
The 55-year-old brother has a small glass of rice wine every day to lower blood pressure and facilitate digestion, how will his body be after half a year?

author:Dr. Zhang Yu, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner

In my office, every figure who walks in has a story to tell, and Mr. Wang, 55, is particularly striking.

Half a year ago, he stepped into my clinic with trust in conventional wisdom.

At that time, he held a bottle of home-brewed rice wine in his hand, and his eyes sparkled with hope;

He believes that this bottle of clear liquid can be the key to his health.

Mr. Wang, an ordinary middle-aged man, is burdened with unusual health challenges – high blood pressure and frequent indigestion.

The 55-year-old brother has a small glass of rice wine every day to lower blood pressure and facilitate digestion, how will his body be after half a year?

His life used to be like a taut string, tense and stressful.

Until one day, he learned an ancient secret recipe from his ancestors:

Drinking a small glass of homemade rice wine every day is said to soothe blood vessels and promote digestion.

So, he began this self-experiment on health.

Half a year is just a flick of the fingers for the long river of life, but for Mr. Wang, it is a profound change.

He insisted on tasting that small glass of warm rice wine every night, feeling the warm current it brought slowly flowing in his body.

The 55-year-old brother has a small glass of rice wine every day to lower blood pressure and facilitate digestion, how will his body be after half a year?

His blood pressure, like a lake blown by a spring breeze, gradually calmed down;

His digestion, as if nourished by the earth, began to regain its vitality.

However, when I looked at his medical report again, my heart sank.

Although his blood pressure and digestive problems improved, the indicators of liver function quietly lit up in the red.

The existence of alcohol has both a short-term healing light and a long-term harmful shadow.

What are the effects of alcohol on the body

1. Central nervous system

Short-term impacts:

Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, which slows down the function of the brain;

The 55-year-old brother has a small glass of rice wine every day to lower blood pressure and facilitate digestion, how will his body be after half a year?

Leads to feelings of relaxation, mood changes, impaired judgment, prolonged reaction time, and impaired coordination.

Long-term effects:

Long-term excessive alcohol consumption may lead to cognitive dysfunction, memory loss, and distraction;

In severe cases, it can even cause alcoholic encephalopathy, which manifests as personality changes, mental disorders, and severe memory loss.

2. Digestive system


Alcohol irritates the stomach mucosa, leading to increased gastric acid secretion, which can cause gastritis, stomach ulcers, and gastric bleeding.


The liver is the main site of alcohol metabolism, and long-term alcohol consumption can lead to fatty liver disease, alcoholic hepatitis, and cirrhosis, which may eventually lead to liver failure.


Excessive alcohol intake can interfere with the normal function of the pancreas, increasing the risk of pancreatitis and diabetes.

3. Cardiovascular system

Short-term impacts:

Drinking small amounts of alcohol may temporarily dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure.

The 55-year-old brother has a small glass of rice wine every day to lower blood pressure and facilitate digestion, how will his body be after half a year?

Long-term effects:

Long-term excessive alcohol consumption increases the risk of high blood pressure, cardiomyopathy, arrhythmias, and stroke.

4. Immune system

Long-term effects:

Alcohol weakens the immune system and makes the body more susceptible to infections, including pneumonia and tuberculosis.

5. Reproductive system

Men: Long-term alcohol consumption may lead to testicular atrophy, decreased sperm quality, and sexual dysfunction.

Women: Excessive alcohol intake may affect the menstrual cycle and increase the risk of infertility and preterm birth.

6. Bone health

The 55-year-old brother has a small glass of rice wine every day to lower blood pressure and facilitate digestion, how will his body be after half a year?

Long-term effects: Alcohol may affect calcium absorption and bone metabolism, increasing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

7. Metabolism and nutrition

Long-term effects:

Alcohol can affect the absorption and metabolism of nutrients, which can lead to malnutrition and vitamin deficiencies;

Such as Wernicke-Kolsakov syndrome caused by vitamin B1 deficiency.

8. Skin

Short-term effects: Drinking alcohol may cause skin flushing and vasodilation.

Long-term effects: Long-term alcohol consumption may lead to dry skin, increased wrinkles, and uneven skin tone.

The 55-year-old brother has a small glass of rice wine every day to lower blood pressure and facilitate digestion, how will his body be after half a year?

9. Mental and emotional

Long-term effects: Long-term alcohol consumption can lead to depression, anxiety and other mental health problems, as well as exacerbate symptoms of pre-existing mental illnesses.

Mr. Wang's Body Symphony

Mr. Wang's blood pressure drop may not just be due to rice wine.

During this time, his diet became lighter, and he began to jog in the morning light, breathing in the fresh air.

The 55-year-old brother has a small glass of rice wine every day to lower blood pressure and facilitate digestion, how will his body be after half a year?

His digestion improved, perhaps because he cut back on greasy foods and increased those colorful vegetables and fruits.

But despite the drop in blood pressure, Mr. Wang's liver function indicators showed a red light.

Alcohol, the two-faced beauty, she can make you feel the relaxation of your blood vessels and the pleasure of your mood in a short time;

But she's also a lurking vandal, and every light kiss she gives can carve deep marks into your liver.

For people with high blood pressure, the short-term effects of alcohol may lead to a temporary drop in blood pressure;

The 55-year-old brother has a small glass of rice wine every day to lower blood pressure and facilitate digestion, how will his body be after half a year?

But in the long run, she could worsen her condition and even lead to more serious complications.

A guide to smart drinking

The principle of moderation:

No more than two servings of alcoholic beverages per day for men and one serving for women.

One serving of alcoholic beverage is equivalent to 14 grams of pure alcohol, which is about the amount of a can of beer, a glass of wine, or a small glass of spirits.

Individual Differences:

Taking into account factors such as age, gender, weight, health status, and personal tolerance, everyone reacts differently to alcohol.

Health Monitoring:

Get regular health check-ups, especially liver function tests, to monitor the potential effects of alcohol on your body.

The 55-year-old brother has a small glass of rice wine every day to lower blood pressure and facilitate digestion, how will his body be after half a year?

Alternative Options:

Look for non-alcoholic ways to relax, such as walking, yoga, or meditation, to reduce your dependence on alcohol.

In this complex game of health, alcohol is just one of many pieces.

What we need is to play chess wisely, not blindly follow.