
When people get old, it's not about exercising, it's not about drinking water? Doctor's reminder: Just keep in mind the 4 guidelines for longevity

author:The kingship is rich and noble
In order to better tell the content of the article, the plot of the characters is fictional, please read it sensibly

Grandma Li in the same community, at the age of 87, is still strong, and she can still do relatively easy housework such as cooking and cleaning up the house.

When people get old, it's not about exercising, it's not about drinking water? Doctor's reminder: Just keep in mind the 4 guidelines for longevity

Usually, when I go out for a walk, when I meet Grandma Li, everyone will come forward to ask for the secret of longevity.

Grandma Li often said to people in the community: "Actually, I don't have any magic weapon for longevity, but I will strictly follow the doctor's instructions in normal times."

It turned out that the doctor told her: "When you are old, it is not about exercising, not about drinking water, you just need to remember the 4 longevity guidelines".

What are the four exactly? You can follow the article to find out.

When people get old, it's not about exercising, it's not about drinking water? Doctor's reminder: Just keep in mind the 4 guidelines for longevity

1. Criteria and performance of longevity

After entering middle age or old age, people often continue to sigh that "the years urge people to get old" and "the body is not as good as a year".

From ancient times to the present, "how to prolong human life" has always been a problem in medicine, but the uneven level of medicine has led to a completely different age of longevity defined in ancient and modern times.

At present, according to the latest classification standards of the United Nations World Health Organization, the age of 70 can no longer be regarded as the elderly, but the middle-aged and elderly, and the 60-74 years old are the young; 74-90 years old for the elderly; Those over 90 years old are considered to be long-lived.

When people get old, it's not about exercising, it's not about drinking water? Doctor's reminder: Just keep in mind the 4 guidelines for longevity

Such a division standard may surprise many people, after all, there are not many elderly people over 80 years old in life, but the average life expectancy of Chinese is indeed gradually increasing, according to relevant reports, the life expectancy of Chinese people is expected to increase from 77.7 years in 2019 to 81.3 years in 2035.

However, longevity does not only refer to age, there are also relevant definitions of what kind of state can be called longevity in international standards.

In addition to age, maintaining good health, having self-care ability, maintaining a high level of cognition, and having a positive and happy attitude are all more critical manifestations of longevity.

When people get old, it's not about exercising, it's not about drinking water? Doctor's reminder: Just keep in mind the 4 guidelines for longevity

Longevity is not about "staying alive", but about living long, well, and happily, and the quality of life continuation is as important as the length of life continuity.

Therefore, the elderly who can be called longevity should have good physical function, stable or slow decline in cognitive ability, a healthier and relaxed mentality, and the ability to continue learning and live independently, which is the main reason why many middle-aged and elderly people appear younger when facing their peers.

Longevity does not simply mean aging, but also maintaining a healthy state in physical, mental, and social aspects to have a higher quality of old age.

When people get old, it's not about exercising, it's not about drinking water? Doctor's reminder: Just keep in mind the 4 guidelines for longevity

2. Longevity is the result of a combination of factors

By doing the above 4 points, I believe you will feel that your old age life is better, which will further promote your physical and mental health. Of course, there are many other factors that need to work together to have a longer lifespan.

For example, choosing a livable living environment, a green, comfortable countryside or a suburban area with better air quality, and a living environment closer to the original ecology can help the elderly have a more comfortable mood.

When people get old, it's not about exercising, it's not about drinking water? Doctor's reminder: Just keep in mind the 4 guidelines for longevity

There are also regular physical examinations, using certain medical means to reduce the pain caused by illness in old age, regular moderate exercise, maintaining a healthy body, and focusing on oneself in life.

Don't worry too much and worry about the lives of your children and grandchildren, and truly achieve "children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren" from the heart. Use drugs and health products in moderation, do not overdo it and rely on drugs and other lifestyle habits and maintain life attitudes.

Improving from many aspects, while extending life, you can also have a happier and happier old age, which is a high-quality longevity life.

When people get old, it's not about exercising, it's not about drinking water? Doctor's reminder: Just keep in mind the 4 guidelines for longevity

3. Doctor's reminder: longevity only needs to keep in mind 4 longevity guidelines

1. Use your brain often and keep your thinking active

According to the book "A Healthy Centennial Book for Chinese: Expert Consensus on Healthy Longevity" released by the Chinese Geriatrics Society in 2020, the brain of long-lived people will be younger, and this state is also known as "wise life".

In traditional Chinese Confucianism, it is also mentioned that wiser people tend to live longer. Of course, the wisdom here does not only refer to how high the level of knowledge and education is, but also to have a high level of cognition, and have a high level of wisdom in dealing with the world, psychological adjustment, social environment adaptation, inner peace and stability, etc., and can have better management of life and health.

When people get old, it's not about exercising, it's not about drinking water? Doctor's reminder: Just keep in mind the 4 guidelines for longevity

In modern scientific research, it has been proven that people with higher cognitive levels, frequent brain movement, and more active thinking can have a longer lifespan.

The nerves of the human brain have a certain plasticity, and it is generally believed that the brain's ability and efficiency in processing information will be improved in neuroscience.

The brain can promote the connection of neurons in learning and cognitive activities, thereby enhancing the brain's progression and adaptability, slowing down brain atrophy and cognitive decline.

The higher the health of the brain, the less likely it is to develop Alzheimer's disease, cognitive confusion and other conditions.

When people get old, it's not about exercising, it's not about drinking water? Doctor's reminder: Just keep in mind the 4 guidelines for longevity

Therefore, for the elderly, it is necessary to keep the brain thinking active, learn more, and think more.

Maintaining a certain amount of reading every day, trying to express your thoughts in words, learning a new language, a new skill, and doing challenging activities such as number games and board games can ensure the daily activity of the brain, thereby slowing down brain aging and achieving longevity.

2. A positive attitude can ensure physical health

As the saying goes, "people are not old at heart", people often use this sentence to describe a person's state of being young despite getting older.

After entering the state of old age, many elderly people will no longer work, children are not around, etc., resulting in a lack of value and loneliness. From a psychological point of view, in addition to congenital or hereditary diseases, the health of the mind can better ensure the health of the body.

When people get old, it's not about exercising, it's not about drinking water? Doctor's reminder: Just keep in mind the 4 guidelines for longevity

Nowadays, more and more people are beginning to pay attention to their spiritual cultivation, to ensure a positive attitude and emotional peace and stability, for patients suffering from serious diseases, the health of the psychological state is also clinically believed to promote the recovery of the patient's body and prolong the life of the patient.

As the age increases, the elderly are more likely to face the effects of negative emotions such as worry, anxiety, and nothingness.

Therefore, the elderly should go out and walk around more often, and cultivate hobbies such as flower arrangement, calligraphy, dance, sports, and photography.

Through hobbies and studies and other behaviors, form your own circle of entertainment and leisure, and obtain emotional support in social interactions, so as to reduce negative emotions such as loneliness and not being needed, ensure a more positive energy state, a positive and optimistic attitude, and develop a more healthy body and mind.

When people get old, it's not about exercising, it's not about drinking water? Doctor's reminder: Just keep in mind the 4 guidelines for longevity

3. Eat a balanced and nutritious diet

Diet is the main source of energy for the body, and for the elderly, if they want to maintain full vitality in their old age, they need to work their diet.

Not only should you eat enough and eat enough, but you should also be able to ensure a balanced diet, so that the body can get enough nutrients to absorb, so that you can be healthier, and your own resistance in the face of illness can also help your body recover faster.

The first thing is to eat enough and eat enough. In the current rich diet, such a request seems a little funny, after all, the Chinese food basket is now sufficient.

When people get old, it's not about exercising, it's not about drinking water? Doctor's reminder: Just keep in mind the 4 guidelines for longevity

This requirement is not because the elderly can't afford to eat, but for the elderly, the weakening of the digestive system will reduce their appetite, coupled with the reduction of activity consumption, many elderly people often face the problem of not being able to eat, so they must eat enough to ensure the body's energy supply and nutrient absorption.

The second is to eat well and have balanced nutrition. The trace elements in the body of the elderly are lost quickly, especially for calcium, iron, zinc and other trace elements that are critical to good health, so it is necessary to ensure the supply of various nutrients through a reasonable and balanced diet.

In the daily diet, adjust the proportion of meat, milk and egg products, vegetables, fruits and nuts to ensure adequate nutritional supply, and then supplement some trace elements and minerals according to the individual's element deficiencies.

Finally, it is necessary to pay attention to the moderation of the diet, not to be too greedy, and not to overeat, the decline of digestive system itself will bring a certain amount of indigestion, so the elderly should not eat too much food.

There are also some regional eating habits caused by heavy oil, heavy salt, heavy spicy and other tastes, in the old age should make some adjustments, eat more light, natural and healthy vegetables and fruits, which is more beneficial to the body.

When people get old, it's not about exercising, it's not about drinking water? Doctor's reminder: Just keep in mind the 4 guidelines for longevity

4. Adequate and high-quality sleep time

"Ensure 7 hours of adequate sleep every day" is an important criterion for the World Health Organization's health judgment of the elderly, and "people get old and sleep less" is a problem that plagues many middle-aged and elderly people.

Sleep is essential for the body's energy recovery and physical resistance, especially high-quality sleep, which can help people feel refreshed throughout the day. However, as they age, the elderly often face difficulties in falling asleep, waking up multiple times during the night, and waking up early and falling asleep again, which has a very negative impact on the development of a healthy body.

Effective sleep modification is necessary for longevity and requires certain methods or measures to achieve it. For example, form a regular work and rest time, fall asleep at a fixed time point every day, adjust the biological clock, and form a more scientific sleep rhythm.

When people get old, it's not about exercising, it's not about drinking water? Doctor's reminder: Just keep in mind the 4 guidelines for longevity

Create a comfortable and beautiful sleeping environment, choose more skin-friendly and soft bedding, reduce blue and cold light in the bedroom, and reduce the use of electronic products before going to bed, so that the brain can relax in a more comfortable environment.

In addition, you can also add moderate exercise during the day, such as tai chi, yoga, walking, etc., to make the body more comfortable, and the appropriate amount of body energy expenditure can also help sleep.


Qilu One Point 2020-09-18 - "Official" defines longevity in this way: high longevity + self-care

People's Daily Online 2019-08-12——Experts teach you the secret of longevity The maximum life expectancy of human beings can reach 150 years

Reference News 2023-07-01 - What are the secrets of healthy and long-lived "blue zone" elderly?

China Development Portal 2011-11-28 - Focus on "longevity and unhealth": healthy old age is inseparable from mental health

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