
The people's commune is poor and hungry together, is this the so-called "equality"?

author:Ancient and modern miscellaneous talks
The people's commune is poor and hungry together, is this the so-called "equality"?


In China's modern history, the People's Commune, as a profound social experiment, emerged from 1958 to its gradual disintegration in the early 1980s, and its existence had a profound impact on China's social structure, economic development, and even people's lives.

The people's commune is poor and hungry together, is this the so-called "equality"?

The original intention of the People's Commune Movement was to eliminate private ownership and achieve comprehensive public ownership of rural economic and social life through large-scale collectivized mode of production, so as to achieve the goal of eliminating the gap between the rich and the poor and promoting social equity. Under this ideal framework, "equality" is not only reflected in the distribution of economic income, but also involves the equal allocation of educational resources, medical resources and even labor opportunities.

The people's commune is poor and hungry together, is this the so-called "equality"?

In practice, the people's commune system tried to embody its principle of equality through a "big pot" type of distribution system, that is, distribution according to need. Under this system, the basic living needs of members are guaranteed, regardless of their contributions, and the material distribution state of "everyone is the same" is theoretically realized. However, this kind of absolute egalitarianism has also brought about problems such as low production efficiency and frustration of labor enthusiasm.

The people's commune is poor and hungry together, is this the so-called "equality"?

The phenomenon of "everyone is poor and hungry together" intuitively reflects the problems of low agricultural production efficiency and irrational distribution mechanism during the period of the people's communes. Although the collectivized mode of production is intended to concentrate on doing great things, in practice, due to the lack of effective incentive mechanisms and recognition of individual labor results, production efficiency has fallen instead of rising. At the same time, the excessive concentration of resources and egalitarianism in distribution make it impossible to flexibly adjust distribution strategies even when the harvest fails, exacerbating the risk of famine.

The people's commune is poor and hungry together, is this the so-called "equality"?

From another point of view, "everyone is poor and hungry together" also embodies a spirit of social solidarity under specific historical conditions. In times of extreme difficulty, members support each other to overcome difficulties together, forming an emotional bond based on a common destiny. Despite material scarcity, this spirit of collectivism promotes social psychological balance to a certain extent and strengthens cohesion within the community.

The people's commune is poor and hungry together, is this the so-called "equality"?

During the period of the People's Commune, despite the economic difficulties, certain achievements were made in the fields of education and health. The popularization of basic education and the improvement of medical and health conditions, especially the establishment of the rural cooperative medical system, have enabled the vast number of peasants to enjoy unprecedented basic public services, which to a certain extent reflects social progress and the practice of the concept of "equality."

The people's commune is poor and hungry together, is this the so-called "equality"?

The People's Commune Movement has strengthened the people's pursuit of social fairness and justice, and although there are many problems in practice, it has stimulated people's yearning for a more just and harmonious society. This kind of elevation of social consciousness laid the ideological foundation for the adjustment of social policies and the establishment of the socialist market economic system in the subsequent period of reform and opening up.

The people's commune is poor and hungry together, is this the so-called "equality"?


To sum up, the concept of "equality" and its practice in the era of the People's Commune, especially the phenomenon of "everyone is poor and hungry together", is a complex and multifaceted historical topic. It not only exposes the limitations of the egalitarian distribution mechanism, but also shows the brilliance of the collectivist spirit. In objectively evaluating this period of history, we should realize that although economic efficiency and material living standards have been affected in the short term, in the long run, it has promoted the awakening of social fairness consciousness and provided valuable experience and lessons for the comprehensive development of Chinese society in the future.