
Sprint for the summer exam, you must know the past to ask for review strategies!

author:Zhiyuan Juku, Japan

For those who go to Japan to take the exam, "Ask the Past" is undoubtedly one of the most important preparation materials. Whether it is for analyzing the school's examination style, predicting the future direction of the school's questions, or as a kind of practical simulation and daily practice for everyone, it is very meaningful to ask questions in the past.

So today, Xiaoyuan will take you to understand what the past questions are, how to answer the past questions and how to practice the past questions, hoping to help you make better use of the past questions and quickly improve your written test results in the short term.

Sprint for the summer exam, you must know the past to ask for review strategies!

What is asked in the past

As the name suggests, "past questions" are past questions, that is, past questions of the school you are applying for. It can be said that it is the most important starting point for everyone to review and prepare for the exam, self-test, and sprint before the exam.

Although there will be a big gap between the past questions according to different disciplines, generally speaking, we can divide the types of past questions in the humanities and social sciences into single knowledge point digging questions, related knowledge questions in the same field, complex knowledge points comprehensive questions, and new questions in the application of change thinking.

On the other hand, the past questions of science and engineering are closer to the core examples of important professional books.

How to answer the past question

In the process of answering questions, whether there is logic or not is an important factor affecting the score. While ensuring the quality of the content and highlighting the logic, we also need to master certain answering skills to make our answers more impeccable.

Therefore, in order to improve the answering ability of all friends, Xiaoyuan has summarized some practical answering skills for everyone:

1> Selection and concentration

Consolidate what can be written and organize it into logical essays in academic language, rather than simply piling them up into paragraphs.

2> Pay attention to the beginning

A good beginning is half the battle, and for the examiner, the first thing that jumps into view is the beginning of the answer, and the first impression is enough to influence his judgment of the whole answer.

3. > awareness of the framework of knowledge points is also crucial for answering questions

The framework is actually a kind of cognitive base model, the knowledge point framework is the association between knowledge and the logical mechanism of knowledge, the establishment of the knowledge point framework is conducive to us to quickly call up the knowledge points in our minds when answering, and the answers written are more logical.

4. Cultivate and establish a sense of keyword divergence > established

Select the core keywords in the question, and diverge your thinking around the keywords to ensure that they are relevant.

5. > format of the total score

The overall format of the total score can make our answers look organized, hierarchical, more complete and more rigorous.

6> connecting the upper and lower levels, echoing back and forth

In the process of writing, in order to make the answer smooth and not abrupt, the structure is more tight, and the theme is more prominent, we can use the technique of connecting the previous and the next, and echoing the front and back. Not only in the same question, but also several different questions in each answer can also echo back and forth.

7> Reverse thinking

Reverse thinking, as the name suggests, is to start from the opposite direction of normal logic to find the breaking point, and do the opposite, thinking about the problem solving point from the opposite of the keyword.

8. Divide > group

That is, in the questions with more keywords, the answers are answered in layers according to the keywords, so that the answers correspond to the keywords one by one, and the structure of the article will be more sparse.

How to practice past asking

➤ How to find the past to ask

If you want to practice asking questions, you must first understand how you get them. Different schools have different ways to obtain past questions, which can basically be obtained from the following three channels:

❶ Official website

Many schools have chosen to publish their past questions on the Internet, and students can download and use them directly from the Graduate School website. For example, some graduate schools at Waseda University and Keio University.

At the same time, some schools choose to attach the application method to the official website, and after filling in the address and other relevant information, the school will provide a hard copy of the past questions by mail, such as some graduate schools such as Osaka University.

❷ Live

Because the content in the past questions involves copyright, some of the school's past questions are not public, and we need to go to the school's reading room to check them by ourselves. For example, some graduate schools at Aoyama Gakuin University and Hiroshima University.

❸ Find Xiaoyuan

Either way, most of them only provide questions from the past 2-3 years, and if there are many schools to apply for, it is very energy-consuming to collect each one by yourself.

Therefore, Xiaoyuan specially collected the past questions of each upper school in the past 10 years. Contact Xiaoyuan now, get the target school to ask for contact!

Sprint for the summer exam, you must know the past to ask for review strategies!

*Zhiyuan Education Past Question Bank (part of the display)

➤ How to evaluate the past asked

Xiaoyuan often sees that some students who have not yet joined the Zhiyuan family are suffering from their hard work and doing a lot of questions, but they do not have the opportunity to get proper feedback, resulting in their own progress is relatively slow.

Ladies and gentlemen, you may wish to recall that when you were preparing for the college entrance examination, the final winners were always those students who tirelessly asked the teacher questions, and the same was true in the process of going to Japan to take the entrance examination.

If you can have excellent and professional teachers to correct yourself, point out mistakes and give them points, everyone's written test skills will definitely improve faster, and you will be one step closer to your dream college.

For example, Zhiyuan has prepared for everyone:

■3 months short-term training course at top schools

A series of comprehensive courses on the methodology of the written test, as well as a training course for the rapid improvement of past question drills.

Sprint for the summer exam, you must know the past to ask for review strategies!
Sprint for the summer exam, you must know the past to ask for review strategies!
Sprint for the summer exam, you must know the past to ask for review strategies!

The top school training courses of Zhiyuan Education Elite Class cover a series of past questions from Tokyo University, Zao University, Keio University, and Imperial University, comprehensively enhance the competitiveness of everyone's written test, and fully empower the summer exam!

The training course with standard answers has a 95% hit rate and a pass rate of 89.6% in the written test, so don't miss it again!

■Special response team for written examinations

If you only practice without correcting feedback, then multiple exercises will only continue to reinforce your "wrong writing patterns".

Only in the process of error correction, correction, practice and improvement, the friends will get fast reading and improvement. A precise correction and a reminder to avoid lightning is better than 100 blind exercises.

Zhiyuan's professional course teachers, homeroom teachers and TA teachers on duty, and always adhere to the manual refinement service, with everyone to overcome the written test. The picture below shows some of the excellent assignments of Zhiyuan students!

Sprint for the summer exam, you must know the past to ask for review strategies!

➤ Review method

I'm sure everyone has heard the story of Leonardo da Vinci painting eggs. The rules of drawing are simple, but it's hard to really draw well. It's the same for our graduate school entrance exams, if you want to get a high score, a certain amount of practice is essential.

In addition, in order to make the most of the past questions and practice the past questions most effectively to improve your written test score, it is essential to practice repeatedly and with the teacher's correction and feedback.

Xiaoyuan summarized the following exercise suggestions for everyone:

❶ Train regularly

After entering the sprint period, at least 3 sets of past questions should be done every week, and quantitative changes will lead to qualitative changes.

❷ Timed training

In the exam room, it is not uncommon to hear students who feel that they know the question but do not have enough time to elaborate their arguments completely. This may be due to a problem with the allocation of time during the review phase, or it may be that everyone's writing speed needs to be improved.

Therefore, from the usual practice, everyone should do timed training. Basically, you can keep the speed of about 1200-1500 words per hour.

❸ Sort out mistakes

If you just do the questions and don't organize or reflect, then the effect may actually be reduced. However, if you can make full use of the problems you have already done, accumulate examples, accumulate ideas, and accumulate frameworks and templates, then you can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

❹ Joint review

The most important thing in the graduate school entrance examination process is to have partners to brainstorm together. Reviewing the past questions with teachers and classmates can more effectively broaden your thinking and find out the connections between knowledge points or problems, which is one of the fastest ways to improve.

❺ School for

When doing past questions, you can compare the investigation of the same knowledge point in different schools horizontally, and make a longitudinal comparison of the past questions of different years in the same school.

The heart is not as good as action, the written test directly laid the foundation for everyone to qualify, and it is a part of the exam that everyone can control more factors than the interview, hurry up and join Zhiyuan to overcome the past questions together~

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