
Deyun Club Gao Feng posted a video detailing the sorting time of the four apprentices, suspected to be in response to Song Haoran

author:Erwan Entertainment Article

Gao Feng, as a member of the Deyun Club, held his first apprenticeship ceremony on June 12. This ceremony has attracted widespread attention in the cross talk industry, not only because this is Gao Feng's first apprenticeship, but also because of the important position of Deyun Club in the cross talk world.

Deyun Club Gao Feng posted a video detailing the sorting time of the four apprentices, suspected to be in response to Song Haoran

At the ceremony, Gao Feng officially accepted four apprentices, namely Lang Haochen, Miao Haoyu, Wang Haoyue and Li Haoyang. This incident has sparked widespread discussion in the cross talk world, especially because of Song Haoran's special statement and departure.

Deyun Club Gao Feng posted a video detailing the sorting time of the four apprentices, suspected to be in response to Song Haoran

Lang Haochen, Miao Haoyu, Wang Haoyue and Li Haoyang, these four new apprentices each have their own unique backgrounds. Lang Haochen is the oldest and is recognized as the master brother. He has loved cross talk since he was a child, and has achieved good results in youth cross talk competitions. Miao Haoyu is favored by Gao Feng for his humor and acting talent, and he has shown outstanding talent in many cross talk sketches.

Deyun Club Gao Feng posted a video detailing the sorting time of the four apprentices, suspected to be in response to Song Haoran

Wang Haoyue and Li Haoyang are two young people full of potential, they have certain achievements in their respective fields, and after joining Deyun Club, they hope to further improve themselves under the guidance of Gao Feng.

Deyun Club Gao Feng posted a video detailing the sorting time of the four apprentices, suspected to be in response to Song Haoran

Gao Feng's reason for choosing them is simple: he sees their potential and love for cross talk. Gao Feng hopes that through his own teaching, he will cultivate them into the future backbone of Deyun Club. At the ceremony, he expressed his expectations for the four apprentices, hoping that they could inherit and carry forward the cross talk culture and contribute to Deyun Club and the entire cross talk industry.

Deyun Club Gao Feng posted a video detailing the sorting time of the four apprentices, suspected to be in response to Song Haoran

The apprenticeship ceremony was presided over by Gao Feng's old partner Luan Yunping. Luan Yunping is known for his humor and wit, and his collaboration with Gao Feng is also loved by audiences. Guo Degang, Yu Qian and Hou Zhen served as ushers, protectors and substitutes respectively, and their presence added a lot of weight to the ceremony. Photos of Gao Feng's four generations of predecessors hang on the stage, namely Zhou Deshan, Ma Sanli, Ban Degui and Fan Zhenyu. The hanging of the photo is not only a tribute to the predecessors, but also a tribute to the tradition of cross talk.

Deyun Club Gao Feng posted a video detailing the sorting time of the four apprentices, suspected to be in response to Song Haoran

At the beginning of the ceremony, the four apprentices bowed to the peak in turn, and then kowtowed to the photo of their seniors. This link is solemn and serious, symbolizing their commitment to the cause of cross talk. The whole ceremony was full of joy and respect, reflecting Deyun Club's respect for tradition and expectations for a new generation of cross talk actors.

Deyun Club Gao Feng posted a video detailing the sorting time of the four apprentices, suspected to be in response to Song Haoran

A discordant incident that occurred during the ceremony caused widespread concern. Song Haoran, also known as Song Yi, said in the performance that he would no longer apprentice and would be commensurate with Gao Feng as a stepfather and son, and at the same time restore his real name Song Yi. This statement surprised everyone present, and Gao Feng's expression also looked a little embarrassed. After the performance, Song Haoran left directly, leaving Gao Feng alone to face the audience.

Deyun Club Gao Feng posted a video detailing the sorting time of the four apprentices, suspected to be in response to Song Haoran

Song Haoran's behavior sparked heated discussions on the Internet. Some believe that he is dissatisfied because he did not become a big brother, while others speculate that Gao Feng may have broken some rules. The controversy on the Internet has intensified, and various speculations and rumors continue to ferment.

Deyun Club Gao Feng posted a video detailing the sorting time of the four apprentices, suspected to be in response to Song Haoran

In response to these controversies, Gao Feng elaborated on the issue of the ordering of apprentices through a video. He pointed out in the video that Lang Haochen is the master brother, Miao Haoyu is the second apprentice, and Wang Haoyue and Li Haoyang are ranked third and fourth respectively. Gao Feng explained his decision, emphasizing that the order was based on the seniority and performance of the apprentices.

Deyun Club Gao Feng posted a video detailing the sorting time of the four apprentices, suspected to be in response to Song Haoran

After the video was released, netizens commented one after another. Gao Feng's tone in the video is calm and firm, and he hopes to calm the controversy in this way, while also showing the outside world that he is fair and just. Gao Feng also expressed his expectations for the apprentices in the video, hoping that they can unite and work together for the cause of cross talk.

Deyun Club Gao Feng posted a video detailing the sorting time of the four apprentices, suspected to be in response to Song Haoran

Gao Feng released the video shortly after the June 12 ceremony. The video sparked a lot of discussion on social media. Gao Feng's motivation for releasing the video is obvious: he wants to set the record straight and dispel misunderstandings and suspicions from the outside world. After the video was released, it received a lot of support and understanding from the audience, but some people were skeptical of Gao Feng's explanation.

Deyun Club Gao Feng posted a video detailing the sorting time of the four apprentices, suspected to be in response to Song Haoran

Gao Feng gave a detailed explanation of the ranking of apprentices in the video. He pointed out that the reason why Lang Haochen became a master brother is because he is the oldest and has an excellent performance in cross talk. Miao Haoyu was ranked second because of her humor and talent. As for Wang Haoyue and Li Haoyang, Gao Feng believes that although they are young, they are also full of potential, so he ranks them third and fourth.

Deyun Club Gao Feng posted a video detailing the sorting time of the four apprentices, suspected to be in response to Song Haoran

In the video, Gao Feng's tone and attitude are very important. In a calm and firm tone, he explained the issue of the ordering of his disciples and expressed his expectations for them. Gao Feng emphasized that sorting does not mean who is more important, and every apprentice is an important part of the future of Deyun Club. He also responded to rumors from the outside world, stating that the ranking was based solely on the performance and seniority of the apprentices, without any favoritism.

Deyun Club Gao Feng posted a video detailing the sorting time of the four apprentices, suspected to be in response to Song Haoran

Regarding Song Haoran's controversy, Gao Feng did not mention much in the video. This made the outside world speculate more about the relationship between Song Haoran and Gao Feng. There are many speculations on the Internet about Song Haoran's behavior, some people think that he is dissatisfied with not becoming a master brother, and others think that he and Gao Feng have differences on some issues. In any case, Song Haoran's behavior caused a lot of waves in the cross talk world.

Deyun Club Gao Feng posted a video detailing the sorting time of the four apprentices, suspected to be in response to Song Haoran

After the video was released, the public had mixed opinions on Gao Feng's response. Some supported Gao Feng, believing that his ranking of apprentices was fair and praised him for clarifying the facts through video. Others expressed regret over Song Haoran's behavior, believing that his departure could affect his prospects in Deyun Club. Either way, the incident has raised public concerns about Deyun's internal affairs.

Deyun Club Gao Feng posted a video detailing the sorting time of the four apprentices, suspected to be in response to Song Haoran

The apprenticeship ceremony in the cross talk world has a long history and tradition. For masters and apprentices, the apprenticeship ceremony is not only a formality, but also a symbol. Through this ceremony, Gao Feng expressed his respect for tradition and his expectations for his disciples. He hopes that through his teachings, he will train his apprentices to become the backbone of Deyun Club in the future.

Deyun Club Gao Feng posted a video detailing the sorting time of the four apprentices, suspected to be in response to Song Haoran

The master-apprentice relationship between Gao Feng and Guo Degang and Yu Qian is also a good story. The tacit understanding and cooperation between them have laid the foundation for the success of Deyun Club. Gao Feng mentioned at the ceremony that he hoped that the apprentices could establish a deep friendship between master and apprentice like him and his masters, and work together for the cause of cross talk.

Deyun Club Gao Feng posted a video detailing the sorting time of the four apprentices, suspected to be in response to Song Haoran

The addition of new apprentices has undoubtedly injected new vitality into Deyun Club. Gao Feng also mentioned in the video that he has high expectations for his apprentices, hoping that they can continue to improve and become the backbone of Deyun Club in the future. As an important group in the cross talk industry, Deyun Club is facing many challenges and opportunities. Gao Feng's acceptance ceremony and video response are not only an encouragement to the apprentices, but also an important declaration of the future development of the entire Deyun Club.

Deyun Club Gao Feng posted a video detailing the sorting time of the four apprentices, suspected to be in response to Song Haoran

Song Haoran's incident undoubtedly had a great impact on Deyun Club. His behavior not only caused controversy in the outside world, but also caused certain fluctuations within Deyun Club. Although Gao Feng did not mention Song Haoran too much in the video, his response was obviously to calm the controversy and maintain the image of Deyun Club.

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