
One Piece 1118 full-picture comics: Luffy & Bonnie Shuangnika kill the five old stars, and the ancient robots are resurrected

author:The little spider next door

Hello everyone, I'm Little Spider.

Chapter 1118 of the One Piece First Manga has been updated, and the plot story is still in Egghead Island Egghead. This episode Oda Okami has opened a new big move, and the Straw Hats will also begin to leave Egghead Island, so let's take a look at the content of this episode!

One Piece 1118 full-picture comics: Luffy & Bonnie Shuangnika kill the five old stars, and the ancient robots are resurrected

One Piece Chapter 1118 Title "Becoming Free"

The title page story is that Yamato leaves the flower capital with a lunch box and goes to her next destination, and she has to go around Wano Country and then consider whether to go to sea or continue to protect Wano Country, because her ability is the guardian god of Wano Country, Oguchi Shinjin.

One Piece 1118 full-picture comics: Luffy & Bonnie Shuangnika kill the five old stars, and the ancient robots are resurrected

Ancient robots were knocked to the coast by Mercury, but it was the Navy that suffered. In the face of such a huge robot, the warship was shattered at the slightest touch, and the picture presented in the storyboard was that the ancient robot also began to sink into the sea, but the voice of Vegapunk came out at this time, saying that the name was .......

One Piece 1118 full-picture comics: Luffy & Bonnie Shuangnika kill the five old stars, and the ancient robots are resurrected

Mercury's side temporarily stopped the ancient robots, after all, Vegapunk's live broadcast could not continue to be broadcast, which also ended their mission at this time. I have to say that Mercury is really the MVP of the five old stars, with invincible defense, quite fierce records, and a body size like a mountain.

One Piece 1118 full-picture comics: Luffy & Bonnie Shuangnika kill the five old stars, and the ancient robots are resurrected

At this time, the camera came to the world again, and people were questioning why Vegapunk's live broadcast was blocked and who did it. Some people think it's the world government, but more people believe it's a pirate, after all, it's written on the news that Luffy kidnaps Vegapunk.

Many brainwashed people believe that it is impossible for the world government to erase the world's first scientist, but this is quite the opposite. Leo, a simple little human race, also thinks it's Luffy, and Rebecca's response with disgust is definitely not, haha.

One Piece 1118 full-picture comics: Luffy & Bonnie Shuangnika kill the five old stars, and the ancient robots are resurrected

The camera returns to Egghead Island, and the picture shows Lust York, who tells the five old stars that there are still two clones that must be disposed of, namely Lilith and Atlas, and the Cyberpunk record will continue to grow, even if Vegapunk itself is dead.

Therefore, in the storyboard, Mercury, Mars, and Saturn all launched actions, going in two directions, and they were bound to kill them and make Vegapunk completely disappear from this world.

One Piece 1118 full-picture comics: Luffy & Bonnie Shuangnika kill the five old stars, and the ancient robots are resurrected

The scene comes to the coast, the Giant Pirates are still fighting fiercely with the navy, and Luffy, Dongli, and Brocky in the storyboard also successfully rendezvous with their partners and board the battleship, preparing to further set sail away from Egghead Island Egghead.

One Piece 1118 full-picture comics: Luffy & Bonnie Shuangnika kill the five old stars, and the ancient robots are resurrected

Luffy finally met with Sanji and them, and also boarded the ship of the Giant Pirates, and then waited for Nami and his party on the research layer to set off and arrive on the sea, then it was the real escape, after all, the fight couldn't do the five old stars who were infinitely recovering blood, so it was better to leave early.

Lieutenant General Dole and Bruglas were turned into children by Bonie's Age Fruit ability, and even the mechanical sea beast was not spared, but it was really cute!

One Piece 1118 full-picture comics: Luffy & Bonnie Shuangnika kill the five old stars, and the ancient robots are resurrected

Bonnie's ability is still buggy, and she is still 24 years old at this time. Behind him, Luffy greets his old friend and asks if there is any food to eat, because he is low on energy and has to eat a lot of meat.

In the storyboard, Sanji asks Nami and the others if they have set off, because they have already set off. In addition, Mars also felt the shore and wanted to destroy them one by one.

One Piece 1118 full-picture comics: Luffy & Bonnie Shuangnika kill the five old stars, and the ancient robots are resurrected

Mars's Tsu Maten form was aimed at the ship of the Giant Pirates, after all, Atlas was on it, Sanji followed all movements, Luffy began to eat meat to recover energy, and Mars's flame attack was resisted by the two giants, but it would still be hot.

One Piece 1118 full-picture comics: Luffy & Bonnie Shuangnika kill the five old stars, and the ancient robots are resurrected

Mars's attack burned to the ship, and some giants couldn't resist and fell to the ground, and Donley and Brockie planned to start a counterattack and let them deal with Mars. Mars, however, said that none of them wanted to leave Egghead Island.

One Piece 1118 full-picture comics: Luffy & Bonnie Shuangnika kill the five old stars, and the ancient robots are resurrected

Then there was a strange vibration, I don't know if it was caused by Luffy's Nika, because Luffy regained his energy in the storyboard and transformed into Nika form again, and at the same time Bonnie shouted Nika, but Luffy didn't think so. Luffy encourages Bonnie and asks her to fight off these monsters together!

With the blessing of the genuine Nika, Bonnie also got her wish to transform into Nika form, although it is a product, but the effect is full, and she also has the corresponding ability.

One Piece 1118 full-picture comics: Luffy & Bonnie Shuangnika kill the five old stars, and the ancient robots are resurrected

At the end of this episode, Luffy's Nika form is in the same frame as Boni's Nika, and Oda also deliberately gave Big Bear a storyboard. The giant was even more shocked and said that there were actually two Nika, and the next thing was undoubtedly a fierce battle.

The ancient robot hears the drum of liberation brought by Nika, and he is resurrected.

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