
It's ironic! Wang Yan's son became a high-level basketball player and was escorted to Peking University! Why can't Jiang Ping?

It's ironic! Wang Yan's son became a high-level basketball player and was escorted to Peking University! Why can't Jiang Ping?

On June 15, the news that actor Wang Yan's son Wang Hongqin was escorted to Peking University sparked widespread discussion. Many people are still anxiously waiting for the results, but he has already celebrated in advance. This is in stark contrast to the poor genius Jiang Ping, who was not qualified for escort.

Wang Hongqin has been the flattered "second ancestor" type since he was a child, everyone knows his background, his mother is the famous actor Wang Yan, and his father is the real estate tycoon Wang Zhicai. This made him a "young master" in the eyes of outsiders, and he developed some not very good habits since he was a child. His performance in a reality show is even more impressive, and it is said that he even slapped his own mother, which is really shocking.

It's ironic! Wang Yan's son became a high-level basketball player and was escorted to Peking University! Why can't Jiang Ping?

However, the recent news has surprised many netizens. I heard that he was admitted to Peking University by a single recruitment with his basketball expertise, and he is still a national first-class athlete. Some people have discussed it in private, thinking that there must be some unknown inside information behind this, otherwise how could it be? Some people think that this situation is not the unique advantage of the rich second generation, the embodiment of unfairness? Some people even joked that this may be a special admission from Peking University in order to improve the level of the basketball team.

In contrast, Jiang Ping's story is full of bitterness and struggle. She excelled in the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition, finishing in the top 30, but her family's poverty made it impossible for her to afford the high tuition fees and had to choose a cheap secondary school. Although her math level reached the level of her senior year in college, she was not favored by prestigious schools. This makes many people feel unfair, especially after seeing Wang Hongqin's success, which is even more ironic.

It's ironic! Wang Yan's son became a high-level basketball player and was escorted to Peking University! Why can't Jiang Ping?

Many netizens questioned the fairness of Wang Hongqin's escort to Peking University, thinking that there was something greasy in it. Everyone felt unfair about the fact that Jiang Ping was not guaranteed to be escorted, and believed that the fairness of education needed to be improved. The difference in the treatment of sports students and academic geniuses in enrollment makes people have to think about the allocation of educational resources.

Wang Hongqin's family background is superior, his mother Wang Yan is a famous actor, and his father Wang Zhicai is a wealthy real estate businessman with a solid family background. His arrogant behavior when he participated in reality shows as a child left a deep negative impression on people. But now, he successfully counterattacked through his basketball expertise and was admitted to Peking University.

Privately, on September 6, 2007, Wang Yan, Yang Lan, Ma Yanli, and Li Lingyu jointly recorded the theme song "Holding Your Hand" for the Happiness Project. In the photo, they are smiling and standing in the recording studio, each with optimism and care on their faces.

It's ironic! Wang Yan's son became a high-level basketball player and was escorted to Peking University! Why can't Jiang Ping?

This photo attracted the attention and discussion of many netizens at the time. Someone commented: "It's really great that these celebrities can participate in such a charity event." They don't just sit there and donate money, they take action and use their voices to call on more people to join in helping others. Other netizens expressed their admiration for Wang Yan: "Wang Yan is not only an actor, she has proved her sense of responsibility to the society with her actions." This spirit is really worth learning from. ”

In 2008, Wang Yan raised funds in the form of a charity sale of new books, and all proceeds from the voluntary signing will be donated to the disaster area. A netizen commented on social media: "Seeing such news, my heart is really warm. Celebrities aren't just making money, they're also giving back to society in their own way. Another netizen expressed his appreciation for Wang Yan's righteous act: "Wang Yan's approach is very practical, there is no hype, just silently doing her part for those in need." ”

It's ironic! Wang Yan's son became a high-level basketball player and was escorted to Peking University! Why can't Jiang Ping?

In the same year, at the site of "Gansu Earthquake-stricken Area Donation", Wang Yan donated 1.135 million Hong Kong dollars. Someone commented: "This is not a small amount, and it is really not easy to have such a generous act." In addition, some netizens expressed their support and gratitude to Wang Yan: "She is not only an actor, but also a person with great love." I hope that more people can help others with practical actions like her. ”

On the other hand, Jiang Ping, she was born in a poor village in a county town in Jiangsu, and her family was in financial difficulties. Her mother was sick, her father was working outside the home, and the burden of the family made it difficult for her and her sister. Despite this, she never gave up her love for mathematics, and through self-study and the guidance of her teachers, her math level improved significantly. But even so, she still failed to win the favor of prestigious schools, which is regrettable.

The admissions policies of Peking University and other prestigious universities for students with special talents have been controversial. Under this system, students with sports talents are often able to get the opportunity to enter prestigious schools by virtue of their talent and performance in sports, while academic geniuses face greater challenges.

It's ironic! Wang Yan's son became a high-level basketball player and was escorted to Peking University! Why can't Jiang Ping?

For students with sports talents, they can obtain special admission qualifications to prestigious universities by participating in various competitions, outstanding performance, and obtaining national athlete qualification certificates. This policy provides a green channel for students who excel in the athletic field to receive relatively relaxed admission criteria in different admissions batches.

However, for an academic genius like Jiang Ping, the situation is very different. She excelled in global mathematics competitions and received excellent grades and honors, but due to her family's poverty and other reasons, she was not able to get the opportunity to be admitted to a prestigious school. This phenomenon has sparked widespread discussion and questioning in society, and people have begun to reflect on whether educational equity is truly guaranteed.

Wealthy families are often able to provide their children with more resources and support, such as signing up for academic competitions, hiring private tutors, and even getting more information and opportunities through family connections. These advantages give them a clear advantage in the highly competitive admission to prestigious schools.

It's ironic! Wang Yan's son became a high-level basketball player and was escorted to Peking University! Why can't Jiang Ping?

A poor student like Jiang Ping, although talented, is facing a huge dilemma. They often have to overcome various pressures from their families and society, and rely on their own efforts and talents to barely stand out from the competition. However, even with their excellent grades, they still struggle to compete with students who have abundant resources.

I hope this story can spark more people's attention and thinking about educational equity. The allocation of educational resources should not only be based on family background and strengths, but also more opportunities for truly talented and needy children. Only by giving every child an equal opportunity can society be more progressive and fairer.

It's ironic! Wang Yan's son became a high-level basketball player and was escorted to Peking University! Why can't Jiang Ping?

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