
As the saying goes, "the dragon hugs the tiger in front of the door, and the civil and military forces come out of the house", what is the dragon hugging the tiger? How can you tell?

author:Good luck comes with you

In the wisdom of our ancestors, there is a mysterious power that has been endowed with the environment and space, and that is Feng Shui. Today, let's talk about the widely circulated saying - "The dragon hugs the tiger in front of the door, and the civil and military forces come out of the family". This sentence seems simple, but it contains rich cultural connotations, like a small cartoon in life, which makes people can't help but want to know more.

As the saying goes, "the dragon hugs the tiger in front of the door, and the civil and military forces come out of the house", what is the dragon hugging the tiger? How can you tell?

First, let's break down this proverb. "The dragon hugging the tiger in front of the door", the "dragon" and "tiger" here are not real animals, but symbolic natural landscapes. In traditional Chinese culture, the "dragon" usually represents nobility and authority, and symbolizes a water source or a mountain range, while the "tiger" means might, strength, and may be a mountain or a tree. When these two form an encirclement pattern in front of the door, it is considered an auspicious omen, indicating good family fortune and noble people to help you.

As the saying goes, "the dragon hugs the tiger in front of the door, and the civil and military forces come out of the house", what is the dragon hugging the tiger? How can you tell?

So, how to tell if it is really "dragon hugging tiger"? In fact, this judgment is not complicated, we only need to pay attention to the topography at our doorstep. For example, there is a river in front of the door that meanders like a dragon, and the hills or trees on both sides are arranged in an orderly manner, like a tiger guarding both sides, which is a typical "dragon hugging tiger" pattern. Of course, it may be difficult to find such a complete natural scene in a modern city, but you can also understand this concept based on the surrounding buildings and greenery.

As the saying goes, "the dragon hugs the tiger in front of the door, and the civil and military forces come out of the house", what is the dragon hugging the tiger? How can you tell?

When it comes to "civil and martial arts in the family", the "literature" here refers to learning and talent, and the "martial arts" refers to courage and ability. The meaning of this sentence is that such a feng shui pattern can stimulate the wisdom and talent of the family, which is not only the talent of a scholar, but also the courage to take responsibility. However, although Feng Shui is good, people's own efforts are the key, after all, "the right time, the right place and the right people" are indispensable.

As the saying goes, "the dragon hugs the tiger in front of the door, and the civil and military forces come out of the house", what is the dragon hugging the tiger? How can you tell?

I remember that the ancient Confucian Zhu Xi once said: "Between heaven and earth, everything has its own master, and it is not its own, although it has the land to live in." This means that the quality of Feng Shui is not everything, and only the right people can really play its role. Therefore, while we sigh at Feng Shui, we should also pay attention to personal cultivation and hard work.

In life, we may not be able to rely entirely on Feng Shui, but understanding these ancient wisdoms can undoubtedly give our lives a sense of awe and understanding. Whenever we walk on the way home and see the mountains and rivers in front of our homes, do we also imagine the stories behind those "dragons" and "tigers"?

As the saying goes, "the dragon hugs the tiger in front of the door, and the civil and military forces come out of the house", what is the dragon hugging the tiger? How can you tell?

This article is like a glass of old wine, although it is not complicated, but the more you taste it, the more flavorful it becomes. If you're interested in Feng Shui or just want to have some fun, share it with your friends and family so that they can experience the wisdom and fun of ancient times. After all, life is a journey to find answers and have fun, isn't it?

Finally, don't forget, no matter when and where, being down-to-earth and dreaming is our most powerful "Feng Shui". Forward this article, so that more people can explore the mysteries of life together, so that the story of "the dragon in front of the door hugging the tiger, and the family out of the civil and military" will circulate in every corner.

As the saying goes, "the dragon hugs the tiger in front of the door, and the civil and military forces come out of the house", what is the dragon hugging the tiger? How can you tell?