
The Houthis do not have advanced radar, and in the face of air strikes, it is equivalent to "the blind man is beaten, and he only cries out in pain." "

author:Negative view @Sima Dong

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Video source: Huashang Daily

Tensions escalated as a result of a joint US-UK airstrike in Yemen's Hodeidah province

Date: June 18, 2024

Location: Hodeidah Province, Yemen

Summary of the incident: According to the latest report from the Houthis in Yemen, the US and British forces carried out intensive air strikes on several areas of Hodeidah province on the evening of June 17 local time without prior warning. The joint military operation reportedly involved at least 10 airstrikes targeting multiple key locations in the province, with the exact targets and the extent of the damage to be further assessed.

The Houthis do not have advanced radar, and in the face of air strikes, it is equivalent to "the blind man is beaten, and he only cries out in pain." "

International Response: So far, the U.S. and U.K. governments have not officially issued statements confirming or denying the airstrike. The international community is highly concerned about this, and many governments and human rights organizations have called on all parties to exercise restraint and avoid exacerbating the already dire humanitarian crisis in Yemen.

Background analysis: Hodeidah province, as an important port city in Yemen, has long been one of the key points of contention in Yemen's civil war, and the Houthis control the area. The U.S. and Britain's air strikes may be related to recent changes in the regional security situation, and the specific motives and subsequent effects need to be explained in detail by the authorities.

The Houthis do not have advanced radar, and in the face of air strikes, it is equivalent to "the blind man is beaten, and he only cries out in pain." "

Humanitarian concern: The airstrikes have once again raised deep international concern for the safety of civilians in Yemen. The United Nations has repeatedly warned that Yemen is facing one of the world's worst humanitarian crises, with millions of people dependent on aid to survive and that any military action could exacerbate people's suffering, and called on all parties to the conflict to protect the safety of civilians and ensure unimpeded humanitarian access.

VIDEO: White House official: We don't want to clash with the Houthis either, we're stopping the attack. (Hypocrisy)


Netizen: The Houthis do not have advanced radar, and in the face of the air strikes of the United States and Britain, it is equivalent to "the blind man is beaten, and he only cries out in pain." ”

According to previous reports, the Houthis do not have advanced air defense systems and radar capabilities, which makes them more passive in the face of air strikes by countries with high-tech military equipment, such as the United States and the United Kingdom. The use of advanced electronic warfare aircraft such as the EA-18G Growler in air strikes by the United States and Britain is capable of effectively jamming and destroying the opponent's radar system, clearing obstacles for other attack aircraft and missiles, which further exacerbates the technological asymmetry.

The Houthis do not have advanced radar, and in the face of air strikes, it is equivalent to "the blind man is beaten, and he only cries out in pain." "

While the Houthis claim to respond to every attack in a drastic manner, at the operational level, due to the lack of sophisticated defensive and counter-attacking means, their response may be more focused on asymmetric tactics, such as using missiles and drones to attack enemy or its allies' targets, or sustaining resistance through ground guerrilla warfare.

Despite their technological disadvantages, the Houthis have demonstrated some adaptability and innovation in the past, such as adapting commercial drones for attacks, suggesting that they can find ways to maintain their combat capability and cause problems for their opponents, even with limited resources. In the long term, however, the lack of a modern air defense system remains a major shortcoming for the Houthis.

The Houthis do not have advanced radar, and in the face of air strikes, it is equivalent to "the blind man is beaten, and he only cries out in pain." "

Modern air defense systems often consist of several modules or subsystems to enable effective detection, identification, tracking, and interception of air threats. A complete air defense system can be roughly divided into the following key components:

  1. Radar system: This is the eye of the air defense system, which is responsible for detecting incoming aircraft from a distance, including aircraft, missiles, etc. Radar systems include search radars, tracking radars, and fire control radars, which are used for wide-area surveillance, accurate tracking, and guidance information for interceptor weapons, respectively.
  2. Command and control center: receives information from radar and other sensors, analyzes and processes the air situation, determines the threat level, and formulates interception strategies. The command and control center is the brain of the entire air defense network and coordinates the work of individual subsystems.
  3. Communication system: Ensure the fast and accurate transmission of information between the command center and the radar stations and transmitting units, which is essential for real-time response.
  4. Interceptor weapon systems: These include surface-to-air missiles (SAMs), anti-aircraft guns, laser weapons, or more recently directed energy weapons to directly destroy or force enemy aircraft off course. For example, short-range man-portable anti-aircraft missiles (MANPADS), medium-range anti-aircraft missiles, and long-range surface-to-air missile systems.
  5. Electro-electro/infrared sensors: These sensors can provide an auxiliary detection tool to help identify and track low-altitude or stealthy targets when radar may be interfered with or silent operation is required.
  6. Mobile deployment capabilities: Modern air defense systems are often designed to be highly mobile, capable of quickly shifting deployments at short notices to adapt to battlefield changes or evade counterattacks.
  7. Electronic warfare and countermeasures: including electronic jamming equipment and decoy launchers, etc., used to jam the guidance systems of enemy radars and missiles and protect their own systems from electronic attacks.
The Houthis do not have advanced radar, and in the face of air strikes, it is equivalent to "the blind man is beaten, and he only cries out in pain." "

Air defense system

Some netizens also mentioned: The United States and Britain just held a "peace summit" in Switzerland, and they turned around and jointly bombed other countries. The ugly face of the West's double standards is on full display.

Recently, Switzerland hosted a peace summit on Ukraine, which aims to create a space for dialogue in the peace process in Ukraine, attracting representatives from more than 90 countries around the world.

However, the subsequent US-UK air raids on Yemen's Hodeidah province triggered a strong reaction from netizens, who believed that it showed the contradictory behavior of Western countries in taking military action while advocating peace.

The netizen expressed his indignation, believing that this behavior reveals the "ugly face" of Western countries in implementing double standards in international affairs. Such critics point out that the image of Western countries in the international arena while promoting peace initiatives on the one hand, and their direct or indirect involvement in security operations that lead to conflict and instability, on the other, seems to be very different from the image they present at peace summits.

The Houthis do not have advanced radar, and in the face of air strikes, it is equivalent to "the blind man is beaten, and he only cries out in pain." "


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