
"People are old and have two hurdles, and they will live a long life if they survive it", which two hurdles refer to in which two years? Older people should pay more attention

author:Dr. Tse's drip record
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Lao Wang is 60 years old this year, his body is tough, he lives independently, and he can still work in the field every day. The neighbors all said that Lao Wang had a long life, but Lao Wang knew in his heart that at the age of 60, he was extra careful, for fear that something would go wrong. Old people often say: "If you are old and have two hurdles, you will live a long life if you get through it." "What are the two hurdles? Let's explore it today.

"People are old and have two hurdles, and they will live a long life if they survive it", which two hurdles refer to in which two years? Older people should pay more attention

Critical age group analysis

The first key hurdle: 60 years old

The age of 60 is an important node in the life of the elderly. According to statistics, the age of 60 is the peak period for many elderly people's physical function decline. During this year, many chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, etc. will manifest or worsen. The age of 60 is considered the first critical hurdle.

"People are old and have two hurdles, and they will live a long life if they survive it", which two hurdles refer to in which two years? Older people should pay more attention

At this age, older people need to pay special attention to their diet and lifestyle habits. Lao Wang insisted on eating light food every day, quitting smoking and drinking, and working and resting on time, these good habits helped him get through many difficulties. For 60-year-olds, maintaining a good lifestyle is the key to prolonging life.

The second key hurdle: 80 years old

Reaching the age of 100 is a dream goal for many people. They maintain a positive mindset, have a regular life, and have a good social support system. 80 years old is the second key hurdle.

"People are old and have two hurdles, and they will live a long life if they survive it", which two hurdles refer to in which two years? Older people should pay more attention

Centenarians tend to have strong self-management skills. Wang's friend, Grandma Li, who has just turned 80 this year, insists on walking every day, pays attention to a balanced diet, and often communicates with her children and grandchildren to keep her mood happy. Studies have shown that a good mindset and social support are important factors in getting through the age of 80.

Healthy lifestyle for seniors

Diet for older adults is essential for health. The long-lived elderly generally have a light diet, less salt and less oil, and eat more vegetables and fruits. Lao Wang goes on a vegetarian diet at least three days a week, which not only helps him control his weight, but also reduces his risk of cardiovascular disease.

"People are old and have two hurdles, and they will live a long life if they survive it", which two hurdles refer to in which two years? Older people should pay more attention

Maintaining good lifestyle habits is the foundation of longevity. Older people should maintain a regular routine and avoid staying up late. A moderate amount of exercise every day, such as walking, tai chi, etc., can help strengthen physical fitness. Lao Wang insisted on exercising for an hour every morning and walking for half an hour in the evening, which kept his body in a good state.

Mental health is equally important. Loneliness and depression are common problems among the elderly, and actively participating in social activities and maintaining a good attitude can effectively prevent psychological problems. Lao Wang often participates in community activities and chats with friends, which makes him energetic and happy.

Other factors that affect longevity

Studies have shown that education levels have a significant impact on the health of older adults. Older people with higher levels of education tend to have greater health awareness and self-care skills. Seniors can improve their health literacy by continuing to learn new knowledge and participating in educational activities in the community. For example, attending health talks and learning about nutrition can help them better manage their health.

"People are old and have two hurdles, and they will live a long life if they survive it", which two hurdles refer to in which two years? Older people should pay more attention

Social support systems have an important impact on the mental and physical health of older people. Family care, community help, and the company of friends can all enhance the sense of security and happiness of older people. Regular family reunions and keeping in touch with friends, like Grandma Lee, can significantly improve quality of life and slow down aging. Elderly people should actively participate in community activities and establish and maintain good interpersonal relationships.

The quality of the living environment has a direct impact on the health of the elderly. Good air quality, suitable temperature and humidity, and a clean living environment are all important guarantees for the longevity of the elderly.

"People are old and have two hurdles, and they will live a long life if they survive it", which two hurdles refer to in which two years? Older people should pay more attention

The elderly should try to choose a place to live with a beautiful environment and complete facilities, and at the same time maintain family hygiene to avoid the impact of environmental pollution on health. The beautiful natural environment and fresh air of Bama Yao Longevity Village provide favorable conditions for the health and longevity of the elderly.

Special recommendations for the elderly

Regular medical check-ups are an important means to prevent diseases and protect health. Older people should have a comprehensive physical examination at least once a year, paying special attention to routine indicators such as blood pressure, blood sugar, and blood lipids, so as to detect potential health problems early. Lao Wang goes to the hospital every year for a physical examination to adjust his lifestyle in time and maintain his health.

"People are old and have two hurdles, and they will live a long life if they survive it", which two hurdles refer to in which two years? Older people should pay more attention

Having a science-based diet plan is essential for the health of older adults. Salt and fat intake should be reduced, and more fruits and vegetables and fiber-rich foods should be eaten. Lao Wang pays attention to balanced nutrition at every meal and avoids overeating. Healthy eating habits not only maintain weight but also prevent the occurrence of chronic diseases.

Moderate exercise plays an important role in maintaining good health and enhancing immunity in the elderly. The elderly should choose suitable exercises according to their physical condition, such as walking, tai chi, swimming, etc. Grandma Li does Tai Chi every morning, which not only makes her physically flexible, but also improves her balance and reduces the risk of falling.


Through the above analysis, we can see that the age of 60 and 80 are two key hurdles in the life of the elderly, and the possibility of longevity is greatly increased after surviving these two hurdles. Older people should pay attention to their diet, lifestyle habits and mental health, and at the same time actively receive education, social support and improve their living environment.

"People are old and have two hurdles, and they will live a long life if they survive it", which two hurdles refer to in which two years? Older people should pay more attention

Regular check-ups, a healthy diet, and moderate exercise are all important tools to stay healthy. Each of us should care for and help the elderly, so that they can enjoy a peaceful old age and live a long and healthy life. I hope that every elderly person can spend a smooth time at a critical age and enjoy a happy and happy old age.

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