
Harden couldn't sit still! The Green Army 4-1 Mavericks, Tatum's post-game interview sparked heated discussions!

author:Wisboo knows the ball


NBA总决赛本以为‬独行侠‬和‬绿军‬是火星‬撞地球‬的对决‬,没想到‬是‬一边‬倒‬。 最后‬一场‬比赛上半场凯尔特人攻守两端完全占优领先21分,下半场独行侠东契奇、欧文带队反扑依旧无力,分差维持在20分上下,临近比赛结束2分多钟独行侠率先换下主力,最终凯尔特人106-88大胜独行侠,赢得‬非常‬轻松‬,两支‬球队‬完全‬不是‬一个‬等级‬的‬队伍‬。 绿军‬大比分4-1夺得队史第18座冠军! 同时‬超过湖人为联盟最多!

Harden couldn't sit still! The Green Army 4-1 Mavericks, Tatum's post-game interview sparked heated discussions!


1.欧文说到‬做到‬,为‬凯尔特‬人‬带来‬第‬18座‬总冠军‬! 欧文‬总决赛‬的表现‬让‬独行侠‬球迷‬感到‬彻底‬绝望。 The presence on the field is too low, I don't dare to make a move, and I hesitate. It's a disappointing way to play. has never been able to win a home win for the Green Army, although as soon as you get the ball, you will be booed by tens of thousands of people at home, but I think this boo is more than half of what Kobe Bryant and James encountered back then. 欧文今年总决赛数据‬均远低于其16年(27.1分‬)与17年‬(29.4分)‬总决赛的场均数据。

Harden couldn't sit still! The Green Army 4-1 Mavericks, Tatum's post-game interview sparked heated discussions!

2. Doncic played an average of 38.8 minutes per game in the Finals, scoring 29.2 points, 8.8 rebounds, 5.2 assists and 2.6 steals, shooting 47.2/24.4/58.6% from three. 虽然‬东契奇总决赛效率非常一般,尤其是三分球命中率仅有24%,而且暴露出很多缺点,防守端,防守连手都不伸,被各种一步过,也不去卡板,很多三分空位机会投三不沾。 Comment,

Harden couldn't sit still! The Green Army 4-1 Mavericks, Tatum's post-game interview sparked heated discussions!

3.塔图姆‬即将‬拿到‬历史‬级别‬大‬合同‬! The Celtics will soon offer Jason Tatum the five-year, $315 million contract extension, which would be the largest in NBA history, with Tatum averaging up to $65 million a year. 很多‬球迷‬难以置信‬,塔图姆‬作为‬球队老大,东决‬mvp、fmvp一样‬都‬没有拿到‬。 而且‬作为‬一名‬小前锋‬投篮‬命中率‬不足‬40%,三分‬仅有‬26%,球队‬还‬愿意‬让他‬当‬老大‬……

Harden couldn't sit still! The Green Army 4-1 Mavericks, Tatum's post-game interview sparked heated discussions!

客观‬点评‬一下‬,凯尔特人是整个联盟最豪华的球队,攻防也是最均衡的队伍,他们可以投三分,可以反复挡拆点名单挑,可以守换防、守夹击、守联防,根据对手不同,他们总能找出更容易赢得比赛的方式。 And the cornerstone of what they can do all this is that they have Tatum. 塔图姆‬的优点‬就是‬能做到球场上除了关键时刻攻坚以外一切的工作。 能护框、能抢‬篮板、能大防小、能策应、能空切、能接球投篮,这打法简直是完美二当家……

Harden couldn't sit still! The Green Army 4-1 Mavericks, Tatum's post-game interview sparked heated discussions!

To put it more simply, Tatum is the team's basic plate, but as the team's big leader, the offensive skills are flawed and he can't score at critical moments and can't take over the game, plus the title of the team's number one star, the shortcomings of the Otter Rabbit will be magnified.

4. You can say that the Green Army is weak, or you can even say that the Green Army does not have a big boss. But they have 6 second-in-command [cover face] [cover face]. Tatum and Brown combined for 24.9 percent three-point shooting, but the Celtics still won five Finals. The Celtics' starters are all offensive and defensive, and the most important thing is that they can almost always carry the ball and handle the ball.

Harden couldn't sit still! The Green Army 4-1 Mavericks, Tatum's post-game interview sparked heated discussions!


塔图姆‬赛后‬接受‬采访‬怒怼‬黑粉‬,宣泄‬着‬这么‬多年‬球迷‬对‬自己‬的‬不满,并‬谈到‬自己‬对‬fmvp‬的‬看法‬。 你们‬都想看我输掉总决赛‬会怎样,我猜现在都看不到咯。 We've had a resilient team and we've been through a lot as a team over the last few years. 现在看不好‬我们‬的人‬还能说什么? 是不是‬都‬闭上‬了嘴巴‬! The past 7 years have been a rollercoaster ride, with ups and downs. 我不得不忍受着那些人们的评论,现在‬我‬就是‬联盟‬最高‬的球员‬! fmvp当然‬很重要,但那不是主要目标。 Isaiah Thomas doesn't win the Finals MVP every time he wins a title, Tim Duncan doesn't win a Finals MVP every time he wins a title, and neither does Larry Bird. Stephen Curry only has 1 Finals MVP and Kobe Bryant has won 2 of 5 championships, so I don't feel the slightest bit sad that I didn't win the Finals MVP

Harden couldn't sit still! The Green Army 4-1 Mavericks, Tatum's post-game interview sparked heated discussions!


Harden joined the Clippers this year thinking he was here to assist, but he didn't expect to make himself the core. 据统计哈登首轮‬对战‬独行侠‬场均出战40.3分钟,得到21.2分4.5篮板8助攻1抢断1盖帽,三项命中率为44.9/38.3/90.6%。 这个‬数据‬已经‬非常‬合格‬,甚至‬超标‬了‬。 这就‬不得‬不点名‬伦纳德‬了[捂脸][捂脸],

Harden couldn't sit still! The Green Army 4-1 Mavericks, Tatum's post-game interview sparked heated discussions!

伦纳德‬的‬伤病‬真‬没办法‬,这几年‬无论是‬泰伦卢‬还是‬管理层‬,对‬他的‬使用‬已经是‬非常‬谨慎‬的。 今年‬印象里好几次第四节领先都不用上小卡,而且离‬季后赛‬开打‬前一个‬月‬就‬开始‬轮休‬,但季后赛‬开打‬直接‬宣布‬赛季‬报销‬……

Harden couldn't sit still! The Green Army 4-1 Mavericks, Tatum's post-game interview sparked heated discussions!

乔治本赛季薪资为4564万美元,下赛季‬是价值4879万美元的球员选项。 薪资专家Bobby Marks此前表示,快船‬想要‬保留‬伦纳德‬、乔治‬、哈登‬核心‬阵容‬继续‬冲冠‬。 而且‬乔治大概率‬会‬与‬快船签下一份4年2.21亿美元的顶薪提前续约合同。 哈登‬的合同‬大概‬在‬3500万‬美元上下‬。 赛季已经‬结束‬乔治‬、哈登‬的合同可以‬开始‬谈了‬,估计‬最近‬几周‬就会‬有‬消息‬! 凯尔特人今年‬夺冠后,霍福德赢得生涯首冠。 哈登成为历史‬生涯季后赛出战场次最多的现役无冠球员(166场)。 说句‬实话,快船‬夺冠‬窗口期‬可能‬已经‬过去‬,几大‬核心‬球员‬随着‬年龄增长,状态‬也在‬下滑‬…… 哈登‬如果‬继续‬留守‬快船‬,很难‬拿到‬冠军‬