
Star Wang Yan's son was successfully escorted to Peking University

author:Tianya Community

01 Star Wang Yan's son was sent to Peking University with his basketball expertise

Recently, Wang Yan's son was hotly discussed by netizens because of his basketball specialty to be sent to Peking University, and Jiang Ping was compared, "Why is no university willing to send Jiang Ping, a math genius girl".

Star Wang Yan's son was successfully escorted to Peking University
Star Wang Yan's son was successfully escorted to Peking University
Star Wang Yan's son was successfully escorted to Peking University

Netizen comments

How to say it, people can be sent to Peking University, it may be really good, it seems to be quite common for sports students to go to college, not all the children of the rich are very broken, many children of the rich are also very powerful, and people also have the right to be excellent.

The milk tea girl was also sent to Tsinghua University, and the children of the rich always have a way to enter a prestigious school.

How long is basketball specialty?

Level? How tall? Can you make it to the NBA?

It's that now that information is developed, the previous illusion of fairness is gone. These people, no matter what era they are, have a special channel for them. Whether it's these group events or the aerobics escort before, it's the same thing.

02 The number of births in mainland China in 2024 may rebound slightly

Report on the situation of Chinese population: negative growth for two consecutive years, the arrival of aging, declining birthrate, and non-marriage is accelerating. China has the second-lowest fertility rate in the world.

On January 17, the National Bureau of Statistics released the 2023 population data: the national population was 140967 million at the end of 2023, a decrease of 2.08 million from the end of the previous year. The annual birth population was 9.02 million, a decrease of 540,000 over the previous year, and the birth rate was 6.39 per thousand; The number of deaths was 11.1 million, and the mortality rate was 7.87 per thousand; The natural growth rate of the population was -1.48 per thousand.

In 2023, the mainland's population has been negative for two consecutive years, and the total fertility rate is about 1.0, ranking second to last among the world's major economies.

China's total fertility rate fell from about 6 before the 1970s, to about 2 in 1990, then to about 1.5 after 2010, 1.05 in 2022, and around 1.0 in 2023, making it the second-to-last among the world's major economies (only slightly higher than South Korea). The comprehensive two-child policy is less than expected, the effect of the three-child policy has not appeared, and it has failed to reverse the downward trend of China's birth population, and the birth accumulation effect has basically ended, with the birth population declining for seven consecutive years since 2017, and the number of births in 2023 will be 9.02 million, a decrease of 540,000 from 2022, continuing to hit a new low.

In 2023, the total population will decrease by 2.08 million compared with the previous year, with negative growth and expansion for two consecutive years. The three major trends of aging, declining birthrate, and unmarried are accelerating. Demographic factors have a significant and far-reaching impact, and the adjustment of the birth policy is one of the most fundamental and important supply-side structural reforms.

In the short term, the number of births and fertility in 2024 may rebound slightly, mainly due to:

1) The backlog of birth plans of some families during the epidemic was gradually released;

2) The number of marriage pairs will increase in 2023, according to the data of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, 5.69 million marriage pairs will be registered in the third quarter of 2023, an increase of 245,000 couples year-on-year;

3) The dragon has an auspicious meaning, and there is a small peak of fertility in the Year of the Dragon.

However, in the long run, due to the gradual disappearance of the fertility accumulation effect, the sluggish fertility rate, the continuous decline in the scale of women of childbearing age, and the high cost of childbirth, it is difficult to reverse the downward trend of the birth population without the introduction of substantial and effective policies to encourage childbirth. The demographic factors are changing slowly but vigorously, and their impact is significant and far-reaching, so they need to be paid close attention to.

Netizen comments

It is recommended that the zodiac sign be changed to unicorn next year, and the year after next year, it will be higher and higher year by year!

Childbirth should be encouraged more vigorously, and welfare is basically nothing.

But there is no need for encouragement for anything that is good, and you will rush to do it when you break your head. You will only be encouraged by them when there is nothing good for you to give.

People are defined as animals, get married in 2023, and have children in 2024.

Many people think the same way, if you get married, you have to have a child immediately, and two years later, you think you can't have a baby.

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