death.

However, Wan'er carried out this decision without hesitation. She found a job and began to work hard to earn money to support herself and her son. Although life was hard, she felt more free and happy than ever.

And what about the Li family? After they lost Wan'er and the big house, their lives were in trouble. Old man Li lost Wan'er's help, and the business of the cloth village plummeted; Li Xiang was even more decadent because he lost Wan'er's support; The rest of the Li family also became scrambling because of the loss of Wan'er's care.

The daughter-in-law returned the 160-square-meter dowry house to her mother's family, and the four members of the in-law's family could only wander the streets

The downfall of the Li family did not make Wan'er feel the slightest sympathy, she knew that they were to blame for all this. But whenever she hears her son ask about his father's whereabouts, she still feels a ripple in her heart. She didn't want her child to grow up in hatred and could only tell him that his father had gone to a far away place and would take a long time to return.

Time flies like a white horse, and years have passed in the blink of an eye. Wan'er's son Xiaojie grew up to be a smart and sensible child under her careful teaching. Not only did he excel in his studies, but he was also very helpful and loved by his teachers and classmates.

And the Li family's situation is getting worse. Old man Li is too old to run a cloth village anymore, so he can only rely on his meager savings and the help of relatives. Li Xiang was deteriorating because of long-term alcoholism, and finally ended up terminally ill. The rest of the Li family also left them one by one because they couldn't adapt to the hard life.

One day, Wan'er took Xiaojie to wander the street and accidentally saw the ragged and haggard Li family. Although there is some complexity in her heart, it is more of a relief. She knew that all of this was their own trouble, and it had nothing to do with her.

However, Xiaojie saw all this. He took his mother's hand and asked, "Mom, who are they?" Why does it look so pathetic? ”

Wan'er looked at her son's innocent face, and a warm current surged in her heart. She squatted down, gently stroked Xiaojie's head, and said, "They are mother's past and mother's family." However, they did something wrong, so Mom chose to leave them. Xiaojie, you have to remember that if you do something wrong, you have to take responsibility, don't run away. ”

Xiao Jie nodded as if he didn't understand, but his heart was full of sympathy for the Li family. He knew that his mother was a kind person, and although she chose to leave the past, she still had a concern for her family in her heart.

The daughter-in-law returned the 160-square-meter dowry house to her mother's family, and the four members of the in-law's family could only wander the streets

A few years later, Xiaojie grew into a handsome and dashing young man. With his hard work and talent, he was admitted to a prestigious school in Beijing and became an excellent student. He made many like-minded friends at school and also met his love.

And what about the Li family? After Wan'er's resolute departure, they finally realized their mistake. They began to work hard to change their lives, and although the process was arduous, they never gave up. Eventually, they reinvigorated themselves and opened a small restaurant, which was small but thriving.

One day, Xiaojie returned to his hometown with his girlfriend. He specially went to visit the Li family, and when he saw their current living conditions, he couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion in his heart. He knew that his mother's decision was right, and she used her actions to tell him what responsibility and choice were.

Before leaving his hometown, Xiaojie found Old Man Li and said to him: "Grandpa, I know that you used to be bad to my mother, but I don't want to hate you. I hope you can cherish your life now and take good care of yourself. ”

Old Man Li listened to Xiaojie's words and burst into tears. He knew very well how much damage his mistakes had caused to Wan'er and Xiaojie, but now that he saw them live so happily, his heart was also full of relief and gratitude.

With the passage of time, after graduating from a prestigious school in Beijing, Xiaojie broke through a world in the business world with his talent and hard work. Not only did he inherit his mother's kindness and tenacity, but he also possessed the intelligence and determination that his father had dreamed of. The company he founded has gone from strength to strength to become a leader in its industry.

Despite his successful career, Xiaojie has never forgotten his roots. He often returned to his hometown with his mother and girlfriend to visit the elders who had helped and taught him. As for the Li family, he has always maintained a tolerant and understanding attitude. He knows that blood ties cannot be separated, but he knows better that true family affection is based on understanding and respect.

The daughter-in-law returned the 160-square-meter dowry house to her mother's family, and the four members of the in-law's family could only wander the streets

One day, Xiaojie returned to his hometown again, but unexpectedly found that the Li family's restaurant had closed. He inquired around and learned that Mr. Li had died of illness not long ago, and Li Xiang had also died of long-term alcoholism and deterioration, and finally had no money for medical treatment. The rest of the Li family could not afford to run the restaurant, so they had to earn their own living.

Hearing the news, Xiaojie had mixed feelings in his heart. He knows that no matter what has happened, the Li family will always be his relatives. So, he decided to do his part to help the Li family out of the predicament.

Xiaojie approached the remaining members of the Li family and told them that he was willing to fund to help them reopen a restaurant. He also personally designed the restaurant's décor and menu, as well as provided advice on management and marketing. With his help, the Li family's restaurant reopened and business gradually boomed.

The Li family's gratitude to Xiaojie is beyond words. They know that it is Xiaojie's kindness and tolerance that have allowed them to regain hope and courage in life. And Wan'er saw that her son was so promising, and knew how to be grateful and repay the society, and her heart was also full of pride and gratification.

As time went on, the Li family's restaurant grew bigger and bigger, becoming a well-known local restaurant. And Xiaojie's company has also grown and grown under his careful management, and has become a leader in the industry.

One day, when Xiaojie returned to his hometown again, he found that his hometown had changed dramatically. The once-dilapidated streets have been renovated, and the Li family's restaurant has become a local landmark. He stood in front of the restaurant, looking at the happy smiles on the faces of the diners coming and going, and his heart was full of emotion and satisfaction.

He knows that all this is inseparable from his own efforts and perseverance, as well as his mother's teachings and expectations. He is more deeply aware that only by continuous efforts and struggles can he realize his dreams and values.

The daughter-in-law returned the 160-square-meter dowry house to her mother's family, and the four members of the in-law's family could only wander the streets

For the Li family, they also cherish the happy life in front of them even more. They knew that all this was a gift and opportunity given to them by Xiaojie. They decided to turn this gratitude into blessings and support for Xiaojie, hoping that he can go further and further on the road in the future.

As the years go by, Xiaojie's career is getting bigger and bigger, but he has always maintained humility and diligence. He understands that his success is not only due to personal efforts, but also inseparable from the support and help of those around him. Therefore, he always keeps his gratitude in mind and constantly gives back to the society to help those in need.

And the Li family's restaurant, under the careful guidance of Xiaojie, has gradually become a well-known time-honored brand. The members of the Li family also came out of the initial predicament, and they began to know how to cherish the happiness in front of them, and they also cherished the family affection between each other even more.

Over time, Xiaojie's girlfriend also became his wife, and the two formed a happy family. They often return to their hometowns with their children to visit the elders who have helped and cared for them. Whenever this happens, the Li family will treat them warmly, as if they were relatives.

In the process of returning to his hometown to visit relatives, Xiaojie accidentally learned a news: Li Xiang had left a will before his death, hoping to redeem the dowry house that Wan'er returned to her parents' house and pass it on as a family heirloom. The news made Xiaojie fall into deep thought.

He knew that that house meant a lot to the Li family. It not only represents Wan'er's sacrifice and dedication back then, but also carries the dignity and glory of the Li family. However, he also knew that it was not easy for Wan'er to make that decision back then, and she made a choice for the future of herself and her son.

After some careful consideration, Xiaojie decided to help the Li family fulfill this last wish. He found the person who had bought the house in the first place, and after some negotiation and negotiation, he finally succeeded in redeeming the house.

The daughter-in-law returned the 160-square-meter dowry house to her mother's family, and the four members of the in-law's family could only wander the streets

When the Li family learned the news, they were so excited that they burst into tears. They are grateful for Xiaojie's kindness and generosity, and even more grateful for his ability to understand and respect the history and culture of the Li family. They decided to redecorate the house and open it to the public as a memorial hall for the family, so that more people can understand the history and heritage of the Li family.

At the opening ceremony of the memorial, Xiaojie delivered a touching speech. He recalled the past of himself and the Li family, and expressed his respect and nostalgia for Wan'er. He emphasized that no matter how the times change, the inheritance of the family and the power of family affection are eternal. He hoped that the Li family could cherish this hard-won happiness and unity, and work hard for the future of the family together.

After listening to Xiaojie's speech, the Li family expressed their approval and support. They know that Xiaojie is not only a successful businessman, but also a person with affection and righteousness. They decided to unite more and work together in the coming days to contribute to the prosperity and development of the family.

Since then, the Li family and Xiaojie's family have become real relatives. Together, they guard the family's memorial and pass on the family's culture and spirit. Whenever someone mentions this bizarre past, they are filled with emotion and cherished it. Because they know that all this is the result of the arrangement and choice of fate. As long as you have love, responsibility, and courage to face and choose, you will be able to create a better future of your own.