
22 Jin Tielin's memorial service: his son cried bitterly, and his ex-wife Li Guyi delivered a eulogy and did not show up

author:The boy said the classics
22 Jin Tielin's memorial service: his son cried bitterly, and his ex-wife Li Guyi delivered a eulogy and did not show up
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22 Jin Tielin's memorial service: his son cried bitterly, and his ex-wife Li Guyi delivered a eulogy and did not show up

In the late autumn of 2022, on a quiet morning in Beijing, the famous music educator Jin Tielin passed away quietly in his ancient courtyard house in the bustling city. However, the memorial service that followed was shrouded in a veil of mystery.

In the venue, the mourning music was low and the atmosphere was solemn and solemn, but the absence of two key figures aroused everyone's doubts: Jin Tielin's ex-wife Li Guyi and current wife Ma Qiuhua did not show up.

What's even more puzzling is that when Jin Tielin's only son, Jin Shengquan, delivered a eulogy on the stage, tears rained down and his voice choked, which seemed to hide unknown complex emotions.

What kind of intricate family relationship is behind this seemingly simple farewell ceremony? Let's unravel this perplexing mystery together.

22 Jin Tielin's memorial service: his son cried bitterly, and his ex-wife Li Guyi delivered a eulogy and did not show up

Jin Tielin's status in the Chinese music education industry is a shining star. Every morning, he would come to the classroom early and face the young faces full of vitality.

His classes are always full of unique charm, using vivid words and profound knowledge to guide students into the wonderful world of music.

Jin Tielin is not only an excellent educator, but also an outstanding performer. In class, he often plays classic folk repertoire by himself, and the elegant and smooth sound of the piano seems to be able to travel through time and space and go straight to the depths of everyone's heart.

After the performance, he always took the trouble to explain the background and musical connotation of each piece to the students, and shared his unique insights on music.

22 Jin Tielin's memorial service: his son cried bitterly, and his ex-wife Li Guyi delivered a eulogy and did not show up

His teaching methods are unique. Jin Tielin not only pays attention to the teaching of skills, but also attaches more importance to cultivating students' perception and understanding of music. After class, he often stays behind for one-on-one mentoring with students, encouraging them to experiment and express their musical opinions.

This kind of in-depth exchange not only imparted knowledge, but also ignited the students' love for music.

On campus, Jin Tielin's figure is everywhere. Whether on the grand stage of the concert hall or in the humble rehearsal room, he threw himself into it.

His precise conduct and powerful movements all reveal his love for music and dedication to education. His unique teaching methods and deep insight into music have earned him the admiration of his students and the high praise of his peers in the industry.

22 Jin Tielin's memorial service: his son cried bitterly, and his ex-wife Li Guyi delivered a eulogy and did not show up

Jin Tielin has made important contributions to the development of Chinese folk music. He has worked tirelessly to make Chinese folk music shine on the international stage. His achievements are not only reflected in music composition and teaching, but also in the fact that he has cultivated generations of outstanding musical talents.

These students have achieved remarkable results in their respective fields and have become the backbone of the Chinese music industry.

Even in his later years, Jin Tielin still maintained his passion for music. In his small music studio at home, the melodious sound of the piano can often be heard, and that is his most relaxed and enjoyable moment.

His home has a strong musical vibe, with shelves full of music theory books, and photos of his performances as a young man and photos with famous musicians on the walls.

22 Jin Tielin's memorial service: his son cried bitterly, and his ex-wife Li Guyi delivered a eulogy and did not show up

Jin Tielin's life is like a beautiful and moving music, full of love for music and dedication to education. He has demonstrated what a true music educator is with his actions, and his spirit and philosophy will always inspire future generations to continue to move forward on the road of music.

Jin Tielin's family life is like a complex and profound symphony, full of ups and downs of emotional changes. His two marriages are like two themes in music, each interpreting a different movement of life.

Marriage to Li Guyi used to be a good story in the music industry. Both of them are leaders in the music industry, supporting each other in their careers and contributing to the Chinese music industry together.

Their union is seen as a match made in heaven, as if two notes perfectly compose a harmonious melody. However, over time, the marriage gradually lost its initial harmony.

22 Jin Tielin's memorial service: his son cried bitterly, and his ex-wife Li Guyi delivered a eulogy and did not show up

In the end, they chose to break up peacefully and start a new chapter in their lives. Despite parting ways, the two have a constant love for music and respect for each other.

The marriage with Ma Qiuhua added a warm note to Jin Tielin's later life. Ma Qiuhua is not only his wife, but also a bosom friend in his music career. In the cottage where they live together, there is a strong sense of music everywhere.

On the wall, there are photos of Jin Tielin's performances when he was young, and all kinds of music theory books are neatly placed on the shelves. Ma Qiuhua always quietly listened to Jin Tielin playing the piano in the small music studio at home, which was their most relaxed and pleasant time.

The life of the two is like a beautiful duet, harmonious and rhythmic.

22 Jin Tielin's memorial service: his son cried bitterly, and his ex-wife Li Guyi delivered a eulogy and did not show up

As a father, Jin Tielin's education of his only son, Jin Shengquan, was both strict and loving. He wants his son to inherit his music career, but he also respects his son's personal choice.

Although Jin Shengquan did not completely follow his father's path, he was influenced by music since he was a child, which gave him a deep understanding and perception of music. The relationship between father and son is like a sometimes passionate, sometimes tender variation, full of love and responsibility.

Although Jin Tielin's family life has undergone changes, it has always revolved around the core theme of music. Whether it is the past with Li Guyi, or the stay with Ma Qiuhua, or the cultivation of Jin Shengquan, music is the red thread that runs through it.

This family symphony, spanning decades, composes a musician's emotional world, showing how love and art can be intertwined in a person's life.

22 Jin Tielin's memorial service: his son cried bitterly, and his ex-wife Li Guyi delivered a eulogy and did not show up

Jin Tielin's death was like a heavy drumbeat that shook the entire music industry. The students who grew up to be outstanding artists under his rigorous guidance expressed their deep nostalgia for their mentor in the most simple but sincere way.

On social media, a special "wave of remembrance" swept in. Jin Tielin's students posted eulogies almost at the same time, each full of admiration and longing for the music master.

These words are like an affectionate elegy, singing the endless nostalgia for Professor Jin Tielin.

In this wave of remembrance, the actions of the famous singer Dai Yuqiang are particularly touching. He led his students to record a video of "What a Big Tree" as a special memorial to Jin Tielin.

22 Jin Tielin's memorial service: his son cried bitterly, and his ex-wife Li Guyi delivered a eulogy and did not show up

This creative and unique tribute is like a melodious flute that reverberates in the online world.

In this moving video, Dai Yuqiang stands in the center of the stage in a solemn black suit. Behind him is a huge image of a tree, symbolizing Jin Tielin's profound influence in the field of music education.

As the melody of the piano sounded, Dai Yuqiang's deep and infectious voice slowly sang this meaningful song. His students surrounded him, and each of them had a deep respect and sorrow on their faces.

This song is not only a tribute to Jin Tielin, but also a tribute to his perseverance and innovative spirit. The song contains gratitude to the teacher, love for music, and hope for the future.

22 Jin Tielin's memorial service: his son cried bitterly, and his ex-wife Li Guyi delivered a eulogy and did not show up

As soon as the video was released, it immediately caused a stir online. Countless netizens were moved by this affectionate interpretation, and left their feelings in the comment area, paying high tribute to Jin Tielin.

At Jin Tielin's memorial service, Dai Yuqiang sang this meaningful song again. In a solemn atmosphere, his singing voice is particularly moving.

The melodious melody echoed in the venue, as if Jin Tielin's soul was talking to everyone present. Everyone who listened to it was touched by this sincere emotion, and many could not help but burst into tears.

This is not just a song, but a transmission of spirit, the highest tribute to this outstanding musician. In this way, Dai Yuqiang and his students showed the world how Jin Tielin's educational philosophy and musical spirit will be passed down from generation to generation.

22 Jin Tielin's memorial service: his son cried bitterly, and his ex-wife Li Guyi delivered a eulogy and did not show up

At Jin Tielin's memorial service, the absence of his ex-wife Li Guyi and current wife Ma Qiuhua has sparked many speculations. However, the truth of the matter is far more complex and touching than one might think.

Although Li Guyi was unable to attend the memorial service in person, she expressed her respect and nostalgia for Jin Tielin in her own unique way. It is reported that Li Guyi was in poor physical condition and could not withstand the emotional impact of the long-distance travel and the memorial service.

However, when she learned the news of Jin Tielin's death, the grief in her heart was overflowing. She immediately put pen to paper and wrote an affectionate eulogy, revealing deep mourning for her former partner and endless nostalgia for the past.

In this touching eulogy, Li Guyi looks back on the years spent with Jin Tielin, those good times when they supported each other and grew together on the road of music.

22 Jin Tielin's memorial service: his son cried bitterly, and his ex-wife Li Guyi delivered a eulogy and did not show up

Although the two eventually chose to separate, their shared love for music and respect for each other never changed. Li Guyi's words are like a gentle serenade, slowly telling her remembrance and respect for Jin Tielin.

Ma Qiuhua chose a more private way to face her husband's death. She did not appear in the public eye, but quietly reminisced in the home where they lived together.

That musical cabin carries the best memories of the two in every corner. Ma Qiuhua sought solace in these familiar surroundings, listening to Jin Tielin's favorite music during his lifetime, and stroking the instruments he used to soothe his soul.

This silent way of mourning is like a silent sad song, deeply telling Ma Qiuhua's longing for her husband. She chose to say her final goodbye to Jin Tielin in the music world built by the two.

22 Jin Tielin's memorial service: his son cried bitterly, and his ex-wife Li Guyi delivered a eulogy and did not show up

As Jin Tielin's only son, Jin Shengquan has borne huge emotional pressure. At the memorial service, he endured his grief and stood on the stage to deliver a eulogy for his father. However, as he began to speak, tears flowed uncontrollably and his voice trembled so much that he could barely speak.

At that moment, he was no longer an adult, but seemed to return to his childhood when he needed his father's protection.

Despite this, Kim Sung-kwon, he persevered in completing this difficult task. His tears and choked voice expressed his deep nostalgia for his father more than any flowery rhetoric.

This is not only a son's sincere farewell to his father, but also his responsibility for the family.

22 Jin Tielin's memorial service: his son cried bitterly, and his ex-wife Li Guyi delivered a eulogy and did not show up

Jin Tielin's family said goodbye in their own ways, although in different forms, but they all reflected deep love and respect for him. These different ways of saying goodbye, like a complex concerto, together compose the last affectionate farewell to Jin Tielin.

Although Jin Tielin passed away, his spiritual legacy will live on forever. His outstanding contributions to the field of music education, like a never-ending symphony, continue to reverberate in the Chinese music industry.

Those outstanding students who have grown up under his careful cultivation are like the seeds of music, blossoming and bearing fruit in their respective fields, inheriting Jin Tielin's educational philosophy and musical spirit.

His persistent pursuit of music and the spirit of continuous innovation are like a beacon, guiding the direction of future generations of musicians. Whether it is a family member or a student, they all continue Jin Tielin's music dream in their own way.

22 Jin Tielin's memorial service: his son cried bitterly, and his ex-wife Li Guyi delivered a eulogy and did not show up

His passing may be the end of an era, but his legacy will continue to shine in the musicians of the future and compose even more brilliant movements.

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