
After reading Tears, how much does your child love you?

author:Affection between the mountains and rivers
After reading Tears, how much does your child love you?
After reading Tears, how much does your child love you?
After reading Tears, how much does your child love you?
After reading Tears, how much does your child love you?
After reading Tears, how much does your child love you?
After reading Tears, how much does your child love you?
After reading Tears, how much does your child love you?
After reading Tears, how much does your child love you?
After reading Tears, how much does your child love you?

On a cold winter night, under the neon lights of the city, a busy figure hurried by. It was a middle-aged man named Li Hao, a department manager of a large company, who was so tired of his work every day that he often neglected the small world at home.

That night, Li Hao, as usual, dragged his tired body home. He pushed open the door, and a warmth came to his face, but with an unusual quietness. He looked around and saw a bowl of hot noodle soup on the dining table, and a note next to it: "Dad, it's hard work, let's eat a bowl of noodles to warm up." ”

Li Hao's heart warmed, he knew that this was prepared for him by his son Xiao Ming. He sat down and gently picked up the bowl of noodles, and in the steaming heat, he seemed to see the serious look on his son's immature face. He lowered his head and took a bite, the fragrance was overflowing, and the warmth reached the bottom of his heart.

At this moment, Xiao Ming walked out of the room, holding a thick photo album in his hand. He walked up to Li Hao and whispered, "Dad, I want to show you something." ”

Li Hao put down the bowl and took the album curiously. Turning the first page, there is a photo of him and his wife when they were married, when he was still young, with a happy smile on his face. The next few pages record every moment of Xiao Ming's birth to growth - the first time he learned to walk, the first time he went to kindergarten, and the first time he won an award...... Each photo seems to bear the imprint of time, telling a warm story.

Li Hao looked at the photo album, and an inexplicable feeling surged in his heart. He suddenly realized that he had missed out on too many quality moments with his son. He raised his head, looked at Xiao Ming's bright eyes, and couldn't help but ask in his heart, "Xiao Ming, why do you suddenly want to show me this?" ”

Xiao Ming lowered his head, his voice a little choked: "Dad, I know you are very busy at work, but I really want you to accompany me more." Every time you come home late, I'm already asleep. I know you're having a hard time out there, but I also want you to take care of me and my mom a little more. This album is specially prepared for you, and it is full of the most precious memories of our family. ”

Hearing this, Li Hao's eyes moistened. He hugged Xiao Ming tightly, and said in a trembling voice: "I'm sorry, son, Dad will try to accompany you as much as possible in the future." ”

From that day on, Li Hao began to adjust his working hours and try to leave as much time as possible for his family. He found that when he truly put his work down and devoted himself to his family, the sense of happiness and satisfaction that could not be replaced by anything.

Xiao Ming has also become more cheerful and confident. He began to take the initiative to share his study and life with Li Hao, and the relationship between the two became closer. They cook together, watch movies together, play games together...... Every ordinary day is full of laughter.

Once, when Li Hao was watching cartoons with Xiao Ming, he accidentally saw a data report on family education. According to the report, children who grow up with adequate care from their parents generally have higher levels of mental health and stronger social skills. Li Hao's heart moved, and he remembered his experience when he was a child - his parents were always busy with work and rarely had time to spend with him. Although they gave him material satisfaction, he always felt that something was missing on the spiritual level.

Thinking of this, Li Hao became even more determined to be a good father. He not only has to give Xiao Ming material support, but also gives him spiritual companionship and care. He believes that under the nourishment of love, Xiao Ming will definitely grow into a caring and responsible person.

As time went by, the relationship between Li Hao and Xiao Ming became closer and closer. They have been through many ups and downs together and have shared many happy moments together. In this process, Li Hao deeply experienced the child's deep and pure love for him. He knew that this love was the most precious treasure of his life.