
In confinement, it's not right to eat! How do you ensure the quality of breast milk?

author:Lactation nutrition Wang Wenli

Confinement, our mother's food is very important!

If you don't eat well→ Bao's mother won't recover well! The baby's rations are not guaranteed!

It's so good to eat→ Bao's mother's body shape has changed! Milk can also be clogged from time to time!

How should I eat during confinement?

I believe that everyone hears more rumors than the truth, after all, rumors are easier to satisfy our curiosity and easier to spread.

Today, let's take a look at a few common dietary rumors and see how you should eat in this month?

In confinement, it's not right to eat! How do you ensure the quality of breast milk?

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1. Think that drinking more oil soup is better for milk.


Drinking thick soup not only does not give milk, but also blocks milk!

Wen Li: I have dealt with so many mothers who drink soup and milk blockage, and many of them make soup because of the kindness of the elderly in the family.

If you don't drink it, I'm afraid that you won't be able to get over it in the old man's house!

Drink it, it is blocked in the milk duct, and the milk can't pass!

2. Mash the milk.


Mash is also called rice wine, and if it is called wine, it must contain wine.

Although the alcohol content of commercially available products is not much, no matter how much it is, these alcohols will be drunk by the baby along with the milk, so it is not recommended for breastfeeding mothers to eat mash directly.

Some people may say, isn't alcohol evaporating easily? Then if I boil brown sugar eggs with moromi grains, and cook the moromi for a little longer, will there be no alcohol?

Theoretically, yes, but to be on the safe side, moromi in confinement may not be a good option.

3. The fruit is cold and cannot be eaten.


I really encountered it, and quite a lot of mothers rarely eat fruit during the confinement period.

If you want to eat fruits, they will be scalded with hot water, and almost only apples and bananas will be eaten, and no other varieties will be eaten.

During this month, fruits should not only be eaten, but also eaten by different varieties.

It is recommended that you eat 200-300g of fruit per day. Underweight and petite mothers eat 200g, otherwise increase the amount of food.

Try to "color" as well as possible, choose dark-colored fruits, like kiwifruit, strawberries, red heart dragon fruit, dates, oranges, oranges are all edible.

Fruits such as durian and watermelon, which are too hot and cold, can be appropriately adjusted according to their physical condition.

In confinement, it's not right to eat! How do you ensure the quality of breast milk?

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4. Don't eat salt during confinement.

In particular, mothers with gestational hypertension may be told to eat as little salt as possible during confinement. In fact, salt is eaten during breastfeeding, as well as iodized table salt. Iodine supplementation is used to prevent iodine deficiency in breast milk, which can affect the baby's development.

Sweating more after childbirth will take away a lot of salt, although we have repeatedly emphasized that the postpartum diet needs to be light, but salt still needs to be eaten.

More attention should be paid to invisible salt than salt intake.

Like what:

ate a green vegetable egg noodle (but I don't know, although the noodles seem to have no salt, they are usually salty);

drank a glass of plum lemonade (unexpectedly, although the plum tastes sweet, it is full of salt);

I ate a slice of toast with a meal (who expected, the toast will also be salted during the production process).

Eat salt during the confinement period, but if you don't want to eat too much, eat fresh meat, vegetables, and fruits as much as possible.

5. Drink more brown sugar water during confinement.


I will let you drink brown sugar water, because I think I can "replenish iron", the color of red is the same as blood.

But... The heart-piercing truth is that brown sugar water does not supplement iron!

Iron-poor brown sugar water also brings excess energy, which can make you fatter.

Now that I am discharged from the hospital, many hospitals will prescribe iron supplementation preparations to everyone. If you want to supplement iron, don't drink brown sugar water, eat some pig blood, chicken liver, and duck liver, cheap iron supplementation effect is good.

In confinement, it's not right to eat! How do you ensure the quality of breast milk?

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6. During confinement, you should eat more, eat more meat, and eat more.


While milk production requires enough protein, there are two problems here!

First, the types of food, whether the types and varieties are diversified?

During the confinement, pork, chicken, duck, pigeon, fish, shrimp, eggs, etc. are all served! It is necessary to truly diversify the food mix, especially to increase the proportion of fish and seafood consumed throughout the lactation period.

The second is the total amount of food, whether it is sufficient and not excessive?

Because eating too much meat will make it easy for the mother not to digest, it will be easy to constipation, which will affect the absorption of calcium (eating meat is also lacking in calcium).

How much meat should I eat?

One egg a day, eat about 3 taels of animal meat a day (about 2 taels of fish and shrimp, about 1 tael of lean livestock and poultry meat), and 25g of plant-based meat soybeans.

The diet in confinement is not difficult to say, everyone eats and drinks well, and the milk will be really better. #母乳喂养 ##月子餐##产后营养##追奶##追奶#