
The confinement meal of the caesarean section mother, it should be eaten like this!

author:Lactation nutrition Wang Wenli

Cut or smooth, different production methods, in the early diet, the difference is quite big!

For example, if you have a caesarean section, you have to wait until you have passed gas before you can eat;

For example, in caesarean section, the milk comes more slowly than the natural birth, which also causes some mothers to worry that their babies will not be full, so they add milk powder early.

While we have been emphasizing:

Bao Ma must eat well, and the milk is good.

But! The mother who has just given birth is very weak, as the so-called deficiency is not replenished, at this stage, it is necessary to let her slow down, and the food must be light and less oily, not greedy!

If you eat a lot of greasy food and foods that promote milk and milk too early, it will increase milk blockage! And it is not conducive to physical recovery.

The confinement meal of the caesarean section mother, it should be eaten like this!

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Let's take a look at how to eat after a caesarean section?

Fasting for 6 hours after surgery!

After 6 hours, you can drink a small amount of warm water to stimulate the peristalsis and exhaust of the intestines.

After exhausting (spanking), you can eat!

If you don't exhaust, you can't eat, you must remember.

Eat, eat a small amount of liquids!

Liquid food is food that is in a liquid state or melts in the mouth, such as: egg drop soup, steamed egg custard, rice noodles, lotus root noodles and other foods that are very soft, very thin, very raked, and easy to swallow.

Avoid gas-producing foods!

For example: milk, soy milk, foods that contain a lot of sucrose.

First postoperative day:

According to the above advice, eat liquid food 6 to 8 times (because it is a liquid food, it is a "parallel import", so you can eat it without hunger, and you can eat it when you are hungry).

Day after surgery:

Building on yesterday's food, transition to semi-liquid food, which is a food that is drier than liquid food and can be swallowed with a slight chew. For example: soft, rotten, thin dough sheets, sesame paste, meat puree, rotten rice, and rake vegetables (remember, be sure to eat vegetables).

Day 3 postoperatively:

If the bowel movements are normal, you can gradually transition to a normal diet, but you still have to stick to it, and the diet is light, not greasy, and easy to digest and absorb.

The confinement meal of the caesarean section mother, it should be eaten like this!

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First postoperative week:

Because of the caesarean section, the intestines are irritated and the function is impaired, the peristalsis of the intestines is slowed down, and there is bloating in the stomach. Therefore, before bloating and abdominal pain disappear, it is best not to eat milk, soy milk, and foods that contain a lot of sucrose. (The good news is that it usually takes about a week for bowel function to fully recover.)

Also because the intestinal peristalsis of the caesarean section mother is slow and more likely to cause constipation, so you must eat vegetables in your daily diet! Eat enough!

Due to surgical trauma, the pituitary gland will also not produce enough prolactin, which will affect the normal secretion of milk:

The milk production of the mother will be slightly slower than that of the mother who gave birth naturally, so it is normal for you to be slower than others! Don't be too anxious, be sure to suck and feed frequently, pay attention to the state of the baby, and take corresponding measures!

The time when the mother appears to have a menstrual period of milk expansion will be slightly later, but as long as you move out more and let the baby suck more, the menstrual period can also be more stable!

During this period, the diet must be light and light, otherwise the milk will be blocked and the milk will increase during the menstrual period, and the milk will not be easy to move out, which is really painful!

Second postoperative week:

Continue to eat a light diet on top of the first week, so that you can eat a variety of foods, and remember to eat more vegetables.

Mother's milk volume gradually increases in the second week, so you need to supplement high-quality protein, eat meat to eat lean meat, eat fish to eat fatty fish, and beans can also supplement protein.

The diet is still light.

Pay attention to the cooking method, don't fry eggs, boil crucian carp in thick lard, eat too much oil, it is easy to block milk. Light loofah egg soup, winter melon meat slice soup, cucumber and shrimp ball soup, and vegetable tofu soup are all good choices.

The confinement meal of the caesarean section mother, it should be eaten like this!

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3rd week postoperatively and onwards:

Still stick to a light diet.

Pig's trotter soup, old hen soup to drink soup, it is also recommended to remove the oil slick on the soup noodles, eat lean meat, not chicken skin.

Excess fat, mothers do not need, so not only easy to block milk, but also hoard excess fat to make people fat, you must know that if you don't lose weight during lactation, it is even more difficult to lose weight later.

Eat as diverse as possible, vegetables, fruits, cereals, fish, shrimp, poultry, soybeans, nuts, and milk.

Other than that:

Caesarean section will insert a urinary catheter, and because there is more lochia after childbirth, the mother still needs to drink more water and urinate more after giving birth to avoid urinary tract infection.

Caesarean section mother:

6-hour fasting!

Drink water before exhausting and eat after exhausting!

From liquid and semi-liquid food to a normal diet, food is getting drier, stickier, and more and more unbearable hunger!

Vegetables must be eaten, and water must be drunk more!

It is important to stick to a light diet and eat a variety of foods!

Eat and drink, know how to eat, milk will be really abundant and sufficient, and the body will recover quickly and well!


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