
Tough life, blooming in the blue flower stone|Shanglian: blue flower hairpin stone wall, blue shadow reflecting moss; Please link it down

author:Shoot the flower man on the rhyme

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Shanglian: Bihua hairpin stone wall, blue shadow reflecting moss.

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Tough life, blooming in the blue flower stone|Shanglian: blue flower hairpin stone wall, blue shadow reflecting moss; Please link it down

【Original】The blue elf in the sun - sunflower

Poetry/rhyme shoot flower man

The sun shines on the earth,

Sunflowers bloom by the brick wall.

Tough life, blooming in the blue flower stone|Shanglian: blue flower hairpin stone wall, blue shadow reflecting moss; Please link it down

The petals are delicate, the stamens are golden,

The blue flowers are particularly dazzling.

They grow between sand and gravel,

Tenacious and tenacious, with strong vitality.

No matter where you are, you can bloom,

Bring a touch of beautiful scenery to the world.

[Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze]

Tough life, blooming in the blue flower stone|Shanglian: blue flower hairpin stone wall, blue shadow reflecting moss; Please link it down

【Original】"Ode to Life: Salute to Sunflowers"

Text/Rhyme Shoot Flower Man

In the vast land, there is a kind of life, which is not afraid of hardship, is not afraid of hardship, and grows tenaciously between the cracks of stones. It was the sunflower, the red flower that bloomed in the cracks of the boulders. It is not only a miracle of nature, but also a symbol of our human spirit and a perfect embodiment of the beauty of life.

Tough life, blooming in the blue flower stone|Shanglian: blue flower hairpin stone wall, blue shadow reflecting moss; Please link it down

Sunflower, with its unique vitality, shows us the tenacity and tenacity of life. In the barren land, in the crevices of the hard stones, they absorb trace amounts of nutrients and water, and strive to grow upwards and bloom brilliant flowers. Their vitality is so vigorous that it seems to tell us: no matter how difficult life is, as long as there is firm belief and unremitting efforts, we will be able to find our own living space and bloom our own light.

Tough life, blooming in the blue flower stone|Shanglian: blue flower hairpin stone wall, blue shadow reflecting moss; Please link it down

Sunflowers, with their bright colors, bring us endless warmth and hope. Their red petals, like a burning flame, illuminate everything around them. In the cold winter, when the sun shines on these red flowers, they seem to emit a warm glow, making people feel extremely comfortable and peaceful. Their existence makes us believe that no matter how difficult life is, there is always hope waiting for us.

Tough life, blooming in the blue flower stone|Shanglian: blue flower hairpin stone wall, blue shadow reflecting moss; Please link it down

Sunflower, with its selfless dedication, makes us feel the value and meaning of life. As they grow, they not only provide themselves with the nutrients they need to survive, but also add beauty and life to their surroundings. Their existence makes us realize that each of us should be like a sunflower, use our own lives to create beauty, contribute to society, and realize self-worth.

Tough life, blooming in the blue flower stone|Shanglian: blue flower hairpin stone wall, blue shadow reflecting moss; Please link it down

Sunflower, with its unique life course, teaches us how to face the challenges and difficulties of life. They grow in a harsh environment, but they never give up their love and pursuit of life. Their existence tells us that the difficulties and challenges in life are not terrible, but what is terrible is that we have lost the courage and confidence to face them. Only by facing it bravely and firmly believing can we overcome difficulties and realize our dreams.

Tough life, blooming in the blue flower stone|Shanglian: blue flower hairpin stone wall, blue shadow reflecting moss; Please link it down

Sunflower, with its miracle of life, makes us full of awe and praise for life. It makes us understand that the value of life lies not in its length, but in its depth and breadth. Every life is unique and has its own meaning and value. We should cherish our own lives, respect the lives of others, and feel the beauty and miracle of life with our hearts.

Tough life, blooming in the blue flower stone|Shanglian: blue flower hairpin stone wall, blue shadow reflecting moss; Please link it down

In this noisy world, let's calm down and listen to the story of the sunflower. Let us draw strength from Sunflower to face the challenges and difficulties of life bravely. Let us take Sunflower as an example, use our lives to create beauty, contribute to society, and realize self-worth. Because the value of life lies in how we spend it, experience it, and feel it.

Tough life, blooming in the blue flower stone|Shanglian: blue flower hairpin stone wall, blue shadow reflecting moss; Please link it down

Let's pay tribute to the sunflower and thank it for the inspiration and strength it gives us. Let us use our actions to interpret the value and meaning of life, and let the hymn of life echo in our hearts forever.


The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted

Tough life, blooming in the blue flower stone|Shanglian: blue flower hairpin stone wall, blue shadow reflecting moss; Please link it down
Tough life, blooming in the blue flower stone|Shanglian: blue flower hairpin stone wall, blue shadow reflecting moss; Please link it down