
Rational use of dried pine needles in flower planting

author:Senior technician Lao Song
Rational use of dried pine needles in flower planting

In the field of horticulture and flower cultivation, pine needles are often used as a natural resource by flower lovers. In particular, dried pine needles are often considered as soil additives for flower cultivation because of their easy access and nutritional value. However, the question of whether dried pine needles can be directly mixed with soil to grow flowers actually involves many considerations.

Rational use of dried pine needles in flower planting

First of all, it is important to be clear that dry pine needles are not recommended to be mixed directly with soil to grow flowers. This is mainly due to several reasons:

  1. Fermentation problems: The internal structure of dried pine needles does not completely decompose without treatment, and mixing directly into the soil may affect the permeability and nutrient absorption of the soil. Therefore, fermentation should be carried out before use. Fermentation causes the organic matter in the pine needles to break down, releasing the nutrients needed by the plant and improving the soil structure.
  2. Pest and disease risk: Dried pine needles can harbor a variety of eggs and germs. If used directly for growing flowers without treatment, these potential pests and diseases may be introduced, adversely affecting flower growth. Therefore, the dried pine needles should be adequately sterilized and disinfected before use.
  3. Soil ratio problem: Even after fermentation and disinfection, dried pine needles should not be used as a cultivation medium for flowers alone. Because it is too soft and has poor water retention, it is not conducive to the fixation and water absorption of flower roots. Therefore, it is recommended to mix the treated pine needles with other types of soil (such as garden soil, river sand, etc.) in a certain proportion to adjust the permeability, water retention and fertility of the soil.

In response to the above questions, here are some suggestions on how to make reasonable use of dried pine needles to grow flowers:

  • Fermentation: After the dried pine needles are cut and crushed, they are stacked alternately with the garden soil, and an appropriate amount of domestic wastewater (such as rice washing water) is added, and then sealed for fermentation. Stir every half a month or so until the pine needles are completely rotten and fused with the soil.
  • Sterilization and disinfection: After the fermentation is completed, the pine needles are spread out and exposed to the sun in a sunny place for a few days to kill the bacteria and insect eggs in it. If the light is insufficient, it can also be sprayed with a biocide.
  • Soil ratio: The treated pine needle soil is mixed with other soils in a certain proportion. For example, a ratio of 3 parts pine needle soil, 3 parts garden soil and 1 part river sand can be used to create a cultivation substrate that is both loose, breathable and rich in nutrients.
Rational use of dried pine needles in flower planting

In summary, although dried pine needles cannot be directly mixed with soil to grow flowers, they can become a high-quality floriculture substrate after proper treatment and proportioning. When using this natural resource, flower lovers should pay attention to scientific handling and use methods to ensure the healthy growth of flowers.

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