
Huang Yimei divorced? Netizen: Calm goddess, this wave of operation is stable!



Huang Yimei's divorce

Chapter 1: Huang Yimei's calm turn

In this Internet era, a news about Huang Yimei's divorce instantly detonated social media. Huang Yimei, the goddess who once entered the marriage hall with a full score, has now resolutely chosen the path of divorce. From the smiling bride in the wedding photo to her now calmly facing the breakdown of her marriage, Huang Yimei's transformation is shocking and admirable.

Huang Yimei divorced? Netizen: Calm goddess, this wave of operation is stable!

In the comments of netizens who exploded, there was no shortage of such voices: "Mom! Huang Yimei, you are so calm and handsome! This is the model of modern women! Indeed, in the face of the changes in her marriage, she did not choose to cry or entangle, but chose to turn around and leave decisively. In this way, she undoubtedly gave a resounding slap in the face to those women who are still struggling in marriage - if you don't love it, you will turn around and leave, why waste your youth and feelings for an unworthy person?

Huang Yimei divorced? Netizen: Calm goddess, this wave of operation is stable!

Chapter 2: The "tearing roll" battle between the old husband and wife

In Huang Yimei's divorce statement, there is such a sentence: "You rush to get full marks when you get married, but some people tear up the paper as soon as they get married." This sentence is undoubtedly the most direct irony of her ex-husband Lao Fang. It is reported that soon after the two got married, Lao Yi began to cheat frequently, and even had illegitimate children outside. Such behavior is undoubtedly intolerable for Huang Yimei, a pursuit of perfection.

Huang Yimei divorced? Netizen: Calm goddess, this wave of operation is stable!

In the face of Huang Yimei's divorce request, the old party showed extreme anger and unacceptable. He posted on social media: "Huang Yimei, why do you want to divorce me? Who do you think you are? Would you be where you are today without me? Such remarks undoubtedly strengthened Huang Yimei's determination to divorce. Netizens said: "Lao Fang is asking for his own suffering!" Marriage is not child's play, since you have chosen betrayal, you have to suffer the consequences of betrayal! ”

Huang Yimei divorced? Netizen: Calm goddess, this wave of operation is stable!

Chapter 3: The Custody Battle Begins

In the process of divorce, Huang Yimei made it clear that she wanted to fight for the custody of her daughter Xiaochu. She believes that as a mother, she has the responsibility and obligation to give her daughter a healthy and happy environment to grow up. The old man is unwilling to give up the custody of his daughter easily, he believes that he is the father of his daughter and should have the right to participate in his daughter's growth.

Huang Yimei divorced? Netizen: Calm goddess, this wave of operation is stable!

As a result, a battle for custody began between the two. In order to fight for the custody of her daughter, Huang Yimei did not hesitate to use her legal resources and connections. And the old party also asked for help and support everywhere in order to keep the custody of his daughter. Netizens said: "This custody battle is really fierce! But I believe Huang Yimei will definitely win! She's a super mom! ”

Huang Yimei divorced? Netizen: Calm goddess, this wave of operation is stable!

Chapter 4: Netizens are hotly discussed: How much is marriage worth?

As Huang Yimei's divorce continues to ferment, netizens have expressed their views and opinions on social media. Some people support Huang Yimei's decision, believing that she is a brave and independent woman; Some people also criticized her for being too impulsive and resolute, believing that marriage needs to be managed and maintained.

Huang Yimei divorced? Netizen: Calm goddess, this wave of operation is stable!

However, more netizens are beginning to think about the true meaning and value of marriage. They all said: "How much is marriage worth?" Is it a perfect score or a zero score? Perhaps everyone has different definitions and expectations of marriage! Such discussions not only allow people to think and understand marriage more deeply, but also stimulate everyone's enthusiasm and yearning for love and marriage.

Huang Yimei divorced? Netizen: Calm goddess, this wave of operation is stable!