
What to do if you have sudden angina? Experts teach self-help strategies, must-see!

author:Dr. Koppwang

At the moment of life and death, the unexpected strike, we can't predict which will come first, tomorrow or the accident. But one thing is certain, if you master the right way to save yourself, you can fight for a glimmer of life for your life at a critical moment. Today, we have invited cardiovascular experts to teach you self-help strategies for sudden angina, so that you can save your life at a critical moment!

What to do if you have sudden angina? Experts teach self-help strategies, must-see!

Angina pectoris is a common acute cardiovascular disease that causes acute ischemia of the heart muscle due to insufficient blood supply to the coronary arteries. In the event of a sudden onset of angina, the first thing to do is to stay calm and quickly identify the symptoms. Symptoms of angina pectoris include: chest pain, pressure, chest tightness, shortness of breath, etc. If these symptoms occur, be vigilant and take immediate self-help measures.

Step 1: Lie down or sit down and avoid standing to reduce the burden on your heart.

Step 2: Call the 120 emergency number immediately and inform the doctor of your symptoms and location.

Step 3: Take 1 tablet of nitroglycerin sublingually, every 5 minutes, until symptoms are relieved.

Step 4: Keep your breathing smooth, breathe deeply, and exhale slowly to help relieve myocardial ischemia.

Step 5: Don't use too much force and avoid strenuous exercise, such as running, jumping, etc.

What to do if you have sudden angina? Experts teach self-help strategies, must-see!

Experts remind: In the event of sudden angina, self-help measures are crucial, but you should also pay attention to the following misunderstandings:

1. Myth 1: Angina pectoris is not a heart attack and does not need to be treated.

Fact: Angina pectoris is an early sign of heart disease and can progress to myocardial infarction if left untreated.

2. Myth 2: When angina attacks, you can drink a lot of alcohol.

Fact: Drinking alcohol can put more strain on the heart, induce angina to worsen, and even life-threatening.

3. Myth 3: When angina attacks, you can stop taking nitroglycerin without authorization.

Fact: Nitroglycerin is a first-aid medicine for angina, so don't stop it and use it as prescribed.

4. Myth 4: When angina is attacking, you can go to the hospital alone.

What to do if you have sudden angina? Experts teach self-help strategies, must-see!

Fact: During an angina attack, patients may experience syncope, loss of consciousness, etc., and there is a great risk of going to the hospital alone.

Master the correct self-help method, which can save your life at a critical moment! I hope that everyone will forward these strategies to relatives and friends, so that more people can understand the self-help knowledge of angina. At the same time, develop good lifestyle habits and prevent cardiovascular diseases, starting now! #头条创作挑战赛 ##妙笔生花创作挑战#

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