
Step-by-step instructions for you to write reading notes: 1 page, 6 key points, quickly refine and memorize a book

author:Shibasho-chan - Read a little book every day



Do you often find yourself forgetting many of the contents of a book shortly after flipping through it?

This is actually a normal manifestation of the human memory curve, and there is no need to blame yourself or get frustrated about it.

The literary master Qian Zhongshu is known as the "God of Learning" because of his strong memory and unforgettable.

Yang Jiang clarified: He is just a good reader and willing to take notes.

The real purpose of reading books is not just to memorize, but more importantly to stimulate our thinking. Of course, having a clear memory helps us think more easily.

However, you may have questions like, "Reading notes? I've never written about it, and I don't know where to start! ”

Don't worry, today, we're going to explore together how to quickly write a really useful reading note.

Step-by-step instructions for you to write reading notes: 1 page, 6 key points, quickly refine and memorize a book

01 One-page reading note-taking method

This efficient method of taking reading notes is original by @憨憨senior, it only needs 1 page, 6 points, and you can quickly refine and remember a book.

Here's how it works: After reading a book, remember to use an A4 piece of paper and write down the following 6 key points

1️⃣ 1 sentence: Practice summarizing in 1 sentence, whether it is a book, a person or a product, so that it is easy for you to memorize and convey it;

2️⃣ Problem: A valuable problem that the author asks and can be solved;

3️⃣ Messenger: The author, who you send to the frontier of his best field, to convey to you the most valuable information in this field;

4️⃣ Perspective: What are the core ideas and values of a book?

5️⃣ Models/Formulas/Solutions: Knowledge crystals delivered to the reader by this book;

6️⃣ Golden sentences: sentences that move you, or are very useful.

Step-by-step instructions for you to write reading notes: 1 page, 6 key points, quickly refine and memorize a book

For example: Book Verse: "The Road to Wealth and Freedom"

Author: Li Xiaolai

1️⃣ In one sentence:

"The Road to Financial Freedom is a guide to personal growth and wealth accumulation, which teaches us to achieve personal value and wealth growth through the right approach and continuous efforts."

2️⃣ Question:

The author asks a question about personal growth: "How do you do the right thing in the right way to achieve personal growth and financial freedom?" This question deserves attention because it goes to the heart of personal development and self-actualization.

3️⃣ Messenger: The author, Li Xiaolai, as an expert in the field of personal growth and wealth accumulation, shares his years of thinking and practical results with us through this book. His motivation for writing is to help readers build the right perceptions and improve their lives by practicing them.

Step-by-step instructions for you to write reading notes: 1 page, 6 key points, quickly refine and memorize a book

4️⃣ Perspective: The core idea of the book is that personal growth and financial freedom are not achieved overnight, but are a process of continuous accumulation and right action. This perspective for me means patience and perseverance, and at the same time it is important for personal development and social progress.

5️⃣ Models/Formulas/Solutions: The "Compound Interest Curve" model is proposed in The Road to Wealth Freedom, which helps us understand that the process of personal growth and wealth accumulation is gradually accelerated. The "compound interest curve" model is a concept in economics and finance that describes the exponential trend of capital growth over time. With consistent effort and the right approach, we can achieve exponential growth, both personally and financially. Characteristics of the compound interest curve

  • Slow initial growth: At the beginning of the curve, growth looks more flat because the base is small and even with compound interest effects, growth is not significant.
  • Accelerated growth: Over time, growth begins to accelerate and the curve becomes steeper due to the accumulation of compounding effects.
  • Tipping point: A point at which the rate of growth accelerates significantly, often referred to as an "inflection point" or "breakout point."
  • Exponential growth: After the tipping point, growth takes on an exponential character, i.e., growing faster and faster.

6️⃣ Golden Sentence: Here are a few words from "The Road to Wealth Freedom" that struck me:

"'Do the right thing the right way, and you're bound to get better.'" This quote made me realize that success is not an accident, but an inevitable result of the right actions. "'Personal financial freedom means that a person no longer has to sell his time to meet the necessities of life.'" This quote taught me that true freedom comes from no longer working to survive, but being able to choose to do what you love. "

In this way, we can efficiently grasp the essence of a book, and we will not forget it after reading it, and it will be difficult to apply it.

Step-by-step instructions for you to write reading notes: 1 page, 6 key points, quickly refine and memorize a book

02 How to read books intensively

Another method of taking reading notes is more suitable for intensive reading of important books or novels, as follows:

  1. Organize the table of contents: we can write the table of contents into the notes, and if the table of contents is too long, we can organize it according to our own logic.
  2. Dismantling the characters: If you are reading a novel, for the key characters, record the name and identity of the character in the notebook and describe it with a few key words.
  3. Excerpt from notes: When excerpting, you can choose a subtitle for this passage and write the corresponding page number, so that you can quickly find the relevant content when rereading or writing a book review.
  4. Leave blank space: Leave blank space on both sides of the reading note, so that when rereading, you can write your own experience and feelings in the blank space, which increases the interactivity and personalization of the note.
  5. Summarize while reading: Some books have large blank spaces, so you can mark 1, 2, and 3 in the blank space to make notes to help organize the framework and ideas of the chapters.
Step-by-step instructions for you to write reading notes: 1 page, 6 key points, quickly refine and memorize a book

Hu Shi went to the United States at the age of 20, studied abroad for 7 years, and wrote a total of 17 volumes of diaries. From the third volume onwards, his diary focused more on taking reading notes and notes.

Hu Shi made a reading notebook, which was to be done: transcribe the memo; as a synopsis, an excerpt; Record your own experience; Refer to various books, integrate them, and make systematic works.

He used to say that publishing is a wonderful way to absorb knowledge and ideas. And reading notes are the first step of publishing.

In the process of reading, we can constantly form our own opinions and cultivate the ability to think independently by recording, summarizing and thinking.

Writing reading notes and book reviews is the most effective way to help us build our knowledge system and develop our ability to think deeply.

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