
From the fall to the death, it was less than 3 hours! The doctor is saddened: the fall of middle-aged and elderly people is not a trivial matter

author:Pupu Health

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"Uncle Zhang's fall is not light!" Doctor Wang Li was in the consultation room, and said helplessly to the family members gathered at the door.

Uncle Zhang, 62 years old, was a postman before retirement, and his cheerful and optimistic personality was called "living map" by the neighbors.

That morning, Uncle Zhang went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables as usual, but he accidentally stepped on a banana peel and fell to the ground.

From the fall to the death, it was less than 3 hours! The doctor is saddened: the fall of middle-aged and elderly people is not a trivial matter

At that time, Uncle Zhang just felt that his leg was a little painful, so he patted the ashes and stood up, and said with a smile: "It's okay, the old bones are still strong!" ”

However, two hours later, Uncle Zhang suddenly felt chest tightness and shortness of breath, and his face turned pale.

The family rushed him to the hospital, and after the doctor Wang Li examined him, he found that Uncle Zhang's condition was far more serious than expected. In less than an hour, Uncle Zhang died of internal bleeding and cardiac arrest.

From the fall to the death, it was less than 3 hours! The doctor is saddened: the fall of middle-aged and elderly people is not a trivial matter

Dr. Wang sighed and said, "Falls in middle-aged and elderly people are not a trivial matter, especially for people with underlying health problems like Uncle Zhang, and falling can lead to a series of serious consequences. ”

First of all, Dr. Wang explained, osteoporosis is a common problem in middle-aged and elderly people, he said.

Osteoporosis weakens bones, and even a slight fall can lead to fractures.

From the fall to the death, it was less than 3 hours! The doctor is saddened: the fall of middle-aged and elderly people is not a trivial matter

Data shows that more than 30 million fractures worldwide are caused by osteoporosis every year, and most of these patients are middle-aged and elderly.

Uncle Zhang may have broken a bone during the fall, but he himself did not realize that internal bleeding could be caused by this.

In addition, Dr. Wong also mentioned that a fall can put a lot of pressure on the heart. Studies have shown that people with heart disease have a greatly increased risk of cardiac arrest after a fall.

From the fall to the death, it was less than 3 hours! The doctor is saddened: the fall of middle-aged and elderly people is not a trivial matter

Although Uncle Zhang is usually in good health, he has a history of high blood pressure, which negatively affected the heart after the fall, resulting in cardiac arrest.

Not only that, but Dr. Wang also recounted a case: "A few years ago, I saw a grandmother who thought she was okay after a fall.

But after a few days, severe headache and vomiting began to appear. Upon examination, it was found that she suffered a slight blow to her head when she fell, resulting in a chronic subdural hematoma, and eventually died because she was not treated in time. ”

From the fall to the death, it was less than 3 hours! The doctor is saddened: the fall of middle-aged and elderly people is not a trivial matter

Dr. Wang went on to say that in fact, many middle-aged and elderly people fail to seek medical attention in time due to various reasons after falling, thus missing the best time for treatment.

In order to avoid similar tragedies, doctors recommend that middle-aged and elderly people should pay attention to strengthening bone health, undergo regular bone density checks, and supplement calcium and vitamin D if necessary.

At the same time, family members should also strengthen their care and care for middle-aged and elderly people, and seek medical attention immediately after discovering a fall, and not take it lightly.

From the fall to the death, it was less than 3 hours! The doctor is saddened: the fall of middle-aged and elderly people is not a trivial matter

According to a study in the Chinese Medical Journal, nearly 500,000 middle-aged and elderly people die every year due to complications caused by falls, which is far more severe than many people think.

Although Uncle Zhang's story is heartbreaking, it also sounded a wake-up call for us: the fall of middle-aged and elderly people is not a trivial matter, and the hidden health hazards behind it cannot be ignored.

But with scientific prevention and timely treatment, the risk and injury from falls can be minimized.

From the fall to the death, it was less than 3 hours! The doctor is saddened: the fall of middle-aged and elderly people is not a trivial matter

Why are middle-aged and elderly people prone to ignoring potentially serious problems after a fall?

In fact, the answer lies in the lack of awareness of fall risk and self-protection. Many middle-aged and elderly people think that a fall is a trivial matter, especially in the absence of obvious trauma, and it is easy to choose to ignore it.

This requires middle-aged and elderly people to improve their health awareness.

From the fall to the death, it was less than 3 hours! The doctor is saddened: the fall of middle-aged and elderly people is not a trivial matter

In addition, the love and companionship of children, relatives and friends is also indispensable. Only by working together can we truly protect the health and safety of middle-aged and elderly people.

I believe that through these measures, we hope to reduce unfortunate incidents like Uncle Zhang, so that every middle-aged and elderly person can enjoy their old age in peace.

Hope it helps, thank you!


[1] Luo Xuehong. Family Medicine(Second Half Month),2020,(03):49.)

From the fall to the death, it was less than 3 hours! The doctor is saddened: the fall of middle-aged and elderly people is not a trivial matter