
Contemporary working women refuse to have a second child, and the whole network is hotly discussed!


Why did Huang Yimei refuse to have a second child?


Huang Yimei, a fashion-forward working woman, has sparked heated discussions on social media about her refusal to have children. She insisted that she was first and foremost an individual, not just a mother to her children.

Contemporary working women refuse to have a second child, and the whole network is hotly discussed!

This view caused an uproar among her fans. Some netizens commented: "This is her life, how can a little baby snatch love?" Indeed, modern women no longer only regard "having a baby" as a compulsory course in life, they pay more attention to career and self-realization. Huang Yimei, you are not fighting alone, the entire fashion circle is supporting you!

Contemporary working women refuse to have a second child, and the whole network is hotly discussed!

Fang Xiewen's "machismo"?

However, Rose's life was not all smooth sailing. Fang Xiewen, her husband, seems to be particularly interested in the word "son". A netizen sighed: "This man wants to go to a never-ending child car?!" ”

Contemporary working women refuse to have a second child, and the whole network is hotly discussed!

It is true that sometimes men's "machismo" is as rare as a unicorn under the sun. Fang Xiewen's remarks sparked a debate about whether to have a son or not to have a son. On this issue, Ms. Huang and her supporters, as well as Ms. Fang and his "loyalist" fans, are embroiled in a debate over Mars hitting Earth. Perhaps, this is just an April Fool's joke? Who knows?

Contemporary working women refuse to have a second child, and the whole network is hotly discussed!

Mother-in-law's thoughts

What's even more incredible is that Fang Xiewen's mother also joined the fight. Someone commented: "This mother-in-law is enough, and she thinks of Huang Yimei as a straighten hair!" ”

Contemporary working women refuse to have a second child, and the whole network is hotly discussed!

The mother-in-law's strong will and Huang Yimei's firm stance form a wonderful chemical reaction. In this farce caused by "straightening hair", who will be the final winner? Perhaps, the real question is, why do you have to straighten your hair? Behind this controversy is the collision of family values and modern lifestyles.

Contemporary working women refuse to have a second child, and the whole network is hotly discussed!


In this turbulent age of social media, Huang Yimei's story is like a torch that ignites endless debates about individual rights and family responsibilities. Her choice is not only a personal expression of bravery, but also a mirror image of an era. Whether for or against, every voice plays an important role in this debate. Because in the face of the ultimate question, we should probably ask: should everyone have the freedom to straighten their hair?

Contemporary working women refuse to have a second child, and the whole network is hotly discussed!

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