
NATO discloses important data, bluntly says that it is beneficial to the United States, and also threatens to "make China pay the price"

NATO discloses important data, bluntly says that it is beneficial to the United States, and also threatens to "make China pay the price"

Ploughing cattle

2024-06-18 18:12Published in Henan Henan Petroleum NewsSenior Reporter International Creator

In four months, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is stepping down, having previously extended his mandate three times and made it clear that "it will not be renewed." Allegedly, Stoltenberg hopes to be able to run for European parliamentarians after stepping down as NATO Secretary General. It is precisely because of this that in the final stage of his term, he began to do things that were beneficial to the United States and openly threatened China and Russia.

According to the Observer Network, when Stoltenberg recently visited the United States, he disclosed that NATO has 23 member countries, and military spending has been increased to 2% of the country's GDP, and bluntly said that "this is very beneficial to the United States." He also said that NATO is discussing the deployment of more nuclear weapons to deter Russia. In this regard, we will talk about three topics.

NATO discloses important data, bluntly says that it is beneficial to the United States, and also threatens to "make China pay the price"

First, why is it beneficial for the United States for NATO countries to raise their defense spending?

We know that NATO now has a total of 32 member states, and although it has signed a "mutual defense treaty", that is, the violation of one country is equivalent to the violation of all members, and they have the obligation to jointly launch a counterattack, but in the end it is the United States, the global "military giant," that ultimately relies on the United States, the real leader and leader of NATO. As far as the United States is concerned, NATO has now been reduced to a royal thug that "serves the United States." For example, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, which has entered its third year, is a "proxy war" between the United States and Russia, and Ukraine is just a "pawn", and other NATO members are well aware of this.

However, the United States has threatened the whole of Europe with "security issues", and NATO members in Europe have to follow the United States and send money and weapons to Ukraine, because they are worried that "Russia will expand the war and solve Ukraine and move to Europe." Russian President Vladimir Putin has sternly refuted this statement, saying that this is a statement made up and directed by the West, which is used to coax its own people, why should Russia attack Europe? Sick in the head?

However, after the United States pushed the Russia-Ukraine conflict in front of Europe and continued to increase the intensity of the war, Europe did not believe it, so the United States said that it would increase the "protection fee", and European countries did not dare to disobey. I remember that when Trump was in office, then German Chancellor Angela Merkel did not want to increase defense spending, and Trump was furious, saying that he would withdraw US troops from Germany, withdraw tactical nuclear weapons, and let Germany protect itself.

NATO discloses important data, bluntly says that it is beneficial to the United States, and also threatens to "make China pay the price"

Trump also said loudly, "The deployment of US troops in Europe is to protect you, so why should the United States pay for your salary?" This is addressed to Germany, but also to all European allies.

After that, NATO members in Eastern Europe, such as Poland and Lithuania, began to take the initiative to increase defense spending in order to hug the thigh of the United States, while old Europe, such as France, Germany, and Italy, did not dare not implement it after being pressured by the United States.

The United States has clearly stipulated to NATO members that weapons can only be imported from the United States. The second is for the sake of military technology secrecy, which circulates only within NATO countries. In this way, most of the NATO countries that have exhausted their "stocks" due to aid to Ukraine will have to reintroduce weapons and equipment to the United States, of course, as Stoltenberg said, it will be beneficial to the United States. Data shows that in the past two years, NATO countries have spent $140 billion on arms imported from the United States, and it will only be higher in the future.

I have to say that this is also a great contribution that Stoltenberg made to the United States during his term of office, so that when he runs for the European Congress, he will definitely get strong support from the United States, so many countries in Europe are the "little brothers" of the United States, and there is almost no suspense that Stoltenberg will be elected.

NATO discloses important data, bluntly says that it is beneficial to the United States, and also threatens to "make China pay the price"

Second, Stoltenberg also made threats to China.

As NATO Secretary General of NATO, Stoltenberg certainly knows better than anyone what the United States wants to hear about Sino-US relations. On the same day, in an interview with the American media, he said that if China "continues to support Russia's military operations," it will pay an "economic price." Stoltenberg declared that China has "shared a lot of technology" with Russia, which is "crucial" for Russia to create missiles and weapons. He claimed that it is impossible for China to help Russia while maintaining relations with Europe.

Previously, the United States also used such rhetoric to repeatedly issue sanctions to Chinese companies with Russia-related business, saying that they maintain normal cooperation with Russia and are "investing in Russia". In this regard, China also countered, but the United States, on the one hand, admitted that "China did not provide military assistance to Russia"; On the other hand, the sanctions list for Chinese companies involved in Russia is constantly expanding. To put it bluntly, it is to force China to "draw a line" with Russia.

In fact, this is not the first time Stoltenberg has threatened China, and at last year's NATO summit, he shouted that "China can only choose between Russia and the West, and cannot eat both." However, China has not compromised, because China is a sovereign and independent country and has its own national interests to take care of, so just because the United States is fighting a "proxy war" with Russia, China must choose sides and cut off cooperation with Russia, right? This is not in China's interest.

NATO discloses important data, bluntly says that it is beneficial to the United States, and also threatens to "make China pay the price"

What's more, the last two US administrations have been treating China and Russia as "real opponents" and carrying out unreasonable suppression. Therefore, whether it is the United States or NATO, threatening China on the grounds of so-called "investment in Russia" will not achieve its goal. For example, China directly refused to attend the recent "Ukraine Peace Conference" because it did not meet China's requirements. In this regard, the United States and the West are also helpless.

Third, after NATO's eastward expansion oppression of Russia, its hand is still reaching out to China.

U.S. President Joe Biden once proposed at the NATO summit that he hoped that NATO's military power could be extended to the Asia-Pacific region to deal with "emerging forces such as China." In this regard, French President Emmanuel Macron objected, saying that the NATO Charter stipulates that the mission area should be on both sides of the North Atlantic, and China did not go to the Atlantic Ocean to provoke NATO, so why should we go to the Asia-Pacific region to target China? However, despite the opposition of France and Germany and other European powers, NATO's hand extended to the Asia-Pacific region has not retracted.

First, the United States, Britain and Australia established the AUKUS military alliance, and the mission area is in the Asia-Pacific region, with two NATO countries, the United States and the United Kingdom; Second, the United States has been secretly preparing to build an "Asian NATO" in the Asia-Pacific region, and Japan, South Korea, Australia, India, and even the Philippines are all on the list of potential ones, and Britain has signed a security agreement with Japan, which can not only station troops in Japan, but also have two warships docked in Japan for a long time, and under the guise of "freedom of navigation," NATO warships and planes have also continued to appear in the South China Sea.

NATO discloses important data, bluntly says that it is beneficial to the United States, and also threatens to "make China pay the price"

Finally, NATO also disclosed that it will set up its first "Asian liaison office" in Japan to facilitate the exchange of information with its allies in the Asia-Pacific region. It has to be said that China is also taking precautions in the early stage to improve its military strength, because in history, most of the robbers who have invaded China from the sea many times are NATO countries. Now, the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea are even more likely to become "inducements" for the West to target China, and we have to guard against them.

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  • NATO discloses important data, bluntly says that it is beneficial to the United States, and also threatens to "make China pay the price"
  • NATO discloses important data, bluntly says that it is beneficial to the United States, and also threatens to "make China pay the price"
  • NATO discloses important data, bluntly says that it is beneficial to the United States, and also threatens to "make China pay the price"
  • NATO discloses important data, bluntly says that it is beneficial to the United States, and also threatens to "make China pay the price"
  • NATO discloses important data, bluntly says that it is beneficial to the United States, and also threatens to "make China pay the price"

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