
Former CCTV host Cao Qing: As she wished to marry a rich American man, she was abused by her husband and insisted on refusing to divorce

author:13 lectures on literature

Cao Qing, the CCTV host who had unlimited scenery in the past, is now in a situation that makes people sigh. Once upon a time, she was an idol in the hearts of countless audiences, and her peers also looked at her differently.

But now, this talented beauty host has been reduced to the point where it is difficult to obtain even the most basic daily necessities. She once asked for help in the circle of friends: "I live a bad life in the United States, I don't have sanitary napkins available, and I only use one pack of sanitary napkins a year.

Reading such words, it is almost hard to believe that this is coming from Cao Qing's mouth. What happened to her made countless people feel sorry, life is like a dream, dreams are like life, when she made that big decision, she never imagined that she would end up in such a predicament.

Seeing that the former CCTV celebrity is now living a life of "begging", people can't help but feel extremely embarrassed and sigh for her choice back then. To go back to Cao Qing's glorious past, we need to turn back the clock to more than a decade ago.

Former CCTV host Cao Qing: As she wished to marry a rich American man, she was abused by her husband and insisted on refusing to divorce

At that time, she was blooming and had a bright future. At the age of 16, Cao Qing was admitted to Beijing Broadcasting Institute with outstanding results, opening a new chapter in her hosting industry.

In the college, she showed extraordinary talent and unique personal charm, sweet appearance, friendly appearance, loud and moving voice, making her a proud protégé of the teachers, all optimistic about her broad prospects in the hosting industry, thinking that she will become a shining star.

Sure enough, after graduating from the college, Cao Qing got her wish and entered the base camp of CCTV, the host she dreamed of. As soon as she joined the company, she emerged on CCTV with her steady hosting style and outstanding comprehensive quality.

In a short period of time, she was hailed as "CCTV's outstanding female host" and won the favor of countless viewers and peers. Next, a bigger stage awaits her. Soon, Cao Qing took over CCTV's ace program "Into Science", and since then she has become an idol in the hearts of countless audiences and a household name.

Former CCTV host Cao Qing: As she wished to marry a rich American man, she was abused by her husband and insisted on refusing to divorce

Whenever she appears on the screen with a slender gooseneck and a sweet smile, countless viewers will be attracted by her affinity. When her peers saw that her career was in full swing, they were all envious.

At that time, it was very appropriate to use the words "infinite scenery" to describe Cao Qing. She is a professional idol that thousands of boys and girls yearn for, and she is the object of praise from her peers. No one could have imagined that in this glorious moment surrounded by flowers, she would make an unexpected decision that changed the trajectory of her life forever.

Just when her career was in full swing and her fame was rising, Cao Qing made an unexpected decision - she resolutely resigned from her long-cherished CCTV job and chose to go to the United States to marry a wealthy Chinese-American businessman.

This decision undoubtedly came as a surprise to everyone. As a popular CCTV host, Cao Qing is already well-known and has a promising future. Why did she give up the peak of her career and leave her hometown to marry in the United States? There are different speculations and opinions on this.

Former CCTV host Cao Qing: As she wished to marry a rich American man, she was abused by her husband and insisted on refusing to divorce

Some people believe that Cao Qing may be tired of repeating a single work life day after day, and wants to seek new stimulation and life changes; Some people also speculate that she was tempted by the money and luxury of the material world, and chose this "shortcut" for a rich life.

However, from some of Cao Qing's later remarks, we may be able to get a glimpse. She once told a friend that she "longs to achieve financial freedom through marriage." It can be seen that the yearning for financial freedom is the key reason for her to make this decision.

In fact, before meeting Tu Zhongheng, the wealthy businessman had launched a passionate pursuit of Cao Qing. Tu Zhongheng not only has a prominent family background, but also has a net worth of hundreds of millions as a foreshadowing, which can be described as a gentleman's son.

Faced with the enthusiastic surroundings of this gentle, attentive and careful rich man, coupled with the rich family background behind him, Cao Qing finally moved his heart. In this way, relying on Tu Zhongheng's Hairou Mountain embrace, Cao Qing was married back to the United States by him.

Former CCTV host Cao Qing: As she wished to marry a rich American man, she was abused by her husband and insisted on refusing to divorce

The wedding of the two can be described as a grand celebration, with political and business celebrities gathered, and the battle was really spectacular. Even the then Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing specially took the time to come to witness the marriage of the newlyweds.

Looking at the guests of the star lineup and the magnificent scene, Cao Qing must be extremely happy, she feels that she is the best woman in the world, and she is the happiest woman in the world.

From then on, she could finally live the rich life she longed for, and say goodbye to the lonely days of the past. But the past was like smoke, and she could never have imagined that this grand wedding was only the beginning of her nightmare, and what awaited her would be a married life that was more difficult than suffering.

However, dreams and reality are often very different. Soon after marriage, Cao Qing found that her life with Tu Zhongheng was not as good as she expected. The first thing that made her feel unbearable was Tu Zhongheng's violent temper and tendency to domestic violence.

Former CCTV host Cao Qing: As she wished to marry a rich American man, she was abused by her husband and insisted on refusing to divorce

As a pampered rich girl, Cao Qing has been used to being cared for since she was a child, where has she experienced such torture? These problems of her husband undoubtedly made her feel extremely frightened and helpless.

Whenever Tu Zhongheng went crazy, threw things, scolded, and even punched and kicked her, Cao Qing would be terrified, curled up in the corner helplessly and trembled. She was often covered in bruises, and the pear blossoms cried in the rain but had nowhere to appeal.

Thinking of the aura of being surrounded by thousands of people in the past, she only felt that it was a matter of the previous life. What made Cao Qing even more heartbroken was that Tu Zhongheng was infertile. As a woman, having children of her own has always been her greatest wish.

After marriage, she found that her husband could not fulfill her wish, and she was naturally disappointed, and often sobbed alone in the room, shedding senseless tears. And the embarrassment of life is even worse.

Former CCTV host Cao Qing: As she wished to marry a rich American man, she was abused by her husband and insisted on refusing to divorce

Far away from the familiar environment and coming to a foreign country, Cao Qing has no job, no friends, and even the most basic daily necessities are difficult to obtain. Whenever she thinks of the hosting life that she used to be able to point fingers, she is extremely nostalgic and extremely painful.

She once asked her friends for help on the Internet, telling her predicament: "I only used a pack of sanitary napkins a year", how can people not feel distressed when they say such helpless words? Faced with such a dilemma, Cao Qing was tormented and had many contradictions in her heart.

She regretted her decision to leave CCTV, but the divorce required high lawyer fees, and she was destitute; She wants to return to China, but she doesn't want to go back like this, unable to hold her head up in front of her relatives and friends.

As a result, she fell into a long-term struggle and entanglement. Relatives and friends saw it in their eyes and felt pain in their hearts, and they all persuaded her to return to China after the divorce, but Cao Qing rejected them with the resolute words of "I'd rather be a beggar in the United States than return to China".

Former CCTV host Cao Qing: As she wished to marry a rich American man, she was abused by her husband and insisted on refusing to divorce

Seeing that this beautiful host who used to strategize and guide the country has now fallen to such a point, who doesn't regret it? The reason why she insisted on staying in the United States and would rather live a life of "begging", in addition to not wanting to "fall into the thorns" like this, Cao Qing also had other concerns in her heart.

At first, she gave up her career and married far away, in fact, she coveted a rich life and achieved so-called "financial freedom" by marrying a wealthy businessman. But if you divorce and return to China now, won't your previous efforts be wasted? This will undoubtedly make her lose face in front of her relatives and friends, and it will be difficult for her to bear the blow when a basin of cold water is poured on her head.

Besides, if she gets divorced, where will she go? Her hosting career has been interrupted for too long, and if she regains her charisma and eloquence, it will take hard work, which is a repeat of the past.

More importantly, it can be seen from her resolute words that Cao Qing actually has a glimmer of hope for marriage, and she has not given up the last resort. Maybe she wants to maintain this marriage that is about to break down through her own persistence and hard work, and she is unwilling to give up.

Former CCTV host Cao Qing: As she wished to marry a rich American man, she was abused by her husband and insisted on refusing to divorce

It's a pity that I insisted on going my own way, and in the end, not only could I not save this marriage, but I missed the opportunity to start over. Now this former CCTV celebrity can only live a life of "begging", relying on the funding of relatives and friends.

Whenever she thinks of the glory of the past, how she laments that she made a wrong choice, but it is too late. Looking at her current situation, I have to sigh how wrong her decision was back then! If she could start over, Cao Qing would definitely think twice, and would not give up her career and bright future so easily.

But there are no ifs in life, she is destined to swallow such a painful lesson. Looking back on Cao Qing's ups and downs in life, the lessons are thought-provoking.

Cao Qing is a natural beauty, and she has extraordinary hosting talents, she has a bright future and an unfavorable career. But just when her career was at its peak, she gave up everything in order to covet a rich life, married far away from the United States, and finally fell into a married life that was even more miserable than suffering.

Former CCTV host Cao Qing: As she wished to marry a rich American man, she was abused by her husband and insisted on refusing to divorce

However, the most sympathetic thing is that even if Cao Qing wants to go back afterwards, it is already there. She gave up her career, ruined her bright future, and lacked the capital to divorce and start a new life, so she could only live a "begging" life in the United States, which is really suffocating.

Her experience is undoubtedly a profound lesson, reminding us that when making life decisions, we must think carefully and stick to our original aspirations and dreams. Don't be fooled by the temptation in front of you and make impulsive decisions.

Otherwise, like Cao Qing, you may have to pay a painful price for your misjudgment. Life is like this, when I stopped caring what we fantasize, we should be brave enough to face the cruel reality, instead of running away, otherwise we will only put ourselves in a more difficult situation.

This is the biggest inspiration that Cao Qing's experience can give us.

Former CCTV host Cao Qing: As she wished to marry a rich American man, she was abused by her husband and insisted on refusing to divorce

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