
The 65-year-old uncle often hangs his neck in the park for fitness, and after going to the hospital for a check-up, how is his health?

author:Dr. Zhang Yu, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner

On this sunny morning, in a corner of the park, a 65-year-old man was hanging from a crossbar;

His neck was tightly wrapped around a cloth band, and the whole person seemed to be swinging in the air.

This peculiar way of "fitness" attracts a lot of attention, but it also makes people worry.

As a doctor, I have reservations about this seemingly "difficult" approach to fitness.

Not long ago, this uncle came to the hospital with neck pain, and I was deeply shocked by the results of his examination.

The uncle's surname is Liu, and retirement life is a vast world for him, and he is eager to soar in it and find healthy wings.

The 65-year-old uncle often hangs his neck in the park for fitness, and after going to the hospital for a check-up, how is his health?

He heard that hanging his neck can effectively stretch the cervical spine and relieve the neck and shoulder pain caused by sitting for a long time, so he devoted himself to this special "aerial yoga".

At first, he did it only occasionally, but over time, this "fitness" became a daily obligatory part of his work.

However, the pain in the neck gradually intensified, until even the most basic head rotation became difficult.

After a series of meticulous examinations, we were surprised to find that Uncle Liu's cervical spine had undergone significant degenerative changes;

What's worse is that the long-term hanging of the neck greatly reduces the stability of the cervical spine.

Fortunately, his cervical spine has not suffered irreversible structural damage, but the warning is shocking enough.

After an in-depth conversation with Uncle Liu, I explained to him the risks behind hanging neck fitness.

The 65-year-old uncle often hangs his neck in the park for fitness, and after going to the hospital for a check-up, how is his health?

Although this practice may give the illusion that the cervical spine is stretched in a short period of time;

But the pressure it exerts on the cervical spine is enormous, especially in the absence of professional guidance;

It is very easy to cause cervical spine injury, and even induce serious complications such as cervical disc herniation and nerve compression.

I persuaded Uncle Liu to immediately abandon this dangerous way of fitness, and tailored a safer and more scientific cervical spine maintenance plan for him.

The program includes gentle neck stretching, warm compress therapy, and lightweight muscle strengthening exercises supervised by a professional trainer.

At the same time, I also emphasized the importance of cervical spine protection in daily life, such as maintaining a correct sitting and standing posture;

Avoid indulging in electronic devices with your head down for long periods of time, and get regular neck massages.

The 65-year-old uncle often hangs his neck in the park for fitness, and after going to the hospital for a check-up, how is his health?

A few months later, Uncle Liu stepped into the hospital again for a follow-up, and his neck pain had been significantly relieved.

He happily told me that since he changed his exercise and habits;

Not only has the condition of the cervical spine improved greatly, but the whole person also radiated a more positive vitality.

Here I would like to share some practical and effective health advice.

The cervical spine, as a delicate structure in the human skeleton, is not only a bridge connecting the brain and the body, but also carries the important task of nerve information transmission.

Whether it is healthy or not is directly related to the quality of our daily life, and even the happiness of life.

Get your posture right

Proper posture is the cornerstone of cervical spine health.

Whether standing, sitting or walking, we should maintain the natural curve of our back and avoid hunching over or leaning forward.

Prolonged poor posture can cause unnecessary stress on the cervical spine, which can lead to pain and injury.

The 65-year-old uncle often hangs his neck in the park for fitness, and after going to the hospital for a check-up, how is his health?

Therefore, we should always remind ourselves to maintain good posture and even place a small mirror on our desk;

So that you can always check that you are sitting in the correct position.

Exercise in moderation

We can choose some simple and easy cervical spine gymnastics, such as slow neck rotation, side flexion, and nodding movements;

These movements can help relax the neck muscles and enhance the flexibility and stability of the cervical spine.

It is advisable to set aside a few minutes each day for these exercises, especially after a long day of work or study;

Performing a cervical spine exercise can effectively relieve neck tension and fatigue.

Avoid the pressure

The cervical spine does not like to be put under excessive pressure.

In our daily lives, we should try to avoid lifting heavy objects frequently, especially those that are beyond our capacity.

The 65-year-old uncle often hangs his neck in the park for fitness, and after going to the hospital for a check-up, how is his health?

When you have to lift heavy objects, you should take the correct posture and bend your knees instead of your waist;

Use leg strength to assist in completing movements to reduce direct pressure on the cervical spine.

A selection of pillows

The ideal pillow should be able to adapt to the natural curvature of the cervical spine, providing even support for the head and neck.

Pillows that are too high or too low can cause the cervical spine to be in an unnatural position, which can cause cervical spine pain over time.

We should choose pillows that are of moderate height, comfortable and supportive;

The 65-year-old uncle often hangs his neck in the park for fitness, and after going to the hospital for a check-up, how is his health?

Make sure that the cervical spine can be well rested and recovered during sleep.

Regular medical check-ups

Through professional medical equipment and technology, doctors can detect abnormal changes in the cervical spine in time, such as cervical disc herniation, bone hyperplasia and other problems.

Once a problem is identified, the doctor will prescribe a treatment plan on a case-by-case basis to prevent further deterioration of the condition.

Therefore, it is recommended to have a cervical spine health examination at least once a year to protect your cervical spine health.

The 65-year-old uncle often hangs his neck in the park for fitness, and after going to the hospital for a check-up, how is his health?

To sum up, cervical spine care is not difficult, the key is whether we can put it into practice in our daily life.

Through the above health care recommendations, we can effectively prevent cervical spine diseases and improve the quality of life.

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