
Prostatic hyperplasia, dampness and heat dissipate, the lower coke is cleared, and the person is unobstructed


Hello everyone, I am your good helper in andrology, Chinese medicine Bian Sishan. Prostatic hyperplasia is definitely a huge "stumbling block" on the road to our happiness, and this condition is not only long-lasting, but also has many complications.

Prostatic hyperplasia, dampness and heat dissipate, the lower coke is cleared, and the person is unobstructed

Today I would like to share with you a very effective prescription for the treatment of prostatic hyperplasia, before talking about this prescription, let's talk about a traditional Chinese medicine, which is also the main drug of this prescription, called Mutong.

The medicinal effects of Mutong have many effects, and we will briefly mention a few representative ones

Mutong has a significant diuretic effect and helps to treat symptoms such as gonorrhea, edema, and poor urination. Clinically, wood is usually used with psyllium, talc, etc., such as Ba Zheng San, to enhance its diuretic effect.

It can clear away heat and relieve fire, relieve symptoms such as hot shower, astringent pain, mouth and tongue sores, and sore throat. It can not only clear the heart and reduce fire, but also reduce the small intestine, clear heat and diuretic.

Mutong has the effect of invigorating blood and meridians, and can alleviate symptoms such as amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, and bruises caused by blood fever. In the treatment of women's diseases such as menstrual irregularities, Mutong is also one of the commonly used medicines.

Mutong also has the effect of dispelling wind and dehumidifying, which can relieve symptoms such as rheumatism and paralysis, unfavorable muscles and bones, and soreness and weakness of waist and knees.

Prostatic hyperplasia, dampness and heat dissipate, the lower coke is cleared, and the person is unobstructed

Next, let's take a look at a practical case to understand the specific effect of this party

The patient was 53 years old at the time, had been suffering from prostatic hyperplasia for three years, and usually liked to have a few drinks with friends.

After the Western medicine treatment failed, they came to me in the hope of being effectively remedied.

Symptoms: frequent urination and urgency, astringent and painful urination, accompanied by burning sensation, yellow urine, oily face, weak limbs, pale red tongue, yellow and greasy tongue, and smooth pulse

The condition is damp heat internal blockage

The treatment is to clear dampness and remove heat, and dilute the water

Formula: [Wet Dispersion]

Square group: Mutong, talc, succumbing, qu wheat, psyllium, gardenia, rhubarb

Fangzhong Mutong can clear the heart fire and benefit dampness and heat; Fresh, wheat, psyllium, talc, clear away heat and dampness, and promote water drenching; Gardenia, rhubarb, the heat of the three cokes of Qingli.

After the patient went back to take three courses of treatment, the urination became smooth, the body felt relaxed, and the limbs were strong.

Prostatic hyperplasia, dampness and heat dissipate, the lower coke is cleared, and the person is unobstructed

You need to keep in mind that everyone's situation is different, and when taking medication, you must follow the doctor's advice and do not blindly use medicine, so as not to cause adverse consequences

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