
Online drama playback index: "Du Hua Nian" reached the top, and "Yan Xinji" entered the top three!

author:Love life like a dream

The latest issue of the online drama broadcast index ranking is here, "Du Hua Nian" topped the list, ranking first, "Ink Rain and Clouds" ranked second, "Yan Xinji" entered the top three, ranked third, "Jin Yong Martial Arts World" ranked fourth, "Anti-Black Hero" ranked fifth, "Time Agent" ranked sixth, "The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" ranked seventh, "Fox Demon Little Red Lady: Moon Red Chapter" ranked eighth, "Dawn and Evening" ranked ninth, and "Cherish Flowers" ranked tenth.

Online drama playback index: "Du Hua Nian" reached the top, and "Yan Xinji" entered the top three!
Online drama playback index: "Du Hua Nian" reached the top, and "Yan Xinji" entered the top three!

"Hua Nian" reached the top, ranking first, this drama is starring Zhao Jinmai, Zhang Linghe, Chen Heyi, etc., Yi Daqian is a special guest starring drama, mainly tells the story of Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan, they dream of returning to the Chinese New Year, from enemies to girlfriends, girlfriends to lovers, the story plot is particularly interesting, a sentence of "dog things" makes the editor like this drama, seeing this drama to the top, you can also see the audience's love for this drama, do you like this drama?

Online drama playback index: "Du Hua Nian" reached the top, and "Yan Xinji" entered the top three!

"Between the Ink Rain and Clouds" is ranked second, this is a very good-looking drama, starring Wu Jinyan and Wang Xingyue, the story plot is attractive, and the story of the heroine's revenge is also very happy, the editor highly recommends this drama.

"Yan Xinji" entered the top three, ranked third, this drama is starring Luo Yunxi and Song Yi, Luo Yunxi plays Jiang Xinbai, he suffers from "face blindness", Song Yi plays Yan Nanxing, she suffers from "metamorphosis", she is a traveling doctor, the two do not know each other, and later know each other, the storyline is a little funny, the editor likes it very much, and the illustrated book is for everyone.

Online drama playback index: "Du Hua Nian" reached the top, and "Yan Xinji" entered the top three!

Online drama playback index: "Du Hua Nian" reached the top, and "Yan Xinji" entered the top three! Which show do you like?

Online drama playback index: "Du Hua Nian" reached the top, and "Yan Xinji" entered the top three!