
Devil's City of the World: Fantastic and shocking natural wonders

author:Qian Dabao good things to share

1. The Demon Castle

The moment you step into the world devil's town, it is like stepping into a fantasy world. The undulating Yadan landform, like castles and palaces of different shapes, or lifelike animals and people, shows a majestic beauty against the backdrop of the blue sky and white clouds. These peculiar landscapes formed by wind erosion over hundreds of millions of years are precious gifts left by time.

Devil's City of the World: Fantastic and shocking natural wonders

2. Mysterious atmosphere

The charm of Devil's Town lies not only in its strange appearance, but also in the mysterious atmosphere it creates. Whenever the wind howls and shuttles between these strange rocks, it will make all kinds of strange sounds, like ghosts crying wolves, and like low whimpering, which makes people feel creepy, and the name of "Devil's City" also comes from this. But it is this unique sound that adds a different kind of mystery to this land, as if it is telling an ancient story.

Devil's City of the World: Fantastic and shocking natural wonders

3. Fantasy of wonders

In this vast land, you can spread the wings of your imagination to your heart's content. Some of the pinnacles are like majestic castles, towering into the clouds, as if they were once the palace of some emperor, although they have gone through vicissitudes but still stand majestically; Others resemble a giant turtle, crawling slowly into the distance, as if chasing something; Others are like a group of playful children, innocent, full of life and vitality. Each landscape has its own unique charm, and people can't help but stop and watch it.

Devil's City of the World: Fantastic and shocking natural wonders

Fourth, unique ecology

In addition to the different forms of Yadan landforms, the world devil city also has a unique climate and ecology. The temperature difference between day and night is huge, and the sun is blazing during the day, but the night is bitterly cold. But it is precisely such climatic conditions that give birth to some special plants and animals. Between some stone crevices, you can occasionally see tenacious grasses that bloom with the miracle of life in this seemingly barren land. Occasionally, you can spot wildlife that thrives in this unique environment and lives in harmony with nature.

Devil's City of the World: Fantastic and shocking natural wonders

5. Dream sunset

When you come to the Devil's City of the World, you must not miss the magnificent sunset. When the afterglow of the setting sun shines on these strangely shaped stones, the whole world seems to be dyed with a layer of golden brilliance. At this time, the Devil's Town became more dreamlike, as if it was a golden castle, exuding a charming light. You can choose to climb up to one of the observation decks and enjoy the spectacular sunset.

Devil's City of the World: Fantastic and shocking natural wonders

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