
It's a big deal! The melon stall owner watermelon was smashed and lost 500 yuan, and the comment area was fried!

author:Dashing clouds

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It's a big deal! The melon stall owner watermelon was smashed and lost 500 yuan, and the comment area was fried!


Recently, a shocking incident occurred in Chongqing, which aroused widespread concern and heated discussions in the society. A man was selling watermelons in front of the Chongqing Vocational and Technical College of Industry and Commerce, but was violently chased away and vandalized by a disabled couple. As a result of the incident, the man's watermelon was smashed and he had to pay 500 yuan in compensation, which made people feel very regretful and thought-provoking.



On the streets of Chongqing, a ridiculous farce was staged in front of the watermelon stalls. A man who sells melons wanted to make a little money at the university gate, but unexpectedly encountered the "warm hospitality" of a disabled couple - the watermelon was smashed to pieces, and the stall owner had to pay 500 yuan.

It's a big deal! The melon stall owner watermelon was smashed and lost 500 yuan, and the comment area was fried!

You sell watermelons, which is a small business, but you have to face such "enthusiastic" customers. This reminds me of the old saying: "People are good at being bullied, and horses are good at being ridden." "But it seems that there is more to this than that.

It's a big deal! The melon stall owner watermelon was smashed and lost 500 yuan, and the comment area was fried!

Having said that, what's wrong with this man who sells melons? Don't you just want to take advantage of the summer heat to bring a touch of coolness to the students? But what do they think about this disabled couple? Is it because of his own misfortune that he wants to smash other people's livelihoods?

It's a big deal! The melon stall owner watermelon was smashed and lost 500 yuan, and the comment area was fried!

This reminds me of an ancient story. It is said that there was a charcoal seller who burned charcoal for a winter, but was robbed by a group of strongmen. The charcoal seller cried and grabbed the land, but to no avail. Isn't this melon seller a modern version of a charcoal seller?

It's a big deal! The melon stall owner watermelon was smashed and lost 500 yuan, and the comment area was fried!

But then again, this disabled couple, they are also forced by life. Their actions, although illegal, are also sympathetic. This reminds me of the famous saying, "The poor must have something to hate." "Their behavior is indeed hateful, but the reasons behind it are also worth pondering.

It's a big deal! The melon stall owner watermelon was smashed and lost 500 yuan, and the comment area was fried!

This incident also reflects the inadequacy of our social management. Why is there such a conflict? Why can't these small traders and vendors have a safe stall? Why can't we give more care and help to people with disabilities? These problems all need us to think about and solve.

It's a big deal! The melon stall owner watermelon was smashed and lost 500 yuan, and the comment area was fried!

Let's talk about the 500 yuan compensation. This money, for the man who sells melons, may be a few days' income, but for a disabled couple, it may be a month's living expenses. This reminds me of the saying: "A penny is hard for a hero." "This 500 yuan may be life-saving money for them.

It's a big deal! The melon stall owner watermelon was smashed and lost 500 yuan, and the comment area was fried!

Finally, I would like to say that this society needs more understanding and tolerance. For those who live at the bottom, we need to give more care and help. We also need to give more understanding and support to those who have become radical because of their misfortune.

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It's a big deal! The melon stall owner watermelon was smashed and lost 500 yuan, and the comment area was fried!
It's a big deal! The melon stall owner watermelon was smashed and lost 500 yuan, and the comment area was fried!
It's a big deal! The melon stall owner watermelon was smashed and lost 500 yuan, and the comment area was fried!
It's a big deal! The melon stall owner watermelon was smashed and lost 500 yuan, and the comment area was fried!
It's a big deal! The melon stall owner watermelon was smashed and lost 500 yuan, and the comment area was fried!

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It's a big deal! The melon stall owner watermelon was smashed and lost 500 yuan, and the comment area was fried!

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